Post an absolute piece of shit from your country

Post an absolute piece of shit from your country.

I'll start.


back in the 20s we used to lobotomize these retards.


>Post an absolute piece of shit from your country.

pic related

it counts, right?

You're gonna get cucked by Russia because of Trump, user

Hate that fucker. I don't know why.

I don't even live there. I live in the US.

And having a good well-spoken accent I always thought was a good thing. But this guy just pisses me off for some reason.

Anyone whose skin is darker than White with the exclusion of some Asians.

Check my double consecutive numbers.

joke is on you friend

i speak Russian

im not getting betrayed because i like russia and america

maybe together we will rid the world of the middle east and you degenerate sjw freaks

and not because hes black

Fellow Russian here, this.

I actually like America.

I only hate Niggers, SJWs, and Shitskins.

If you're White, no matter where you're from, you're my friend.


But because he's a nigger.

do you relize the only people who have ever hated russia in america where the retarded liberals

nobody else gives a shit about russia,so keep hating russia because your intimidated by strong leadership

fucking awful person


Sure, the Russians are slav scum, that's a no-brainer, but that ain't the point

The point is that you'll be russia's bitch
That's what the term “cuck“ has come to mean on the Internet, and that's why it's why it's so ironic that Trump supporters call Hillary/Bernie supporters (which I'm not fyi) cucks

Anyway, if you like that so much then have fun I gues
s>If you're White, no matter where you're from, you're my friend.
That's good, cause you're not white yourself russkiy.

>Not White.
>Blue Eyes, Blond Hair in most slavs.
>Probably a shit-eyed black-haired Iranian that thinks he's White.
>"Russki" How're those Hollywood movie insults working out for you?
>You're most certainly a Democrat.

First off this country is already China's bitch and there's nothing you can do about that. Secondly Russia throughout there history have always been someone else's bitch. Being attacked relentlessly. I don't agree with appeasing them but it's better then having a woman who wants to give power to sand monkeys who believe it's okay to Fuck kids

>Russia being a bitch,
>Taken over half of Europe after WWII, held for 50 years.
>Worlds largest country.

Example google Bacha bazi and also google Mohammed marries nine year old girl and impregnates her

Stefan Löfvén, prime minister and traitor to the Swedish people.


Only beat Germany because of having a huge as Fucking population. Like I mean huge Fucking population. In just two battles combined Nazi germany killed over 12 million and prior to that Russia got attacked by every European giant


Marlene Mortler, german drug commission head. Celebrating alcohol and totally hating on pot basicly saying its the devil and blocking legalisation, while germany has some serious alcohol problems.

I presume you're American.
What wars did America win?
>Ass kicked in Vietnam
>Fucked over Middle East, not actually "Won" anything.
>Civil War isn't a fucking war. You didn't actually gain anything.
>I said TAKEN OVER after WWII.
>Poland, Berlin Wall, Czech Republic, Romania, etc. Ring a bell?


total piece of shit, fuck this guy


Libtard BTFO


Biggest shit bag out there.