Isn't this the only country in Europe that is actually Muslim?

Isn't this the only country in Europe that is actually Muslim?

Why doesn't the EU send all the refugees there?

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It's only 50% muslim, Albanian is more

It is multireligious and it isn't in the EU

"""""""refugees""""""""" only want germonies

And besides balkan countries can barely help their own to help others
If syrians go there they will have the same fate as syrians in turkey/lebanon/jordan.. aka illegally working for 1/3 wages, overcharged rent, prostitution, etc...

But It's same religious country.

Lel no! Only half of the population are muslims, i don't think serbs an croats would more ten times more of them. not just that, i doubt muslims in bosnia would want that either



Send them to Albania. Funny thing is, they would probably get into conflict with the locals there, who would kill them.

Non-Kosovar Balkan Muslims are chill and non-radical. They can't mix with the durkas that Germany and the UK are importing

Bosnia is multiethnic and multireligious
Republika Srpska consists of Serbs, who are orthodox.
Federation of Bosnia & Herzegovina (sometimes called Bosniak-Croat federation) consists of Croats, who are catholic, and "Bosniaks", who are muslim.

Kosovo (excluding North Kosovo) and Albania are largely muslim aswell, although Albania has a christian minority.

And they are all shitholes, no refugee would stay there.

albanians are secular. you will find more burkas in france

Bosnia is one of the poorest countries in Europe. Why would a rapefugee go there?

but it's poorer, hence none of those "poor children in grave danger" want to move with their own kind

People from this country are actually fleeing to Germany.

fuck off we are full

Calm down Roko, we all know that the most successful Croats come from Herzegovina and worst scum is from Dalmatia

>Why doesn't the EU send all the refugees there?
Because i would personally throw grenades at them, and serve the entire 30 year sentence i would get.
Quantity gives bonus, you usually get 5 years for murder if you behave good in prison.
You get the crossword puzzles too

Funny that you say that, because this news just came out today...

Bosnians are more likely to join the refugees on their way to the EU.

The most depressing thing is that London is much more unapologetically Islamic than the entire BiH, not even memeing

I'm not sure if I should be happy because there aren't religious extremists here, or sad because London is ruined with it.

Funny, because it might be true.

Why do you visit Klix? Which one of those troll profiles is yours?

>implying I can read Serbocroatibosniatenegriveniacedonian

>Not speaking God's own tongue

Adopt pls

>not part of the EU
>white bosnians don't aren't retarded so their islam isn't constantly destructive
>they don't want dune coon slimes either

>don't aren't retarded

i am not a bosnian

Are Bosnians white or are they Turkish rape babies