White people are the superior race. Mexicans are stupid and niggers are monkeys. How shall we put the inferior races into their proper place of submission?
White people are the superior race. Mexicans are stupid and niggers are monkeys...
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nice try SJW
you lost
Mexican is a nationality not a race,get your facts straight you retarded mongoloid
Monkey alert
blacks are not human. They are a different species; a lower form of life. As far as "Mexicans" go, I assume you are talking about Hispanics. Their issue is a cultural one. But yes, whites are the superior race.
>the retard has no arguments
>Monkey is his answer
try harder next time you pussy ass faggot
Hahahhaha you moron. You don't even know what race is
when will people realise that shitskins and jews are our main problem...
in my opinion, electing trump was a great start for us.
carry on
I'm Korean. What do?
>not understanding that mixed kids would be infertile if different races weren't actually the same species
>if you need an example check the Liger or Tigon or any other mix of similar but not same species breeding
you are tolerable sir.
Put the bed sheet back, Derek.
I am white from white parents and I suffer from ankylosing spondylitis. I don't know, man, maybe so much race inbreeding isn't a good idea.
Free kfc for life for all african americans.. 500-1000$ payment for voluntary sterilization.
hay fbi whatc ya doing
I'm hispanic. Just fucking deport us to mexico.
According to trump, the rich ones will stay.
As for me, I am in college right now. Will I end up with a degree and a high paying job? Who knows. My family isn't poor though.
I will try my best to work hard to further my race and make things better for us.
get the fuck out of my country wetback faggot
Immature response.
Reminds me of this white guy that was pestering my uncle's family by shooting them with pellets and screaming insults at them.
He hates that they live in an upscale neighborhood.
How would I go about joining your fine organization?
Fuck off sjw the klan doesn't want them submissive they just want them to be in their own countries faggot
>whites are superior race
>Not realising that he didn't mean they weren't human litterally
then white people should go back to europe and native americans should be left with america?
that logic tho
>Accepting Goomers
If you're gonna be a racist piece of shit, at least be consistently so.
You can start by being openly racist in public.
that would never work cause white people even hate white people. thats how the whole caste system started
>just want them to be in their own countries
so........... when you leavin' ?
>Double negatives
>You know what to do
In this setting, Mexicans run our businesses, blacks become our menial laborers, Asians become our engineers, and white people run law enforcement and the government
some are black, some yellow, and some normal. But we are one race.
>Implying that's not what we want
weak b8
The same time that they are if they leave I'll leave
>implying that you're a we and not a me
u really think europe wants a bunch of over weight uneducated whiney bitches still crying about segregation? kek
Made you reply. Il feast on your soul tonight at least.
my soul is poison to thee
nope, om nom. Bait fed soul. Delicious. You have been trained on "if you dont post" also THE GAME well.
>Implying I'm white
so edgy
thus, the end was neigh for thine poisoned spirit didn't believe until it was too late
>claims to be superior
>asks group of mixed races for advice
Don't worry, nobody wants to hurt you, liberal. We will just stop payments. Then, you will see how you survive. We don't have to put a gun to your head we just have to stop putting a check in your hand.
>when you realize that white republicans are the ones who take the biggest government handouts and are supported by liberal hubs like silicon valley
Jews are smarter and generally richer than white anglo-saxons/germanic people. Just saying.
Still, we will cease payments to your tanned friends and your precious virgin flowers who have tons of abortions like the ladies they are.
being this new must be hard
overcompensating much?
Is that what you tell to the people who survive abortion?
So you are trying to avoid it. Good. That cause only that in your dream tonight, you will fully realize what those coming teeth means. That makes it better. Like an oyster that still moves when being bitten in half..
Good night user. I will claim.
It's clear that I won't have to worry about your incantations since it's obvious that you'd fuck up the grammar and fuck yourself instead.
>people who survive abortion
>who survive abortion
>survive abortion
I meant attempted abortion survivors. Is this the part where I'm racist and sexist?
no this is the part where you revealed what a retard you are
>attempted abortion survivors
it's almost as if professional facilities would prevent any such abomination
I'm so hard just waiting bby
you guys know not to take anything on /b seriously right?
how did you come to the conclusion that anyone in this thread is actually being srs
point taken sir
Yeah, sorry, I forgot I am uneducated and indoctrinated. Enjoy your reign, neolib, as you will witness it slowly vain.