Everyone has a secret. What's yours?

Everyone has a secret. What's yours?

I raped my dog when I was a teen.

I like to have sex with older married men, but gf has no idea. Yes, I'm a dude.

Hmmm, I'm an older married man......

you guys are fucked

what's YOUR secret faggot?

I want to see my wife blackmailed and coerced into doing depraved sexual acts.

I tell my gf that I spend my day looking for work, but I'm usually on Sup Forums and gaming.

Timestamp that fag cock.

I have an embarrassing snapshot of Spongebob at the Christmas party.

I spy cammed my sister in law and my wife's best friends for over the last 3 years now. Best decision ever.

I one time had a wet dream involving the origin of the embarrasing snap shot of spongebob at the christmas party

I was spongebob and came all over a christmas tree while patrick was telling me to stop

I sucked off a horse when I was in my early teens. Best night of my life.

need an advice for a good cam?

I have the mobius 1080p cam, but not so happy with the quality so far. No clear details around the pussy area yet. Do you?

I've done the exact same thing. Are you me, or just copy pasta?

lol. I am you bro, but in a different world. How old is your sis in law? Mine's 24 now


my cousin fuck me and i cum by mistake and yes im a dude

SIL was in her early 20s when I first started doing it. Now she's in her early 30s.

My wifes friend was probably mid 20s.

You aren't in the midwest are you?

i'm sick to death of being in a relationship. taking care of someone constantly takes a huge toll and honestly all i want to do is play video games. i want it to end, but i can't really kick her out because she's not competent enough to survive on her own.

No, I'm from Europe. I would love to see more of your sis in law and wife's friend. Interest in trading?

i like to smell boys butts. Am a dude.

what do you gain from this?

HA! pay your best friend to seduce her
it's a win win
he gets a little dough and maybe some pussy
and you get freedom

Well, I've been talking to this girl a fair bit, and she has reminded me of her birthday twice, several months apart

First time was reasonable enough. She asked me when mine was, and then said hers. (Also was one of the two to actually say something on my birthday)

Second was a bit more specific. We were on the topic of plans over break, and she specifically brought up her 21st birthday being 2 days after x-mas.

Probably over thinking it, but their might be something there?

I said your BEST friend
>that guy you're thinking of is a bad choice, I'm pretty sure he has AIDs

More of a vent than secret

I think that stuff seems to be going well? I hope.

In the past I tried to meet up with her a couple times but every time she would agree that we should, but she was busy with family or work mostly. (Never actually met up though)

But this last time we were talking (via text) for a good portion of the day with steadily more detailed messages as we went on. Ultimately I mentioned how we should meet up over winter break. To which she seemed to respond positively with her saying "We can always give it a shot!"

That seems to definitely be a positive response, but I am still kinda concerned that we might not actually meet up. Partially because of her sudden change in responses. What could have lead to her suddenly agreeing to get together?

Eh, I guess I'll just roll with it it, and try to meet up for what ever this is. Maybe it's a date? Maybe it's not. It's still very ambiguous. She definitely knows that I am romantically interested and her actions indicate that there may be some interest with me. Her wording almost seems to reflect that as well, maybe?

Another concern is that we never acknowledge each other in person but we have no issues with text.

We'll regularly walk past each other without out much more than eye contact and a slight smile. That is the furthest extent of in person interaction

so what? she'll move in with her parents. do what makes you happy op, don't just cater to others all your life

You pitching or catching? You know asking for a friend.

I planned school shooting when I was in highschool.

I would go at midnight, and wait for hours in this secret spot that I found that no one could see you in.

I would then shoot through the window next to me and proceed to kill everyone in that classroom.

With a suppressor of course.

Had plans for how to hold as much ammo as possible, and how to have multiple weapons at the same time.

Didn't actually do it though.

At night, I like to pretend I'm a ghost and pretend I'm haunting a house

I like little girls.

Ideally I'll be in contact with whoever it is, or I'll be the one who sets it up. So I'll get to see her being a little slut doing things she wouldn't ever want to do. Most likely I'll have a hand in the things she does.

she wants you to buy her shit to show you're interested. be honest, are you 2/10 and a neckbeard? if not, probably likes you

Green text it son.

I was banned for cp.. Without posting cp.. Asking for cp.. Or linking to cp.

>2/10 and a neckbeard
Eh, 6/10 and Awkward as fuck.

But that's about it.

But maybe. I did post about her here as well.

My secret?
I've hacked into over 20 of my friends email and icloud accounts through simple abuse of the system. Icloud security is especially shit and can be bypassed if you know the person well enough or have them on social media. I've found 7 of my friends nudes and have saved them to my computer. I get email alerts whenever they do anything as all of their emails are not linked to mine. Sucks to be them.

Yeah me too. Several times.

I fuck myself with the handle of a dog brush.

on the morning of june 25th, 2006 i met uma. this is a secret story i will tell only here, only once.
>walking down a path in this park near my house
>little old lady with glasses walks up to me and grabs my arm like she was an undercover officer
>"you are angry, arent you?" she asks me
>i had been, gf had broken up with me for one of her "best friends who just happens to be a guy"
>i tell her yeah
>she asks if i want to die. not threateningly, but like she was sad about it.
>tell her yes i infact do
>she looks me in the eye and says "ive wanted to die for years. im going to meet my granddaughter, then im going to try to kill myself.again." starts to walk off
>feel genuine sadness, walk with her for a bit talk about her life
>she has tried several times to kill herself since her husband died. she watched her son die two year after. then her granddaughter, and the "granddaughter" from before was apprently a great granddaughter
>tell her im sorry, knowing it does nothing to help.
>ask her if there is anything i can do for her.
"Kill me"
>she legit stopped walking and looked me in the face like i was an angel.
>"mrs herd, i cant kill you"
>"uma, call me uma.and you can, i need you to"
>we walk off the path
>she gets on her knees and says one last prayer
>"thank you" she says as i wrap my hands around her neck
>the amount of force i had to apply to kill her was intense and the whole thing lasted almost 15 minutes.
>stop. in horror of what i did.
>run to her house, put her purse on the table.
>get idea to make it seem like she hadnt left yet
>pour cup of coffee, steal neighbors newpaper
>after dark go back to where i killed her
>take body back home

she is stll there Sup Forums
she is still in the backyard of my childhood home.
not worried if anyone will find her, burried her under some fiber optic cables a few weeks later.

i killed uma mae herd.




I want to fug a little girl.


I'm uncomfortable with cameras and microphones on all of the devices in my house.

Is it possible to get a temporary tattoo and then just have a tattoo artist go over it with real ink?

yes. but it will not turn out well. simply bring the temp tatto template to the arttist and tell him thats what you want.

they will print out a outline and put in on you, so you can see what it looks like before they start.

how little

gril of faggot

no, i don't!

did you bring it to completion? did you swallow?

3 - 11

sometimes my poop smells like weed

I don't know how to begin. I think I've fallen into depression. I feel like a huge failure and especially feel stupid like my brain cannot think like all these people. I feel like I have nothing to contribute and no personality and even my interests don't interest me anymore. I feel worthless and I disgust myself.
I don't know what's be done in life, I can find no meaning and no reason to live or to end myself I'm just waiting helplessly and wallowing in self pity.
I'm a mess , mentally and emotionally, never actually loved and when I did its your typical case of a no future online shit. I know that having a relationship isn't a life goal but fuck what do I know of the importance of emotional stability.
I once had hoped to change my environment which is toxic to someone who values freedom like me but no it's all gathered upon Me; trapped uncreative even dumb with no emotional prospect and no goal or something to live for so I gave up
Stopped working towards anything, in fact quit my job and I sit at home like the failure I am, and cry myself to sleep.

are you a drug mule? do you smuggle it in your ass? is there a watch up there too?

I also drugged her and left her passed out, pussy showing, on a couch at a club we used to go to.

Mostly I want to turn her into a sex crazed cum-begging whore, who will do or fuck anyone or anything I wish.

i never used it

They are my friends but at the same time I want to see their tits kek.


I really want to lick and take pics of my 11-years-old sister while she is sleeping, but when I am horny enough at night to do it it is either too early and she may be awake or too late and people in the house may wake up at any time...

My brother got a hot friend, she goes out with a lot of guys but according to a talk we had some years ago she may be pretty inexperienced with sex itself - not sure, was some time ago. I want to seduce her and lick her pussy and asshole, but anything more is even better, but I 1- am afraid of making things awkward with my brother and 2- have a bit of a belly. But maybe I have a chance, since she the other day hugged me while drunk and started crying because I had taken a bath and was smelling good and she was smelly because she had been dancing Just Dance and drinking until then...

I'm sorry, I wish I could help. Don't let yourself get pulled further in by quitting everything. Start new stuff, find new friends, a new job that actually makes you happy, go places you didn't go before. Change your landscape and maybe it will change your outlook. Are you being treated for depression? You should see a doctor.

That happens sometimes when I eat edibles.

My secret is that I post pics of myself on Sup Forums


I take it that this can be a sign of interest?

I have a MASSIVE skin tag hanging off my right butt cheek.

Kind of lost my job yesterday, or it`s put on a hold. Suffering insomnia, kind of hating the job, so dunno what to do.

Haven`t told anyone except my bestfriend.

Dude I am so with you!!!! Huge fantasy of mine!

I get off sharing explicit private pics and videos of my buddy's hot ex. Dumb bitch would be beyond humiliated if she knew that so many guys have seen every inch of her body and know exactly what she looks like sucking and fucking.

No I'm not being treated if my parents find out they would kill any chance of me escaping

that's not a secret. she knows you're a lazy piece of shit.

Our mom and dad don't know but my twin brother and I have been fucking each other every day for almost 3 years. We love cumming inside each other.

try this for insomnia

Get your iPad, tablet, phone, whatever. take it to bed. close the cover so there is no light. listen to a favorite movie, tv show, whatever. pick one you know well. this will keep your mind off of other shit, but it's actually boring becuase you know it well.

it has the benefits of falling asleep with the tv on (get you to think about something else), but gets rid of the downside (light keeps you awake, commercials are loud as fuck and wake you up, the show may be too interesting and keep you up, you may not actually be in bed).

works wonders for me. Lifelong insomniac and now I can always fall asleep within 10 minutes every time. I might wake up in the middle of the night 5 times (easily), and might need to restart the show, but it always works and puts me right back to sleep. I no longer stay awake all night.

good luck user. once you get good sleep, the rest will look better.

well, you answered the question of gril or faggot. faggot.

faggot lol

only three people know im bisexual, does that count?

also once had an abusive gf and thats something only told same 3

nobody wants to see that

you never "used" pot but you think your shit smells like it.

OK then.

oh i didnt know you speak for everyone

I liked the last COD trailer and yes i'm dude

Thanks user. But the other part of my problem is that i can`t wake up anymore also. i can`t wake up from my fucking alarm, even when i have 3 diffrent one`s and one is a fucking light that turns on.

Haven`t had this problem before this summer, right before i was starting in this new job.

I live with 4 other people, and i annoy them with my alarms.

But im gonna try that, thanks for the tip!

Have pretty daughter age 22 who lives with a friend. She's not working right now and depressed, as she'd confided to me very recently. Further, I have the inside knowledge that she's bipolar. Here's what transpired in the last 24 hours.

First let me say I've never touched her or said inappropriate stuff to her. I never acted creepy around her or anything at all along those lines. However, at a certain point I couldn't keep my mind from having lustful thoughts about her and the fact that she was getting ridiculously pretty didn't make it any easier. The best I could do is to redirect my fantasies when they came. So it wasn't me fucking her it was some random guy, or whatever. I know it's still sick and I have a tremendous amount of self loathing for it. So much so that a place like this is the only way I can even talk about it.

Now for the big thing going down now. I've been having this compulsion to...behind the scenes...having the knowledge I do of her and what's going on in her life...for me to play the catalyst in a pornographer contacting my daughter and convincing her to come in for an audition.

Further, I went to the length of finding a couple of pornographers on craigslist and emailing them with a disposable email account. They didn't reply in time and when I woke up from a nap the email address in my disposable email had refreshed/recycled and so if either if those guys had responded their replies were lost forever. If they'd happened to reply immeidately, my daughter might already have an audition schedules as of this very moment. Hell, she could've been at the audition this minute.

So, again, I know this is really messed up. I figure someone will probably criticize me and tell me to drink bleach or something and I probably will sooner or later anyway. But if anyone has something to say, something useful or something they think could help, I would love to hear it.

We may be "faggots" but at least we don't have to rely on internet porn and our hand to get off. HAHAHA losers


How old?


Pic of daughter first

From the ages of 8-12 I was raped by a family friend and no one knows about it

Because of that I've cheated on my girlfriend with women twice my age and even elderly couples


Im REALLY into gangbangs/blowbangs, have always wanted to be a part of one. I'm a secretive functional heroin addict and I once stole a pair of my dads girlfriends daughters G-Strings to jerk off into. TBH though everytime i go over to my dads she's always eyeing me down like literally eye fucking the shit out of me, feelsgoodman.

Lol said right in the post that I'm not posting her pic here in this thread given what information I'm sharing. Trust me. She's beautiful.

But I'm just debating this I guess in my mind and, as far as this thread, I'm just taking thoughts on helping me decide not to do it OR deciding to let one of you help me do it. lol

Well not being treated will probably kill your chances of escaping even more. From both them and this spiral you're in which will only get worse. Maybe you should suck it up and give yourself some time to get better. I mean that kindly.

We'll be 16 on saturday.

my girl was raped before we started dating.

find it hot that she's been raped, but hate myself for it

i love her

I tried to kill myself last night and failed.


enjoy it while it lasts my friend

Same thing with my girl here brother. She had to sit me down and talk to me about it and in my head i was just like fuck thats hot but I'm a piece of shit and deserve to rot in hell for it.

does that make us cucks? could never imagine her fucking someone else but knowing she's been broken down to nothing before she met me & she's willing to be in an open-closed relationship shows that she's really mine.

fuck, I jack off thinking about her being to drunk to fight that guy off but as soon as I cum I hit my head