Hi /b, I need your help

Hi /b, I need your help...
I have been in a realtionship with the girl of my dreams but tonight we had a fight about our future, I want to move from Sweden to Canada but she wants to stay here. She uses arguments like "what if my parents get sick?" which is fucking stupid. Should I just move or stay, same career options in both countries.

do what you want its your life

Why move from Sweden?

I'm a Canadian and our countries are very similar. Plus we need more of your beautiful people here anyways. Just move, bring her, dump her and hand her over to me. I need some Swedish pussy it's been a looong time.

To not get cucked by kekfugees

Ask her what the real reason is, because "what if my parents get sick" is bullshit.

yeah same. I'm sure you could talk her into it if you convince her there's nothing to worry about

The question is why would you want to leave Sweden for Canada. Seems like a bit of a downgrade.

Because the government fuck over everyone who runs a company and is totally okay with niggers and other subhumans raping women and robbing kids of their phones. My girlfriend was actually robbed of her phone just last week by a nigger. She still thinks that every person is different

She's probably cucking you and doesn't want to leave the other guy behind

...Sign me up?

I'll gladly give her to you just to get to your beautiful country when she acts like this

Svensk broder?

Sweden is shit, really, total shit


I'll have to take your word on that, I guess.

I was both of the ones you answered, where are you from then?

not getting cucked by kekfugees
Are you feeling ok boy?
canada is sweden 2.0

I'm from the US.


I try to tell my girlfriend that it's only a flight away but she won't have it. We have an opportunity of a lifetime but she is gullible and thinks that Sweden is the only country with freedom

Come on, let's fucking move to Canada

OP here, did not post that but still, Canada is 100 times better, I promise you. They want to tax everything. Oh and also, free healthcare is a fucking lie, it's 15 dollars per day just for a fucking POS bed and a shitty meal

Nothing is better in Sweden

The place isn't awful but there are some deal breakers. not to mention it's pretty difficult to emigrate especially for someone without an easy way to line up a job in Canada before you move.

I am a doctor and I am cleared to move to Canada so that is not a problem
