Fox news viewers are the least informed, most biased voters in America

>Fox news viewers are the least informed, most biased voters in America.

What did they mean by this?

Why are fox news viewers such idiots?


>not communist agenda

must be fake/misinformed





Can't even beat the communist party USA approved Hillary... jeebus

Raising their wages led to them asking for their hours to be cut, so they could stay on welfare benefits and healthcare.


Marxism popularity thread, must begin with bashing "other than communist" news outlet.

and you think that means what exactly?

if you make more off of welfare than wages, there is something terribly wrong with the system.

you seem to think communist is an insult. how much fox news do you watch per day?

Saddam Hussein learned a lesson: you don't fuck with democracy bitch. He played a stupid game and won his prize. Putler is about to learn the same lesson next year starting Monday when the electors throw his orange puppet out on his fucking ass

Faux Noise is pablum for brainwashed cretins.

Because you call anyone who disagrees with you an idiot. You call them idiots when you think seocialism will work despite its repeated failures.

>you seem to think communist is an insult. how much fox news do you watch per day

You seem to think communism is OK, how much dick do you suck?

Thinks communism isnt an insult
Hi tumblr

Trump won. Get over it.

>never owned a business
so hes not a moocher? good. i dont want a moocher in office.

saddam hussein was never connected to 9/11 or al qaeda



True, he was a moocher. Never owned a business. Never passed a bill.

True story.

There was a snowball's chance in hell he would be elected as president.

The republicans didn't even have to bother releasing the Kracken on him.




>saddam hussein never connected to 9/11 or al qaeda

But, known for genocide... good enough. thanx ok bye

correct that owners are moochers. i would never vote for a mooching owner evading taxes so the workers have to pay more.

Coming from the faggot that actually think the liberal news sources are any better. Oh, and I am not a republican before you make assumptions


you dont even know anything about saddam besides "muh evil dictator" do you?

>alt right and Trumpers form together because of believing in conspiracy theories
>Deny obvious conspiracy with multiple high profile officials concerned about it like the shills they are.
It's amazing how quickly the alt right and the progressives switched roles here.

>i would never vote for a mooching owner evading taxes so the workers have to pay more.

Obama administration makes sure American tax system is the most progressive in the world.

Open a book. The more you earn the higher percentage you pay.

Do you even have a single argument?

the only thing obvious about it, is that its a boogie man story made up because you lost

good try concern troll.

you assume im a liberal. i am not. i also never said anything about liberal news. even so, those solely consuming cnn are objectively more informed than those who watch fox.

I do. He's dead, and the Iraqi's hanged him.

Not the Americans, not the brits, not any of the other 88 nations that were together in their judgment against him.

Maybe you should watch a decent news outlet.


America, where money is better than principles.


Your original claim made it seem as though news sources biased towards the left are perfect considering you only called out the right leaning news source. Also never assumed you were liberal.

My point was there's no point in poking fun at one source if you're not going to poke fun at both, because both sides are fucking retarded.

Because it is

owners do not earn money. they inherit it. they collect profits off of others' work.

taxes are not anything close to progressive. the last time we had progressive taxes were the 50s.

I never thought I would say this but fox news is now more credible than CNN

Leader of the ba'ath party, open to all religions and doubters, but strangely was only composed of sunni muslims.

4 January 2012-- "Tunisian Baath Party Celebrates 5th Anniversary of Saddam Hussein's Death

Your soul is weak.

>taxes are not anything close to progressive. the last time we had progressive taxes were the 50s.

I can't help if it you don't perform a simple google search on "The progressive American Tax system".

It is the most progressive in the world. You're willfully ignorant, and stupid for being so.

Read OP please and try to respond coherently.

OP: why are fox news viewers such idiots?

You: muh liberals be stoopid

Fox news viewers are objectively dumber than liberals.

>fox news is now more credible than CNN

CNN lost all credibility in the last year, it's true.

Regressive leftist hate facts that degrade their foundation and they want to stifle facts, or anything that offers opposing views.

look up our income and inheritance taxes. very low on the wealthy.

>muh other countries

how other countries compare is not relevant. please try to stay on focus.

>Fox news viewers are objectively dumber than liberals.


If you start taxing churches, they will they immediately start Super PACs to influence politics. Then you will never get gay marriage or abortion. Separation of church and state retard

>how other countries compare is not relevant.

Of course it is relevant. You're wanting to increase taxes on the wealthy, right?

What keeps you from becoming wealthy?

If there was a straight percentage tax, the wealthy would pay more than a middle class person, but in the U.S. a wealthy person pays a higher percentage of their wealth to taxes.

Does this make sense to you?

48% of Americans paid no tax at all.

Read the study. It is not leftist news. Try to respond factually instead of like an emotional conspiratard.

If only there was something we could do about superPACs like....idk. abolish them?

Your intentionally myopic propaganda may well work on trailer park trash but it will not be effective here.


>Read the study. It is not leftist news. Try to respond factually instead of like an emotional conspiratard.

fuck your study, and your insults too. You lefty fucktards can't make a single coherent argument - seriously.

You're dumb and violent, prone to physically attacking people that oppose you. You're not half as intelligent as you propose.

One of the biggest marks of intelligence lack of violence.

The number one tool of the far left is " You right wingers are dumb" - full stop.

No reasons, no facts, nothing.

You don't realize how that eats at your credibility as lefties.

Liberals should be about freedom to do as you want, not force your will upon others.

its actually the most unbiased news channel

they want to make it seem like fox news is for idiots so people won't actually watch fox news to find out the truth. The truth being that other media stations are FAKE NEWS.

>if only we did this
>if only we did that
Nice arguments.

And what propaganda am I spreading? You're the one posting shitty lefty images from facebook

Trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls trolling trolls

Fact: Average income of Trump supporters: $79K

You can't find income for muslims, illegal immigrants, low income welfare blacks, and SJWs of Hillary -because they don't earn money at all.

The only man that really gave a shit about the people of USA LLC

at the least increase income and inheritance taxes. it would be better if they just pissed off completely but thats further down the road

why am i not wealthy? bc i work for a living. didnt inherit someone elses money, dont make money off of someone elses work. i am underpaid as many workers are.

the more you make as a nonworker, the more you should pay. yes. the wealthy do not work, they collect profits.

i would tax the fuck out of income over $400k yearly and 90% on inheritance over 100k.

the fact that poor people pay no taxes is problematic but they are poor because we have a very bad system that disallows them to make enough to pay. there are the occasional welfare queens but most on welfare are working.

>i refuse to learn facts
>ad hominem attacks
fox news viewer in the flesh

If you're sick of being called stupid why don't you stop spitting in the face of science?


What's hilarious is that the DNC is going to double down on multiculturism, the environment, muslim hate crimes, mexican immigration for 2020!!!

You're all going to have a very long 8 years of Trump, LOL

they are mad trump won like every other liberal media outlet is.

Are you totally wrapped around the axle about inherence tax?

Why should the government score a big hit every time a wealthy person dies?

I don't see the need to raise welfare more.. sorry idiots.

I'm an atheist you fucktard. I read fox news, but I don't watch it. It's because of the communist slant on so many other news sources that are completely biased.

Fox does not spin news communist style, and wilt before "Black Lies Matter" movement.

>Capitalism is better
>Communism is better

Can we all just agree that the best society is 95% capitalism and 5% socialism?

you're talking to a marxist looking for government handouts and wealth redistribution. Don't waste your time.

Reminder that pretty much all main stream media sucks bug fat cock

This is funny as fuck!

You should see how the DNC is doing. There won't be anything left of them. Just a bunch of squealing social justice warriors.

im not a liberal and the right is a fascist scheme. the arguments have been made, you are just ignoring them and attacking liberals.

we cant stop drone killings in the middle east, we'd run out of oil and then cute little white babies wouldnt be able to be driven in a car to the hospital when its sick! literally there is no way to stop drone killings without killing your kids!

a plan is not a single step but a comprehensive action.

that quote was pointing out how much churches get away with while complaining about gays despite gays just wanting civil rights.



Russians influencing the election is a bipartisian issue. Trump's men want you to think it's a democrat issue so you people will deny it. Had the Russians assisted Clinton, you'd be completely accepting these rumors as true.

Unfortunately your absolutely right

I'm an atheist too and hate all the other atheist for being nihilistic marxist manchildren. I pretend I am christian because millennial atheists are such a disgrace. Once the government starts shaking you down for 20k every years in taxes you start to view things different, these children don't know yet.

Did you just wake up from a coma? The red scare is over.

All national media news outlets are bias and lairs. The are all interested in one thing, more money whither it is with higher ratings or someone or groups political agenda. The are all no better than a tabloid mag anymore.

>Hi tumblr
Whats tumblr about communism?
Good stuff

>we cant stop drone killings in the middle east
You mean killing murderous muslim fanatics?

I don't give a shit what gay people do. I'm atheist you fucking moron.

I think it's a little bit more than 5%, more like 10%, but otherwise yes, a mixture of both is a good idea. That's why libertarians are retarded.

? I like wealthy disparity. All the jobless niggers can die in the street as far as I am concerned.

inheritance is unearned money.

the money wouldnt go to the govt it goes into govt spending which is a huge array of categories

if you get wealthy off of society, you should give back to the society that made you wealthy.

i even said you brats can have 100k. thats plenty.

this whole defending fox news thing now that trump is president is mind blowing

a year ago it was a giant consensus amongst anyone who wasnt an 80 year old redneck that fox news was a pile of shit unbelievably biased fear mongering circle jerk

and now all these dumbfuck bandwagoners are defending it like it's a flawless thinktank of the most brilliant scientists and astrophysicists

"Communist" is and should be an insult. Communism is a murderous and absurd notion that had always and will always end in disaster. You, user, are a fool.

>The red scare is over.

Everyone on the far left tried to make a mountain out of how the KKK backed Trump.

The Communist Party USA backed Hillary, and not a peep out of a single liberal news outlet..

KKK body count:

Canada and European countries are all cultural marxists, it's worse than then ever.

Actually the federal inheritance tax is on estates of 1 million dollars or more. So I doubt it will effect to many people here including you.

Wow, you're so special and wise and witty and cool. Please tell me more about how awesome you are and how everyone not like you is terrible.

>i even said you brats can have 100k. thats plenty.

Who the fuck are you to say how much I can have? Go suck a communist bag of dicks you fucking fascist.

>the right is a fascist scheme
There you go using words that you don't understand.

And honestly, Christians are the last ones you should be afraid of. Pay more attention to the savages flooding in from the middle east who throw gays off of buildings for fun.

>Inheritance is unearned
Nice, I'm sure hardworking people will work just as hard once they find out that their kids will only get a fraction of what they actually should get.

While I don't want to call that user stupid, science will find them out in the end, whether they care acknowledge it or no. If they're "stupid", science will try it's damnedest to prove that they're not, and fail.

Though I kind of feel like it's still not great to suggest, just flat out, that just anyone who watches FOX is objectively dumber. In what regard, you know? The whole language in that link is just inherently divisive.

Then, maybe you aren't talking to liberals. I mean... you said it. No reasons, no facts, nothing.

Anyone can do that.


See >You lefty fucktards
Credibility, gone. Emotions, high.
>One of the biggest marks of intelligence lack of violence
Well, there are a ton of anecdotal exceptions. You remember Ted Bundy? Or the other Ted, Ted Kaczynski? In general, people would say they were "intelligent". I don't know, maybe you have a different conceptualization of intelligence when it comes to people.

Sometimes people need something to believe in. These lengths speak volumes about (current year).

sure, friend.


And how many people have the communist party USA killed?

>cultural marxists
even if that were true, that is entirely different than soviet communism. Stop being absurd.

Wrong. You don't know anything about Marxism.

Marxism =/= communism.


Socialism =/= marxism.

>owners do not earn money

Fuck off. I own my business and I work hard at it. I live or die by the work that I do. No sick days, no vacation days, no sissy HR department. Fuck you, faggot. You'll never amount to shit because you're useless, not because the man is holding you down.