Are the rumours that they're threatening to boot Boyega from Star Wars and have his character killed off because of his massive ego true?
Are the rumours that they're threatening to boot Boyega from Star Wars and have his character killed off because of his...
How are we suppose to know?
I would sure hope so.
It's true. All of it.
>Boyega with a massive ego
the heck? the dude looks like the most friendliest ever
>his massive ego
It's not his ego that's massive
even if it was, they would never go through with it
disney doesn't have the balls to kill the black lead to one of the biggest - arguably the biggest, franchises they own
dude would have to have a public meltdown of epic proportions for them to be able to do that safely
That's not Boyega...
>black man that isn't insecure and self-hating
wow fucking massive ego over here
First I've heard of it. I did hear about Daisy Ridley complaining.
>full trailer released
>Samuel J meets Boinigga
>movie released
>he's not a Jedi
About what?
It's not his ego that's massive
fake as fuck. it bounces like its glued on
It would be true
Except he doesn't have a massive ego and you're shitposting
Literally the only thing I've heard about him on set is that he has a massive hard-on for Harrison Ford.
Do you guys think it's other black guys posting pictures of black dicks that aren't their own, or is it white gays jerking off?
what did Daisy Ridley complain about?
is that why it stayed on after he mike tysoned it?
>Are the rumours that they're threatening to boot Boyega from Star Wars and have his character killed off because of his massive ego true?
No. This has never once been mentioned anywhere in the world outside of your own delusional shit posting thread.
It's your average Sup Forums client trying to get a row from other Sup Forums clients due to the current race war the United States of America's media is pushing so hard for.
>Anonymous 07/01/16(Fri)23:16:49 No.71543719▶
> (OP)
Daisy is their new fem cashcow. How are they going to get the female audience to watch it otherwise?
I'm white and I couldn't do that with a bottle cap
Excellent meme, i'll give you 80 portions for it right now
hating on Based Boyega is so last year
You're the one starting this rumor. So...