White Muslims are the future edition
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did anyone know the average native brit's dick is only 5 inch erect? meanwhile immigrants (particularly from pakistan) is 7
plymouth is actually an alright place
The entire field of political science bows to your google powers
sit down
we need to talk
>no work tomorrow
>or the day after
>or the day after that
finally some rest
german ponce has a habit of ignoring posts which disprove stuff he says. what a batty.
even the ones that do happen mostly turn into shitflinging
heights? 6'5 masterrace here
Kek I'm from Sheffield too all the areas with loads of pakis are absolute shitholes ahhaha pleb
I'm off until Tuesday, going to spend a lot of time with my brit friends :3
watching a new show called "gap year" about a posh well spoken white lad going on a gap year holiday with his best mate who happens to be a black urban youth
not enough diversity itt
>looks at the sundial
>nods approvingly like pic related
it's time, la
>kneels down, prostrated, facing Mecca
even the reasonable ones
must be a sheed
read a book about politics mate
better yet make an actual argument other than "people who are smarter than me would disagree with you"
it's a bit pathetic really
what is it this time, kot?
Why dont we nuke england ?
And yet your country is STILL a shithole?
15% of the population are Maori, 7% islanders lol
You have literal inbred mussys running around rampant
You were a 100% white country, nz never was
>just decided that "rampant sexism" is a part of fascism because you don't like it
Umm no mate, polticial scientist decided that, you know people who know far more about this topic than your runt brain
When Hitler became Chancellor in 1933, he introduced policies aimed at improving the economy. Wages increased by 10.9% in real terms during this period. By 1938 unemployment was practically extinct. However, reduced foreign trade meant rationing in consumer goods like poultry, fruit, and clothing for many Germans.
Early in his political career, Adolf Hitler regarded economic issues as relatively unimportant. Hitler and the National Socialists held a very strong idealist conception of history, which held that human events are guided by small numbers of exceptional individuals following a higher ideal. They believed that all economic concerns, being purely material, were unworthy of their consideration.
Depending on the dosage and method of administration, the effects of DMT can range from mild psychedelic states to powerfully immersive life-altering experiences which are often described as being the ultimate displacement from ordinary consciousness where users are placed in a subjective state in which they encounter ineffable spiritual/alien realms and alternate realities.
fuck off
It's always more sad when attractive people kill themselves.
would heem any of you
English Folk desu
what is the next foreign country you will be going to
I'm going to USA for a week in may
>polticial scientist
ahahahahaha stop appealing to authority mate
"computer says no"
hahahaha you're so thick
meet me in the city centre tonight if you fancy a scrap you wet little mong
you forgot to take your shoes off
you REALLY need to stop with this fucking shit
i am back
>there are people in this thread that would nonce a 13 year old
nah he usually tears apart the usual rorke caveman ramblings
kiwis have to do the maori dance lol
Banged this girl and now she's making her way around all my mates
She's a slag and I wouldn't gf her but it still bothers me her shagging other people I know for some reason
Check out our population density, lads
who are you?
howling at sub 6ft6 runtlets itt
mecca needs to be nuked tbqh
would be hilarious to see mudslimes try and hold their delusions together when they're praying towards a smouldering glass crater that allah (shit be upon him) couldn't protect
ah yes the many many political scientists employed by the holocaust museum to write their posters for them
hmm...lotsa cross references to the previous thread
>no previous thread link
>should this thread have been created in the first place?
poor show, tbqh la
Why lad?
You're eskimo brothers with your mates now
Only makes your bond stronger
are you full?
*turns around and walks away swiftly*
still regularly just conveniently disappears when faced with something he cant challenge. typical runt behaviour.
you realise the 14 warning signs of fascism was literally written by a political scientist right?
absolutely creasing at you, what a mong.
I alternate between being far left and far right
I reckon National Bolshevism is the real redpill
Chile, Argentina and Uruguay in April
USA in August
i literally turn 20 a week today lads
dress down Friday tomorrow
tfw my office is casual every day
business idea: canals
noncing is the natural state of the anglo when left to his own devices
>chik eut ar papulition dinsity. lads
>dark green is less than 1 person per Sq mile
work tomorrow
Communism is the real redpill
>9/11 was 16 (Sixteen) years ago
If bothers me in a weird way, like I support them running trains on her but I also don't like her being a slag for some reason even though it isn't my business
mhm yes mate who is that? cos i'm going off roger griffin's definition, you see. Think I trust him a bit more than i do you
any cat owners in this thread?
I'm gonna give you a bunch of fives!
weren't speaking to you kraut, sod off
wagie wagie eggs and bakey
>As the throng of reporters moved, Spencer was stopped by JP Sheehan, a CPAC attendee wearing a black-and-gold Make America Great Again baseball cap.
>“Praise kek!” said Sheehan, posing for a selfie with Spencer and repeating a meme that had been adopted by the alt-right. “He’s the coolest guy.”
Why do Russians dress as maids?
communism only works in populations under 10k.
Needs more Poms
Working in the office on my own tomorrow, everyone else is off
>people born in TWO THOUSAND AND FUCKING ---ONE--- turn 16 this year
what the hell haha i was born in '95 and still feel 16
best place to live in NZ?
I'm in love with the shape of you
how many Lincolns?
still freaks my nut out
Already claimed with thread for the best colony to come out of Britain
Rest of you are worthless
a blend of capitalism and socialism probably yes, communism never works.
Tradition, on the last day of school they wear ye ode school uniforms
It's like British kids wearing an old shirt and getting all their mates to sign it
work tomorrow
Maybe you see her as "yours" despite knowing you wouldn't want her to be your exclusive
You're a selfish cunt basically
new zealand and australia are more ethnically british than britain is
74% of people live in the north island
Wanaka in the south island is top notch, not much happening but it's beautiful
imagine being stuck above where the plane hit
socialism is different to communism m8
australia is best so long as you do the maori dance pal
I was born in 88' and still feel 16
aspergers for you I guess
not really :/
>we are 2 years closer to 2030 than 2000
turns out the lads only went on their gap year trip to china because the posh white lad is a cuck and was stalking his ex gf who ditched him so he could get back with her
urban black youth is upset
it's meant to be the stage before communism mate
Haven't even started uni yet, work is years away