Post the boards you frequent and your favourite album
Pic related and
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums

>Sup Forums

>that album
yeah I can see that

>>Sup Forums
>>Sup Forums
Sometimes I go to >>/lit/
Other times I go to >>/s4s/
I don't give a shit about the others.

>Sup Forums

You know you just made this thread so that we can say

>>Sup Forums
>End your life

Now end your life

I mostly go for /dgg/ but sometimes I'll have a fap

mu and r9k

just realized i dont have a favorite and i just horde files and listen to a few of them a lot and them get tired of them and find something else

>Sup Forums
>/out/ but I don't go out
>sometimes Sup Forums
>Sup Forums but I'm trying to stop browsing there. Can't bear the windows/intel/nvidia shills and ridiculous racism

Not really but now that you are this triggered you should also post your boards so we can see what smart individuals do :)

>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums


>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
shitpost central with no bans
rarely, if they have a thread on a game I'm playing
they answer my retarded questions

Sup Forums
/gif/ for a quick fap

that album is fucking sick

Great choice man

I chose the image, japmoot might have fucked something again

Sup Forums

novocain stain

>Sup Forums

>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums

Sup Forums
Sup Forums

Sup Forums

/gif/ for jacking off. best board desu

Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums and /fa/ sometimes

>Sup Forums
>From time to time Sup Forums
>/mlp/ (shitposting and the occasional thread about my favourite horse)
>Sup Forums
>/vg/ (only for /eagg/)
>Sup Forums (ancap ball threads mostly)
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums

I frequent all of the boards.

