YLYL last hit image limit

YLYL last hit image limit


Ok op here we go








Did you mean banana thread?

Happy op?


I like danny






>Young Americans exercising their second amendment rights because otherwise the communist monkey in the White House might take them away!

none of these are funny

Doesn't that kid realize that he could accidentally put his eye out with that BB gun?

Yes they are!


If I glazed over any harder I'd turn into a donut. Cutting off my toes with plasticware would be more entertaining. I'm winning so hard my bone marrow is starting to pump out tiger blood.


the 2016 milhouse











Why was lane 4 allowed to be off the blocks?

when blacks involve to whites

Flat feet





There is only 1 true gangsta in this picture, and he is a crip

Anyone got that gif of the guy playing piano and a dildo flies in from the side and sticks onto the wall? Can't find it anywhere.


this is more cringe/cuck than ylyl



Filteredyouth. com saw it on there