Got destroyed trying to hookup. Sad stories thread

Got destroyed trying to hookup. Sad stories thread.

>make that lie i told the chaser the truth
Cringe thread it is

This is so sad OP

It was meant to be cashier but make it whatever thread you want man.

Ugh. I though you meant it like you were telling a beer that it was following a better shot of something.
It didn't make a ton o sense and was also amazingly lame in my interpretation. Like something a motherfucker that's way too old to be hitting on college girls would say.

>cock photo instead of facial, you might have won, or maybe not.

Yeah, I should have used better grammar and been more original in what I was saying, Honestly, I didn't think she was going to respond in the first place.

Just tell her you want to fuck and you'll buy her beer.
That's all I did.

yo telling this guy he didnt make a ton o sense
>"Ugh. I though you meant it like you were telling a beer that it was following a better shot of something."


It sounded like a fucking retarded pickup line.
Confused the shit out of me, tbh.

She was cool with it until she saw my face.

"She was cool with it until she saw my face" Jesus Christ user..


What's wrong your face duder

Complete bable. I am a neurologist user and I hat to break it to you but that's with out a single doubt a major sign of autism.

This is me. I've been told I should cut my hair and loose some weight. I've lost near 10kg in three weeks, I keep my hair clean.


holy shit....

Nypa faggot

This is gold

Am I that bad?

Unfortunate hair/10

gotta go to work, bye


It's funny because it's true!

lose weight loose acne and ffs change hair.


Someone fucking screencap this.

Sorry OP but just got a call from work. Got to go

maybe if you had sent a pic where you were doing something besides staring into the camera like a goddamn serial killer

Sorry to hear thar/b/ro. Keep on keeping on

deary me

shave your head and you might look more manly, you look like a 15 year old.

Dude, you gotta change your hair up BAD.
Maybe don't try to make it look neat, maybe bed head. Literally anything else would at least not look like full blown autism

Fuck that bitch OP.

You've got some cute ass eyes and some nice lips. If you lifted, lost the baby fat and acne, and started dressing better you'd look gr8.

Cut your hair and keep going to the gym. You'll be fine


gotta go to work sorry

find a new haircut my dude. i would say to lose weight too, your face has potential


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