Does Indian pussy taste like curry?

Does Indian pussy taste like curry?

it taste's like they haven't had a shower for a few days


Omg. The slam pig ive been letting suck my dick and i were talking about this yesterday. If dick and pussy taste was race related. Nigger dick taste like fried chicken and pussy taste like watermelon...etc.

tastes like poo in loo...

You sound like a couple of retarded fools

Not really but Indian women are extremely good on bed. Fucked my boss's wife when I went to his house to take a file.

Well....she is. Im not. Im just a racist.

Tastes like really good beef, that's why cows are sacred to them.

You often have racist discussions with your hand?

Things that never happened: the post

Lol! No, ol reliable is quiet. The slam pig on the other hand needs reassuramce that i still find her attractive and shit. Ive fed her so much bullshit....

Yes you can fucking smell it if they're wearing a skirt.

how so?

prob w/ your nose, dumb ass.

Are people in India asking each other if American pussy tastes like cheeseburgers?

See? Im not the only one thinking about this shit!

so this is where the retards gather. so many bigots and alt right losers here

Low IQ morons. Easily triggered. Now go.

Um...we're having a pretty sure YOU'RE the triggered person.

laughter is common among stupid people.

They get joy from the simple things in life. Like trolling.

now go.

my white is white, we eat a lot of spices
her pussy tastes like curry

op question confirmed

in a good way?

does she swallow?

she keeps it clean, so it's not foul. it's just spicy. and i like spicy food, so its fine for me.

no. i generally come inside.