/bb/ - Big Brother 18 - Slick Vic from /fit/ edition

No links to live feeds, they all get taken down and it's like $6 or some shit anyway

HoH (Head of Household): Paulie
Roadkill: Victor
Veto: To be determined

HoH Nominations: Bronte and Paul
Roadkill Nomination: Tiffany

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reminder that we love bronte now


streams are up
>tfw reddit is looking fatter with clothes than without clothes

Well, if you have body image issues then you wear super baggy clothes to hide your body shape.

Good morning /bb/ my sleeping schedule is started to be the same as the house guests because I just woke up at 1:30

yeah can confirm tbqh

its 10:30 house time

I know? I was up til 5am my time with them

what the fuck Corey just said he used to flirt with Jozea because he thought it was funny

>10:09 AM Paul, Davonne, & Zakiyah are Have Nots because of lowest score in Berry competition. Slop & Berries for the Have Nots this week.

So the black girls get 2 of the lowest scores on the mental comp, purely a coincidence

shut up zakiyah is cute

why didnt he nominate a vet?

what the fuck was paulie doing?

no wonder he won

no we don't

No one else wants to get rid of them, he'd only have like three votes (Natalie/Bridgette)

Tiffany was the best play he could have made by far

i have yet to see her go all black woman

no finger snaps, no MHMMM's, no getting up in people grilles like day

he knows they are running this shit and he needs to distance himself from that jozea fiasco

when she got drunk she was actin pretty black

oh? i didnt see that

It wasn't aggressive black girl stuff but they were sitting around rapping so she had a bunch of mhmmm and UHS and stuff so its in her a little bit but she's no hoodrat

Is tiffany gone if she loses veto?

Jesus Christ Tiffany stop worrying we have the numbers to get Victor out.

can roadkill winner go up as replacements?

No, it will still be Victor. She'd be smart to turn on her alliance before they turn on her, though.

yes he's getting backdoored

victor isnt even nominated senpai

Are people ignoring the fact Paulie cheated in the hoh comp?

>nicole in knee high socks

What's she thinking about?

i seriously dont get how they have been unable to get the ant situation under control. its been going on 3 or 4 years now and it seems to get worse every year

its freaking empty studio for the other 9 months of the year. bomb that shit

I got high as fuck when I got my wisdom teeth taken out Michelle's a pussy

I would race mix with zakiyah

disgusting faggot

victors going to get the veto because tiffanys going to throw it
he wont use it and tiffany will go home
screencap this post

you are getting a little ahead of yourself there, he still has to be picked to play

ur a idiot

babys first season of big brother

>discussion about Rick Ross songs



>Sat 11:30 AM BBT Tiffany telling James and Corey in the Tokyo room that if she wins the PoV, she will use it to take off Paul or Bronte.

wait, wut

how can you do /bb/

if she uses it on herself Vic gets to pick the replacement. they're backdooring him so one of the other 2 have to be saved so Paulie can put up Vic

>uhh... oh yeah

Tiff is pretty good.

A huge part of the challenge is doing it without a map, though.

ya I know


I took forever to realize I forgot Iowa. fuck Iowa. this one's way harder because it wasn't in alphabetical order so I kept renaming some


>4 minute timer
>my computer takes 45 seconds to look up how to spell "Connecticut"

fuck that quiz


Vic this game is gay as hell just say 21 questions

corey blabbing his app idea lol

good luck, someone else will have a working version before he gets evicted

You wouldn't have the votes at the moment. Specifically because of roadkill.
You want to weaken the vets first by taking away numbers for them.

Say everything goes according to plan and they get Vic up on the block. Will Paulie and everyone puss out again and try to convince him he's fine or will they just tell him he's going home on Thursday and give him a dead week?

thats not really pussying out, its strategy

if he knows its him 100% he will go all out to compaign. if he believes he is safe he wont try so hard and the blindside backdoor will work

drawing veto now

well if he goes up either Paul or Bronte won't be voting and his only option would be to convince people that don't like him to get Tiffany instead which I think has basically 0 chance of happening because gurl power

this is what happens when you have a 4 person vet alliance before the game even starts

So will the Veto ceremony happen earlier than usual as the 4th of July is on monday or just a normal schedule?

and 4 people safe each week because of teams

sounds like all girls got picked, no Vic

Day and Zay were picked for veto

Paul confirmed for winning

hol up
who won veto, Day?
Does that mean Vic is going home?

They just drew to see who is going to play. They haven't held the veto comp yet.

I guess Vic is getting backdoored. Damn


Did anybody else ship Frank/Victor/Paul/Paulie/Bridgette alliance?

>Frank and Day both say that they're proud of Paul. He got houseguest choice and didn't give it to Victor.

Houseguest choice?

nice. It was his idea yesterday where he convinced Vic it was smart for him to put up Z as his pick

do you watch the show at all?

No, this is my first season, which is why I asked.

>Frank to Da'Vonne/Zakiyah- I wouldnt mind if we send Tiffany home before Paul

>Paul giving Bronte good info right now and she's being a dumb bitch not wanting to listen

she's gone next week the stupid whore

its never a good idea to tell someone straight up that they are the target and going home

When drawing for veto players, he drew a "House guest's choice" which basically means he can choose whoever he wants to play for the veto.

this season blows

when picking POV players, occasionally you pick "houseguest's choice", which allows the houseguest to pick an eligible player to compete in POV

Sometimes you can pick your closest ally who you know will take you off the block, sometimes you can pick someone weak to further your odds of winning POV, sometimes you can pick someone strong to win POV so that a target currently on the block goes home

after Bronte's gone next week it gets good because then they split on Tiff and Paul and it'll get to guys vs girls

that really pissed me off

nigga is trying to teach this "math teacher" one of the easiest logic games in existence, and she just throws a tantrum saying she wants to nap

give me a fucking break

>i have a big moment coming up now >:(((

didn't he also want to talk game with her?

Hoh and nominees draw from a hat chips with houseguests names or a one where you can choose to play for veto

You used to be able to choose but ever since season 5, I think, houseguests were able to abuse it with the "Six finger plan"


yeah that's what I meant by good info. He was basically telling her about the 8pack and how they're using Paul to get rid of the 4 people that remained loyal to Jozea and she just said wah wah let me nap

I agree that the first few weeks will be boring and predictable, but once 8pack HAS to go after each other, shit will hit the fan until the end.

god i fucking hate bronte so much i can't wait till she goes home



if tiffany throws the comp she is going home

i really hope she isnt that stupid. they can easily get vic anytime they want and it would be a perfect op to blindside tiff

she's got no chance. James will throw HOH next week and she's gone and we'll have a week of Natalie and Bronte crying


thats what i said
although i did say vic would get the veto instead if he didnt play but still..i think im right about tiffany going home if she throws



saggy tits
big nose
stupid voice
doesn't know what 9x9 is
fuck off with the worst fucking girl

pepes are meant for bullying

>Da'Vonne telling Zakiyah that Frank is trying to get Bridgette, Paulie & Natalie in jury Bc that's all votes for him

if he did play*

i created that meme dont you dare use it against me

>davonne trying to get all beds in jury because that's where she spends all her time

>t. Detonators in Season 16.
Still boring.

Bronte a racist.

>Day tells Zak she wanted a F3 with Frank but now it's done, she wants him out early

That wasn't a smart move to begin with but at least she realized it now.