Other urls found in this thread:
economic anxiety
He didn't poo in the designated sharting mart
>be Indian
>get shot by American
>die not knowing whether he thought you were a Mexican or an Arab
The weak should fear the strong.
Nothing personnel, Ranjeet.
because you and Indians look the same.
Sorry Pajeet.
Some people are actually retarded regardless of political affiliation but will make the whole "side" they're on look bad.
Even my father routinely mistakes Sikhs for Muslims and it's fucking aggravating because every Sikh I've ever known has been bro-tier.
arr rook the same 2bh
You're strolling through Kansas when this gentleman politely asks you to get out of his country. What do you do?
Even if he was middle eastern this isn't really a good look
>swept back hair
The shooter was a world class rube, you can't get more Indian than that
Gee, I wonder who that guy voted for
Ron Paul?
White trash forgot what they are and why they're second class
Overstayed his visa
He was probably cucked by a superior indian bull
He probably thought he was Mexican.
One less shitskin, one less problem.
sorry lad
Poor guy. Hope he was a subway worker rather than a doctor
>Be Indian
>Go to bar in backwoods Kansas
>Forget to poo in the designated backend street before you enter
>Loo in your pants
>Stench is unbearable
>Cletus thinks that you've unleashed some Muslim mustard gas bomb into the bar.
>Takes out his shotgun and blows your head off while you try to explain in broken English.
It was just a prank bro.
I guess they confused him with one of us...
Not American enough. Probably thought he was arab
it was a time travel incident
the shooter thought pajeetwas an injun
literally nobody has anything better to do than shoot brown people or themselves like in the 1850's.
Brown people are all the same. America belongs to white christian Americans.
If he did shit his pants, he'd just be fitting in with the locals.
>America belongs to white christian Americans
it belongs to native pagans not invader europeans.
There is a difference between sharting your pants and straight up shitting in them. Not that an uncultured Br*t would understand.
I thought math was Amerigans' biggest fear, not pajeets.
to be fair, that shady professor was working with Al-Gebra
Because America belongs to the true-blue white Americans
Top kek
Because my countrymen are retards who elected a TV clown with vascular dementia to our highest office
Go back to Central Asia then
the alternatives weren't very good desu
>be a minority anywhere in the shithole of flyover america
>where the average IQ is double digit and the people are too poor and stupid to move to best coasts
this is what happens in the sticks mate.
lmaoing at @ ded
Does it make difference for him? I don't think so.
KKK is still active in the western United States.
When was the last lynching?
Literally all fbi agents
t. Pajeet
Press F to pay respects
reminder. unless you're european don't come here. you WILL be shot
Amerifats are literally braindead retards.
To them the entire world's ethnicities are white, black,
Brown skin + beard/hijab = Muslim,
Brown skin alone = Mexican
Here's another one from today about a hick calling a desi couple illegals in a plane then getting kicked out:
>ITT: assmad Poo diaspora
>unimportant white state/town/village
whats the difference?
white american is the new amerindian
that doesnt even make sense
T. Pajeet
Indians and Indians look the same?
Really made me think
well he just didn't have to be brown maybe ? use skin lightening creams or something and wear one of those dots on your head
here's the thing indians/sikhs annoy me because they keep getting harassed by the lower classes and then they are held up as an example like :"ha ! you dumb fascists can't even be trusted to make the difference between indian and arab, i bet you can't be trusted to know about politics either" which is such a bullshit argument
i refuse to blame my lower class countrymen for not being educated, they are dumb and poor so they are not *supposed* to be educated ok ?
if a peasant he wants to shoot at the first brown person he sees he has my blessing
if it ends up being the wrong type of brown person he shot at well that is a shame but that is just called an unfortunate quiproquo and just being at the wrong place at the wrong time
Are you suggesting him not actually being muslim disqualifies him from getting shot? Ugh, racist and sexist much?
>>die not knowing whether he thought you were a Mexican or an Arab
God I bet he was wondering that.
Poor Indian guy.
how did brits ever get the reputation for dry humour, this shit was like sandpaper
I guess he did realise he was being mistaken as Mudslime. Because before getting shot he shouted "I'm not middle eastern". The guy was dumb, just should have said "I'm not Muslim" or even better "In the name of jesus bless us all", would have made the shooter guilty for awhile thinking he shot a Christian.
No wonder British are considered dumb-tier
*quid pro que, although it's a wrong use of that maxim here
Do you really think that would've changed that loons mind?
You don't know half of it. They even assault us Swedes thinking we're Polish or some shit.
If he was Pajeet his father would know Sikhs are not Muslims. Idiot
>getting conquered by idiots
>swedes are such poofs that telling one to fuck off counts as assault to them
Big tough anglos only picking on women because us men are physically superior to you.
Makes you think
Would love trying out some Kamasutra with that dame
nah, we just don't have many men to pick on
your men are to scared of the big strong anglo lads and your women are mass immigrating here for the BBC (BIG BRITISH COCK)
such high IQ's,
yet still poor and fucking cows.
>states closest to canada are the most intelligent
They just want to see what their ancestral home looked like
Shoot him
Why is California such a dumbfuckistan? Americans always say that the south is the least intelligent part of the country while southerners damage control by blaming nigs, but California is lower than Alabama and nigs are a much lower fraction of the population there than in any southern state...
Really makes you think indeed.
Seriously, these cases must be in the hundreds by now. How the fuck can't Americans tell the difference between poos and muds?
Its because of your filthy race retard
mexican illegals, obviously. state's gotta educate those spanish speaking motherfuckers in english and everything
It's filled to the brim with spics same with Texas
Texas and New York are just as infested with illegals and both score 5 points higher than California. Unless there is some kind of natural selection leading to all the unintelligent illegals going to California, it can't be because of them alone.
Right wing death squads when?
This is sort of it, isn't it? I wonder how many of these cases go unsolved or get swept under the rug as "just gang-related violence"
Except Hindu race/ethnicity is very different from Paki/Mudslime, you fucking cuck. It's like calling Celtic people Slavs cause they're both "white". Now run along nigga
wtf, pierre?
Nothing wrong killing pajeet
Indian flags shouldn't be allowed on Sup Forums, my opinion
will be really effective because indians can't use non-Microsoft technology. so we don't need to worry about VPNs
Only difference is that indian subhumans have more subhuman dravidian blood
New Jersey and Virginia are choc full of negroes.
Are the Jews and Whites there just really, really smart?
As for California, when 30% of your population are the most desperate immigrants from Mexico, your average IQ will plummet a bit.
>Indus vedic civilization is the greatest civilization of ancient times. Ruined by you fucking Mudslimes. Pakis/Mudslimes are technically bastards having middle eastern blood
he didn't get out of his country.
Not a fan of these IndÃos either.
One less designated. Good riddance.