Well Sup Forumsros, one last feels thread before I OD tonight? Pic related, its Zoloft 25 1/2 or so 100mg pills...

Well Sup Forumsros, one last feels thread before I OD tonight? Pic related, its Zoloft 25 1/2 or so 100mg pills, Abilify 5mg, and Solodyn 80mg

don't please

Why not user? Life is completely worthless...

y tho

stream or its bullshit

Because my life is a series of failures slowly getting worse my friend

One last cry for attention ey?

i've been in the same position you have. i've felt that life is completely worthless, and i've tried to kill myself 4 times. i'm 31, wife & a son. it gets better, i promise. please.

Must listen to dubs, I'll try and find a platform to stream it

Put a pill inyour anus and pics

Yes sir :D gotta soak up all the attention


Yeah bro, I wish it would get better. Everyone tells me I have so much to live for but I really don't.

Mine is too, but I don't commit suicide. ffs sake user, be a man!

Hahaha yeah I'd rather not. But you made a fucking depressed guy kek, so thanks for that

I ain't no man, I'm a coward

dont do it Sup Forumsro. i've been where you are, and i survived. it gets better. i have no idea who you are, but i care about you. you're a human being and you're valuable.

I've done pills. Shit is unreliable as fuck and if you live you may be more fucked. IE:hospital, instutuion, fucking ruined healthwise. But a gun if you want to do a proper job. Or hanging. Not saying to kill yourself but I respect your decision as long as you're not being an emotionally pussy.

it will i swear to you. you just to get through the shitty parts before it gets better. that's how life works. i can't speak for you, and i can't say that you do have something to live for. how old are you? i'm sure that you have family members that love you.

why do you think that?
what is so terrible that there is no other solution?

Yeah I was gonna hang from my ceiling but the fan is not sturdy enough, thanks for the advice user. This is more of a last cry for help tbh because I really wanna do it.

For real though, I cant find work because the area i live in wants those diversity hires. Do you see me killing myself? No! I tough it out and keep on going because i refuse to let the world get me down. Dont be a fucking coward. Give the world the finger by keeping on living.

Failing school, failing with my family, friends, girlfriends. Hell video games don't even give me pleasure anymore. Neither do girls.
Thanks user, means a lot to me

your organs ll hurt come morning

Sorry user, I'll try and do better

i'll take that keyboard of your hands if you dont mind lel

>Failing school, failing with my family, friends, girlfriends. Hell video games don't even give me pleasure anymore. Neither do girls.
College I'm assuming? what are you going for?

please respond to this user.

do it faggot

Well hopefully it'll kill me. And if it doesn't I have the backup plan of hanging myself from a tree. But it's freezing out and well I don't want someone to find my frozen body

I'll send the entire PC kek

I survived an attempt with much stronger pills. When I came to, I realized how life is amazing, even if shit is so horrible. I'd lost everything, but it gets better.

Wanna talk about it, bud?

OP Please don't do it. There are people that care about you. From one Sup Forumsro to another I know times get rough but please don't do it.

Good god you are such a fucking pussy.

My family hates me, and I'm pretty young but I've seen enough to know that life is fucking worthless. Thanks for the kind words user.

do you have discord, or skype? i'd love to talk to you one on one. i can give you my info if you want.

Yeah I am, and I'll admit that

Yo let me say one thing real quick.
I've been a suicidal retard my whole life.
I recently had some health problems (don't think it's anything serious but still scary at first)
It made me realize that EVEN IF LIFE IS SHIT. It's still better than nothing,
And that's what death is.
Nothing. Forever.
Unless you're a religion fag but still we have 0 idea what happens after we die and most likley it's... NOTHING.

Even feeling like shit and hating your life IS BETTER THAN NOTHING FOREVER.
Trust me dude living dead inside is still better than dying.
Because there will still be some points in your life where you'll make great memories and laugh your ass off.

You wouldn't be able to experience those memories if you an hero.

Stay alive, see what happens. Fuckit.
Stay up user.

Make sure to take a shower before killing yourself. Makes the stench of a corpse way way less. Cologne aswell for that extra touch when the ambulance picks your body off

I was kidding, and yeah I have discord but I ain't dropping it here. If I were to I'd make a throwaway discord.

danielbeechworth, 3353. please send a message to me.

Thanks for the advice user

I hope you're right user

Don't do it Sup Forumsrother. I know it doesn't seem like it but things will get better. You have the ability to change your life if need be, there's no point killing yourself, if you don't like your life say fuck it and start a new life focusing on doing whatever makes you happy.

Where do you live, user?
If you're in Colorado, I'll come bring you some xanax, we can smoke some good weed, and just fuckin' chill.

Please be alright my dude.

are you the person currently messaging me?

yo man ive been on zoloft and abilify for bipolar disorder just get off them drugs and start taking up cannabis, smoke a nice fat blunt twice a day and youll be fine fam

Do a flip user. Life is indeed worthless. You're just one of the few, who have brillant and open mind to find it out.

Have a nice trip to the other side. Godspeed.

Don't listen to these people OP. If you're going to do something, do it on your own terms.

A leaf exists completely at the whim of nature. If the wind blows north, so does the leaf.
But as men, we are not bound by the natural laws like other creatures.
It is our choice to break free from the seasonal rhythms that keep all other life chained to a never ending cycle that they will never be free of, let alone comprehend.

Life was a gift thrust upon us without our consent. We were born into a world that is largely indifferent to us, with only a fraction of our fellow kin aware of our existence, and a fraction still that cares.

To buck the system; to rise and stand against the laws of nature is at the very core of our being. If in your heart, you truly do not wish to live, then be at peace with it. There is nothing more human than moving against the wind.

Good luck, and have a good journey, whether is be in this realm or the next.

People suffering with depression usually are, you insensitive cuck.

Look how many random people want you to make it through this. We care. If you haven't already seek help. Medication doesn't usually help but telling someone all the shit you're feeling really does help.

Pharmacist fag here. You won't kill yourself. If anything, serotonin syndrome and an involuntary psychiatric commitment are in your future. Gonna be a lot worse than actually succeeding in killing yourself.

OP here, decided to flush the pills away like the pussy I am. Thanks Sup Forumsrothers for helping me out

Holy shit my toilet is fucking disgusting in 4k

Should've done it, life is meaningless and pathetic.

No fuckin' balls.

Have you found a streaming platform?

you didn't pussy out, you made the right choice

Wish i had those pills...

Ayyyyyy that's the spirit.
If you need help with better meds to get on, holler at me. The I've been through a VERY serious attempt that left me on tubes and wires to keep me alive, then I went through loads of meds and finally found the right balance.

Reply to this comment and I'll gladly be your friend through the rest of this struggle.

Stay strong my dude.

Thanks man for the kind words

Your choice user. Now stand up to it. Life is what you want it to be. Good luck, and be fine.

Kill yourself

Thanks man, I'll drop my discord in a sec

might i recommend taking up running? exercise has proven to help with depression

Then do it faggot. Do your part by cleaning up the gene pool.

don't vomit

Gimme that Z, O-L-O-F-T
Gimme a grip, make me love me
Suckin em down, I'm happy man
:^) do it faggot

Yeah I try to hit the gym as much as possible but I don't have the energy most days

I don't even know what discord is, but if you wanna add me on fb or text or....?

Post your hospital bill pics when you fail

I wish user, that would've been amazing for me

Corsair mx rapid fire rgb keyboard I believe

Thanks for the kind words user!

Thanks OP! You really do matter to someone. A bunch of random people online don't you to die. Thank you OP for not going through it.

Close, its the K70 Red with Cherry Blues

do not do it


Thanks for the words man, means a ton to me

It's like skype but better

Good guess though. 3 kilks points to you.

You made the right choice Sup Forumsro

why go out silently?
if you want to die at least make a show out of it..

I remember some badass post about if you're suicidal you should buy an AR15 and get as many drug dealers or gang people as possible. I mean I live by Detroit so I could take out a few gangs...

well if you actually want to die, what do you have to lo loose?

>Zoloft 25 1/2
>Solodyn 80mg
>Abilify 5mg

won't kill you lmao

what's with all this moral faggotry. just do it already

i just lost my bestfriend from this but he had ballsand actually did it. shotgun to the head like a real man. your just crying for attention. kill yourself

Checked but I am not clicking on that link

can OP confirm if this is legit? he has nothing to lose.

Zoloft don't work boyo. I took 45 100mg and im still here with no permanent damage.