Does int consider estonia to be nordic

Does int consider estonia to be nordic

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>yet another nordic bullshit thread nobody cares about thread
just make a /nordic/ and stop being autists

cool flag!

Well they're "baltic" but basically nordic. I mean they had vikings and sheeit and were part of sweden for a long time

No. They're balts. Those three small absolutely irrelevant countries are balts

if that was their actual flag then yes, whatever.

who fucking cares

ok, frenchy

mmh how do you know im French?

Yes, but not lithuania. idk about latvia though

>brazilian butthurt
>dutch butthurt
>random north murikans
Check check


It's as Nordic as Shetland and Orkney (i.e. no-one gives a shit)

I'm not butthurt, I just dont see how something like this deserves a thread.

A thread died for this, you know

If the other northern countries except it in their cool kids up north group I guess. If not they are the best baltic country. But really who gives a fuk about being nordic or not?

it wouldn't matter anyway

RIP thread you will be missed

>the very last thread out of 148 threads didn't deserve to die

More or less


They are not Norsemen. Neither are Finns, but that is another issue that will be sorted in the coming decades.

Is Finland Nordic?


Finland is nordic, but not scandicuck

Why do they care so much about being Nordic?

common history and prestige?


Finland and Estonia are their own thing.

just another piece of russian clay

I don't desu, they're being cucked by Russia.

>Common history

I was not looking for an argument in favor of classifying them that way. I was just wondering why they care so much about an arbitrary distinction like that. It seems like their whole national identity revolves around wishing they were something g they are not.

Really pathetic if you think about it.

This sentiment even has its own wikipedia page

It's kind of like transgenderism.


Prestige stemming from the achievements of other countries in the same classification? Why don't they achieve something noteworthy themselves instead?

I actually don't think Estonian's care, at least rural Estonians anyway. They are proud of eesti tradition, I was at the latest song festival, it was a beyond belief.

I'm glad to hear that. Makes sense that their sentiment is mainly present in weirdos on the internet

It's not that weird. Some countries hate to be called Easter European. And people do care what sort of image they have internationally. And being seen as the least impressive Nordic country probably seems better to them than being the most impressive Baltic one.

Also it's basically true, and they probably get annoyed that people get it wrong over and over. Like how the Welsh might object to being called "English".

I doubt Estonians actually care.
Finns and Swedes are pretty much the only posters here that post this.


inferiority complex


To be fair, they are better off than any other post-Soviet country.
They are just so autistic they think that they have to be western/nordic to prosper.
They worship the shit out of Scandinavia and Western Europe and think that acceptance by them would somehow improve the quality of their lives.

They are Russian who want to feel themselve better by abandoning the language and going opposite direction

i consider estonia and russian colony



stop forcing this estonia wants so bad to be nordic, but can't meme

it's stale as fuck

B u m p