Could someone please explain to me why cannabis is illegal in most countries. Also...

Could someone please explain to me why cannabis is illegal in most countries. Also, if you claim it does any harm to this or that. Please also post articles and studies on the subject.

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What about them? What about all the people who smoke it but are not hippies?

look up harry anslinger and william hearst, them cunts are directly responsible

cannabis was made illegal in america so that hippies and blacks could be put in jail and thus stopped from voting

More money, you low income cunt.

Yes but what is the reason the governments give the people to keep it illegal?

"There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the US,
and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos and entertainers.
Their Satanic music, jazz and swing, result from marijuana usage.
This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations
with Negroes, entertainers and any others."

"Marijuana is an addictive drug which produces in its users insanity, criminality, and death."

“marijuana makes black men wanna rape white women.”.

"Reefer makes darkies think they're as good as white men."

you cant just say like hillary did "we shouldn't have to go to war for oil"
You think they'd just come out and say "we were full of shit and this being in the public domain means we cant make money off it so we had to make it illegle to make money in a roundabout way through private prisons"

I'm a former ent, and while I think the dangers of marijuana are blown out of proportion, I'm incredulous that someone would think inhaling psychoactive burning plant matter has literally no drawbacks.

Other than all the crap you're putting into your lungs, there's some other side effects, just like with any other potent substance.

Just a few of the first results on PubMed:

- Long-term consequences of adolescent cannabis use: Examining intermediary processes.
- Association Between Regular Cannabis Use and Ganglion Cell Dysfunction.
- Altered Subjective Reward Valuation Among Female Heavy Marijuana Users.
- Frequent cannabis slows nerve signal transmission in the eye, study finds.

It's a cure. You don't make money curing. You make money with lab drugs that have side effects that you need to take more drugs to combat. Pots only side effects are someone elses remedy.


they could make money if they panted it but its in the public domain, they could do it with strains though, i mean Monsanto wanted to patent pigs FFS

Anything you put into your body to feel good is going to have some kind of negative effect. Cake, alcohol, prescription medication...

That doesn't mean people should stop smoking weed and enjoying themselves. They should just at least examine the possibility that heavy use might lead to problems down the road, as with literally anything else.

This website was written by people who don't know how to use

The us government owns marijuana medical patents.

Governments can't tax it properly like tobacco.

I don't know what you expect from a medical research database. It just holds links to other stuff.


here in australia we love this shit. we recently made pirate bay illegal and it will be un accessible here. but its got nothing to do with the media or movie industry cos why would it..... im sure if i think hard enough theres some other reason. probly communists fault.

It harms opiate and anti-depressent sales

Top 5 lobbies against Marijuana:
Pharmaceutical corporations
Police unions
Private prison corporations
Prison guard unions
Alcohol and beer companies

>marijuana medical patents
only new ones they create themself


Glad someone actually looks at research. There is nothing I hate more than all those people who say things like "Weed has like killed like no one before man." The thing about that is, regardless of the compounds of marijuana, regardless of marijuana it self, inhaling smoke into your lungs causes cancer, and marijuana has killed people in the past. Marijuana over stimulates receptors in the brain associated with Dopamine to essentially flood yourself with it, which makes you feel happy. The thing is, having an excess of dopamine in the brain is directly linked to psychotic symptoms and hallucinations, i.e. someone who is using marijuana can hallucinate just like someone who is a schizophrenic or using other drugs, and hallucinations clearly can injure the user or others. Marijuana may be demonized by media or governments, but it is also glorified by the public.

And there would be proof. If the us go wanted it gone they would have released real studies about it. We spend billions on keeping it out of regular citizens hands.

Billions. With a B.

Government was behind tobacco, so we didn't notice. We 'don't know if it does bad things later' because it doesnt. They don't exist. Or the government would have found them.

Instead, they found it cured cancer and shrank tumors in mice and hid the study. In 1979.

If it did something bad, we would know. They would rub it in our faces and offer up their gateway drugs from their dealers in white coats.


one says 30,000 deaths annually for weed, other says 0 ever.
Theres a issue here :P

I'm overwhelmingly for the legalization of marijuana.

Legalization is actually good for the government, since they can waste less resources on a ridiculous drug war, and can tax sales.

Marijuana is illegal purely because of private lobbying, government corruption, and misplaced puritan morals.

There are real studies. Take a look at a few of the links I posted, and listen to yourself. You wouldn't argue that cake has no drawbacks, would you? You're just trying to justify a bad habit.

Well actually that was the war on drugs, which happened long after it was originally made illagal. However you're right, it was done to put people in jail so they wouldn't vote.

the vast majority of people who use pot medicinally either cook with it or vaporize it to minimize the nasty stuff (carbon monoxide, tar etc)

have you checked out any of the videos/ articles about its effects on epilepsy and parkinsons? ..its pretty extraordinary

Colorado is rrrrrrolling in cash from the revenue spike since they did their thing. From real estate (everyone moving there for the sweet freedom) to small businesses skyrocketing (dispensaries, head shops etc) and yes taxation of the product itself

OP here. that is exactlly what I was looking for. However like you can consume many substances in a controlled way without any meaningful harm to the body. You can consume cannabis or it's psychoactive substances without causing meaningful harm as well. You don't have to smoke it or consume a lot to benefit from it correct?

I have, and it really is extraordinary. I am pro-legalization. I just hate the "it can't hurt me" mentality so much of the marijuana community has, and I hate how people exploit its legitimate medical effects to justify their own recreational use. It's like alcohol. People should accept the consequences that using it brings.

You are correct. People just need to use in moderation, and be accepting and knowledgeable of the consequences.

Look at the links you shared? The ones funded by whom? You realize the drugs you legally get over the counter are still worse, and don't cause 'hypothetical' deaths. They cause real, countable death and have severe side effects. They know they do and sell them to you.

All your 'well pot might do this andight do that' is well and all. You will never. NEVER find a side effect in pot worse than what's labeled on the pills you take. Even over the counter.

not that guy but look into edibles and tinctures. tinctures especially. most of them dont taste very good but its the fastest, cleanest and most potent way to ingest it and you're more likely to get close to 100% of the positive benefits with the least negative backlash
I'd have to agree. However, if most of the recreational users were to hear what you just said? They'd probably be stoned and passive enough to totally agree with you and thus learn more about themselves and make the world a better, more rounded and self aware place.

People use drugs to not be bored. Being bored is what makes humans do productive things.
Being high makes humans content with not being productive.
Humans not being productive is humans being shit.

no one quote me on this cause i cant remember the title of the article and it was likely some spam bullshit off of fb but i remember reading that there was 1 recorded pot related death in like the history of mankind and that one dead stoner died by getting run over by a drunk driver..

i just thought it was a funny tid bit

From what I was told, back when the Eisenhower Interstate System was being constructed (1950's) the Federal Government used it as leverage to insist that stated adopt the minimum age of 18 for tobacco, 21 for alcohol, and a list of banned substances or they wouldn't get Federal money to help with the interstate construction. Texas demanded that marijuana be added to the list as a convenient way to make mexicans automatic criminals so they could be deported.

At least that's what my NORML member band-mate told me back in the early 90's, anyway. I've never bothered checking it. Even now, with google only a single click away, I don't care enough to check.

>inhaling smoke into your lungs causes cancer
Which is why people vape it, dab it, and eat edibles.

>Marijuana over stimulates receptors in the brain
Yeah, but it's roughly the same strength as a typical orgasm. You're describing it like it's meth or ecstasy.

>someone who is using marijuana can hallucinate just like someone who is a schizophrenic
Yes, but only if the way they use it is incredibly irresponsible; the same thing goes for improper amounts of sleep, food, or water.

>is also glorified by the public.
Yeah, this is the typical reaction when people realize they're being misinformed about how dangerous it is. Most people respond by wanting to spread more accurate information (even if the 'more accurate' information is barely accurate).

That being said, people really shouldn't use it the way it is typically used. In a perfect world nobody has a reason to smoke or drink, the problem is that we don't live in a perfect world.

I was a perfectly stress free 4.0 student back in the day who was killin it socially, emotionally, and spiritually...until high school came around (still graduated with a 3.8). It started out as a weekly indulgence, kicking it with my buddies, one of which was already an everyday toker, we will call him "Clark", and at this point there were absolutely no adverse effects on me whatsoever. It wasn't until I fucked up with my dream girl who was one of my best friends, as well as straight up abandon my oldest, best friend, we will call him "Anton", because Clark, my other really close friend for many years convinced me that Anton simply wasn't maturing because he didn't have the desire to chief erryday or something, and Anton and I had been feuding recently as well, which pretty much meant that we were going to leave Anton in the dust. My best friend for my entire fucking life. So one night Clark and I get an invite from another friend of ours, "Michael", to come kick it at this house where the guys parents are huge potheads and let us smoke openly.
At first. Slowly, in sophomore year, I start being converted into a stoner, smoking probably 3 times a week, though still never by myself, and it was a pretty good time. By the end of senior year, I was going through about a gram a day, by myself, which was easy because Michael was my plug, even smoking before school everyday. It got to the point were I wouldn't even really get high, my tolerance was so high. At this point I was a shell of my formal self, losing all my non-stoner friends, someone who was once liked and respected by so many, who once had so much love for sober life, turned into an antisocial, awkward, anxious, paranoid, loser. Now obviously, the ganja affects everyone differently and most can indulge without issue. Not me. Though if I had kept it to a once a week deal, I know that none of my woes would have ever manifested themselves.

And how exactly is marijuana different from an over-the-counter medication, from a medical perspective? It's a drug. Enjoy coughing up black tar in your twilight years.

>You're describing it like it's meth or ecstasy.
An hours long orgasm isn't a health dose of receptor stimulation.

itt people too retarded to ever try weed and become enlightened....

Quick cont.

I am currently 5 days sober of the stuff that I was PSYCHOLOGICALLY ADDICTED TO, and haven't felt this good in a long time. Never looking back and no ragrats.

tldr: Smoke it, but in moderation

Good job dude. I don't know if you've found yet, but there's a lot of us who quit.

go back there.
never return.

I got psychosis from smoking

Have to wait 1 year before next time :/

Keep drinking that coffee in the morning.

> lol i got him

>I have, and it really is extraordinary. I am pro-legalization. I just hate the "it can't hurt me" mentality so much of the marijuana community has, and I hate how people exploit its legitimate medical effects to justify their own recreational use. It's like alcohol. People should accept the consequences that using it brings.

>"smoked" for 3 years
>"vaped" for 5 years

Currently sober atm. Why does the narrative "it can't hurt me" bother you so much though? Its their body, not yours. As mentioned before, were still waiting for proof of damage caused from inhaling combusted cannabis. I'll agree, doing so HAS to cause some kind of damage, or cause some kind of issue (bronchitis)

The only consequences from my time smoking, was eating too much candy, chips, and been more lazy than normal.
>fun fact : I lost 100lbs 2 years into smoking

so until you have that proof that marijuana is terrifyingly dangerous and that we should be concerned, you shouldn't be freaking out about what others do. Let the stupid fucking stoners embarrass themselves, they don't represent all people who enjoy marijuana.

One is synthetically made in a lab by people who profit off your sickness. Pot is a dried plant. Do I really need to...go into more detail?

nor do people dictate how to run their lives because of the opinions of others.

>aka politician "weed is bad, mkay, illegal!"

>black tar

confirmed never smoked marijuana, please shut the fuck up.

Don't say "cannabis." It makes you sound like a hipster dufus. Say weed, or pot, or bud. We will know what you're referring to.

it reduces anxiety, and is a social drug.

countries need to cause fear and isolation between members of population to dominate them.

All you need to know.

>why cannabis is illegal

In the US, it was bigotry against Mexicans.

Yes man, I have, and still do for motivation. Just like said, I had become content with being being human shit, as well as depressed and suicidal. After 5 days I am already starting to get my appetite back, which makes me happy as I know that 5 days ain't shit. When I was chiefing I couldn't even eat more than a 7 year old without getting full unless I was stoned. Really looking forward to eating again. Also, had diarrhea this morn, but that could be unrelated

I lit up every few weeks for most of undergrad. I still would, but can't with my job.

I don't think marijuana is even that dangerous, either.

The problem, and the reason why I'm here arguing, is because people keep telling me that it has literally no side effects, or that people "would only understand" if they smoked, too.

This mindset that is projected to the rest of the world is one of the reasons why so many people are scared of marijuana legalization. They see it as some kind of cult.

Don't hate weed, hate hippies.

What are you even talking about? I've never experienced it myself, but it's not like it's some kind of secret. Heavy smoking over a long period will do that to

I'm a hippie hipster
Don't hate on us
We are changing the world to something good

It is that projection which sucked me in and ruined my life, m8

Cannabis is the correct word for the substance. All other terms are slang that was originally perpetrated to make smokers seem like degenerates. Every time you use slang you help to perpetrate that disinformation.

It's pretty easy to abuse something when everyone tells you it's impossible to abuse.
Treat yourself to some nice food when your palate clears up. Things will taste way better. Keep at it, bro.

>Which is why people vape it, dab it, and eat edibles.
Not everyone does simply because of misinformation, which is why it's important to spread awareness on this stuff
>Yeah, but it's roughly the same strength as a typical orgasm. You're describing it like it's meth or ecstasy.

An orgasm sends an amount of dopamine out in the brain to reinforce the behavior, what happens with Marijuana is that it does that same thing except that it blocks the receptors at the other end of the neuron, so essentially its a constant stream of that amount of dopamine, instead a spurt, which quickly will get out of hand.
>Yes, but only if the way they use it is incredibly irresponsible; the same thing goes for improper amounts of sleep, food, or water.
Once again the problem is that irresponsibility is rampant due to misinformation, unreliable sources, and carelessness. If a person is responsible there wouldn't be as many problems with it. Not to mention the difference between hallucinations caused by marijuana versus dehydration, starvation, or insomnia are different in the sense that the latter take a large amount of time or are much more extreme situations than with marijuana. My point being that with marijuana just using a bit more than you should can cause a sudden onset of those symptoms, where with the others it would take days.

>damages lungs if smoked
>damages brain
>causes changes in the reward center of your brain thus lowering your motivation to do stuff, making you a lazy shitstain
>although most people claim it to be false you can become addicted

Repeat after me: Not dangerous at all

>damages lungs if smoked
>damages brain
Citation required

Correct. You can be responsible with it and there won't be a problem. Don't over use it, and try to limit yourself in a way that doesn't build your tolerance too quickly (or at all if possible). If you are under the age of 25 don't use it (though you can use it at 21 if you're pushing it) because just like alcohol, it has been proven to leave permanent damage in the brain, and the average user who started before the age of 21 is usually about 10 points lower than their I.Q. estimate. Also, just like how being drunk in public is a bad idea, so is being high in public. Not only do you not want to attract unnecessary attention, but you also don't want to contribute to a negative stereotype by berating or potentially accidentally injuring someone due to lack of perception at the time. Just make sure you safely consume the substance and are responsible, and that you don't get in the way of others, and you should be fine.

Very informative and good summary of what has been said in thread so far, highly suggest all watch. Thanks for posting user.

Debunked in video

OP here. I wonder what you mean by "antisocial, awkward, anxious, paranoid," I've been smoking for a few years now. I mainly smoke hashish with no tobacco. I smoke about 1g of hash a day and I'm just fine. I haven't smoked for 3 days because I've been having some problems keeping up my free recurring supply but I'm okay without it. Feels like my brain is a little bit slower and it's harder for me to focus on stuff without it, maybe it's just placebo, idk but it's not that big of a deal either...

Smoke causes cancer, using underage interferes with development, over use causes sever lack of neurotransmitters when required.

Did a doctor tell you that and prescribed you some other drug?

"Marijuana has never killed anyone hurrdurr"

Trust me CollegeHumor is the new Buzzfeed. Don't take your information from them, they have incredibly opinionated and biased news and views.

THC actually kills the tumors caused by carcinogens from general smoking. There are no documented cases of lung cancer caused by weed.

>damages lungs if smoked as a joint or in a bong/pipe
fix'd that for you

also, not even alcohol damages your brain and that's classified as a poison

the other 2 depend on the mental capacity of the individual

>because just like alcohol, it has been proven to leave permanent damage in the brain

pic related

The smoke of burning tobacco/cannabis/probably all plants( no herbalist, but makes sense doesnt it?) contains carcinogens and other toxins

this is true

Its not college humor they stole it from TruTV. And all the information in the video is cited in the top right corner. Stop the disinfo campaign.

well, I believed I was Jesus for 1 week, so said yes to some anti-psychosis

This is a good example of why it dangerous, over use as well as predisposition and genetic factors can trigger a host of problems.

True carcinogens are in all smoke, but THC kills the cancer cells and tumors caused by smoking.

Did you bother to check the "sources"

There's also no documented case of cannabis actually curing cancer, just saying

"Teens who smoke pot at risk for later schizophrenia, psychosis"

Thc is a helpful compound when it comes to cancer, but that's not true. It may decrease the risk, but you should avoid it.

Then why are people consuming cannabis in any form not get cured from cancer?


Why is psychosis dangerous?

Former pot smoker here.
I don't give a fuck why it's legal or not, but I know for sure that I felt like recovering 20 IQ points when I stopped smoking.


"He cautions the treatments might not work on all varieties of cancer and said it's currently unclear if smoking marijuana would have the same benefits."

Did you even read what you linked?

because it really does fuck up 1 in every 10,000 people mentally and is irreversable an actual fact dumb pro-weed people like to ignore, because "it will never happen to them"

because weed is for niggers


It may not be strong enough to CURE cancer but the studies have shown that an adverse effects caused by smoking (that normally would cause cancer to develop like with cigarette smoking) are eliminated by THC.

>personality changes
>thought disorders
>not dangerous
Nigga, are you retarded?

Definition of Psychosis:
"a severe mental disorder in which thought and emotions are so impaired that contact is lost with external reality."

Does that sound safe to you? Psychosis essentially means that anything can happen, a majority of the time people end up seriously harming them selves, as well as others sometimes.

He smokes weed so he probably only read 10% and got bored from it

Yes, I never claimed that weed was a miracle worker that CURED cancer, just that it KILLS CANCER CELLS.

This basically means that smoking it won't cause you to get cancer cause it kills whatever the smoke creates, but its not like you can just puff 24/7 and kill any tumor in your body.

Stop blowing what I say out of proportion. My only argument is that weed is not BAD for you, it is NOT A MIRACLE MEDICINE

Are you sure about this, sources?
More importantly, regardless of wether or not it does, why not just avoid smoking to be safe? Smoke still will coat your lungs regardless and you will have breathing problems very quickly that will be permanent.