Make a deal with the devil

>make a deal with the devil
>can only have 2 of these unlimited
>but then you can't ever have the third - no matter what

So what do you choose?

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Money pussy no weed would buy better drugs

aint clicking through that shit faggot

money and pussy easily

>you can use said money to buy some mountain dew

money + weed, fuck traps in the ass

Anyone who chooses weed is an imbecile

Pussy and weed, sell weed for monies. gg e.z.p.z

this isn't even a competition holy fuck. money and pussy obviously, who gives a fuck about weed. burnout failure bitch.

is this some sort of joke? the most logical answer is to take the weed and money, with that you can obtain as much pussy legally and not be some social outcast with a realistic pussy in his house.

Not possible. Read the rules man. Same thought came through my mind


I'll take the money and weed.
don't need pussy because I'm Asexual.

I mean... if you're not into pussy, I guess someone can pick the weed and the money.
You can get high off your ass and drink Yoplait all day ^_^

>but then you can't ever have the third - no matter what

Can't have the pussy, b0ss

>pothead kids that think this is even a question

>the most logical answer is to take the weed and money
and get high, and fuck little boys
pay off the police/families with the money
>the dream

Money and pussy, weed is okay, but i can easily live without it, i don't really smoke much.


And you keep arguing that weed don't make you dumb

The only choice here is clearly the pussy and the money if you are straight.

the weed and the money if you are not that into vagina

there are many other ways to get highAF, especially with unlimited money

Double money
>buy drugs and house with 1st monies
>aquire pussy with second monies

Money and pussy. Weed is boring and easy as fuck to grow.

if you chose weed you're a moron. Weed isn't even that good of a high. Money, pussy, and every other drug except weed.

weeds different for every one
I trip harder on weed than acid or mdma

Weed is shit

Ill Take the Money & the puss of course

wait wait wait...

is it old lady pussy or fresh young pussy...

because i don't want to fuck unlimited leather purses...

Thats the perfect deal - Cunts and Money ! I never smoked weed in my life and not going to do it.

Where can i sign the deal ?

Have to agree with the majority in this thread: Weed is the easiest of those to give up.

You can use many other _natural_ products to induce the same kindof if not a better high.

many synthetic drugs aswell.


if you say so
I guess u know me better than myself

Not to mention if you don't want to grow it, money = weed.

It only had us currency in the pic so I would pick pussy and weed cuz I dont live in us

why 2 of them? with money you can buy everything..hell even the government is bought and paid for, so I'll take money mang

what is currency exchange?