I need your help Sup Forums

I need your help Sup Forums
>Be me
>18 years old
>Met a girl
>We end up dating
>Everything's all right
>Fast forward 4 months
>Never been this happy with anyone before
>Girlfriend goes on a tour with some of her friends
>Almost no communication for 1 week
>She gets home
>Tells me she has done something very wrong
>She was kissing another boy at the tour
>I forgive her
>Tell her that i just want is
>Tells me she needs time because she doesnt know who she loves
>2 days later she tells me she doesnt want to choose anyone
>4 days later she's in a relationship with that dude
>Ignores me
>I am left alone
>I cant let her go
>Wat do?

>using a cropped and pixelated version of that loss meme

Stop being a fag and get over the cheating cunt

seriously OP....

Im trying, i just cant do that, she is my everything

youre 18, go get fucked up and hit on someone else

ok op, im going to help you because im bored. but only 1 reply cuz i got shit to do.

>Tells me she has done something very wrong
>She was kissing another boy at the tour
>I forgive her
>Tell her that i just want is
>Tells me she needs time because she doesnt know who she loves
>2 days later she tells me she doesnt want to choose anyone
>4 days later she's in a relationship with that dude

thats where it all went wrong

you need to give way less fucks. it should have gone like this.

>"she gets home
>tells me she has done something very wrong
>she was kissing another boy at the tour
>tell her "oh, thats cool, plenty of fish in the sea"
>wink at her
>walk out
>wait for her to call you and say "I love you please go out with me here's my pussy"

shouldve went with her

was an excuse

life sucks dawg, there's literally nothing you can do to feel better (no matter what anyone says) except do things to get your mind off of her and eventually "replace" her. Either that or eat a bullet but i wouldn't recommend that

i lied. 2 replies.

this works because every single girl in the entire world wants a shit load of freedom and a really long leash.

the end

dubs says you beat up new boyfriend right fucking now

Okay OP, let me tell you what to do.
Do. Not. Give. A. Fuck.
She aint worth it. You prob bould be better off fucking a towel than her.
Honest grills are rare.

You got cucked boi.

this sounds half retarded but they're right, this works MOST of the time

That wasnt an option, she went with the language school shes studying ín
>Mfw my english sucks

Can't make a ho a housewife bro. You are young enough there's mad bitches to be had. Tradgedy happens over 30 dating when you think what's this persons problem?

Suck it up get some threads to make you feel confident and go find some new pussy to stab with your meat sword.

My dude even if you feel that hard in four months, she clearly didn't. That bitch didn't care about you as much as you cared about her. Why would you let her be your everything? That's just extending the hurt. Don't let her stay in the place in your life.

Man, i get u so muc. I've been in your same situation for over 4 months. And you know what? Now i realize how much time i wasted. All of this time spent being sad about a biatchhh when there are a lot of pussy out there.
My advice? Try to forget her. If she did this to you, shes not the right one for you man.

Women are incredibly stupid. Learn this early. You will be better for it. Move on, pump n dump.

OP here. I can clearly see that Sup Forums still has some nice guys. Thank you all

>>I forgive her
Lol you beta cuck it was a shit test ahhahahahaahahah

Forget her, and maybe five years from now, post a pic of her on social media and say "I remember this ugly cunt, she fucked every guy she could find."

Youre welcome buddy

Four months?? You fucking pussy try going home from work and your wife of 18 years done ran off with a pack of niggers. Lol her loss them niggers dont make as much as i do. Moved one of my stripper friends in and its been fun ever since. So op, Man the fuck up.

She was a bitch in the end to you. She's the only one in the wrong. You're the better person and you deserve better than her. Sure, it may be hard to let her go, I've been through it, but you're still young and it was a very short relationship. There are girls better than her out there. You just need to find them. She's in the wrong, not you. She doesn't deserve you.

Half the fucking population's been in your exact spot. Moving on is much easier than you perceive. You've had a 4 month relationship. That's literally fucking nothing. I don't care what "feelings" you think you have, they'll more than surely be completely gone once you simply talk to some girl that proves even remotely better than the cunt you were dating.
you're not "left alone", just go grab the shit you want.

Fuck that bitch dude. Get out there and get yourself someone better. Use any negative feelings you have to inspire you to better yourself like through exercise or work and fuck anyone who disrespects u like that.