When did the Left kill Punk?

At what point did the Left* begin to dominate Punk subculture? The Left has always been a presence, but criticizing Leftism, even for the sake of a joke, was historically allowed, especially if you had a good sense of humor.

I was actually inspired by one of the previous threads we've had and a musing from a friend who was a Hippie in the '60s and '70s.

The Hippies were more optimistic about the possibilities of social, cultural, and political change, whereas the Punks - having learned a lesson from the failure of the hippies to transform mainstream society - were generally more cynical about those possibilities. Even so, both countercultures rebelled against mainstream society and the political system, and both were pissed off and into a cornucopia of earthly delights, especially sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll.

Then, the New Left successfully co-opted the Hippie Movement in the late '60s. Hijacking the subculture was no challenge since outsiders started trickling into the scene, often those who had no clue about, or were even diametrically opposed to, the movement's actual values. The influx of sectarian political activists, petty underclass criminals, hard drug addicts, jocks and outlaw bikers drove the final nail in the coffin.

History repeated itself with the Punks, so all their cynicism did little to overcome the errors of the Hippies. Countercultures challenge or oppose the core values and assumptions of the social and political establishment, but both the Hippies and Punks ceased to be anything more than subcultures, which exist for trends, be they Skinheads, Metalheads, Grungeheads, et cetera.

What happened, Sup Forums? Why is Punk so stuffy, square, leftist and humorless these days?

*For the sake of argument, let's assume the Left includes egalitarian idealists, post-structuralists, progressives, feminists, queer theorists, anarchists, Marxists, socialists, communists.

Other urls found in this thread:


>I'm so against the establishment I'm a capitalist right winger who believes in the western ideology my daddy fed to me. haha cucks beware the sjws are trying to censor my free speech I'm a true punk

bye rddit

Nice strawman.


Life, uh

Finds a way

jello biafra says hello!

Here's your answer OP people like this

>I'm an empowered woman of color. My self-esteem comes from watching television 12 hours a day. My mom makes bad cuisine decisions. Top 10 things cis-people need to know about transwomen of color. My single mom says I can grow up to be a plus-size model. I hosted the Gay-Straight Alliance mixer at my school. Lesbian bed death. I baked bread from my own vaginal yeast to impress my Sex Ed. teacher.


You fucking owned that cuck. Don't forget to subscribe for more paul Joseph Watson owns epic sjw videos and buy more infowars water filters


The point is anyone can come up with strawmen to signal to some perceived peers.

If you must know where I sourced this from:

>Lesbian Bed Death
>I baked bread from my own vaginal yeast

i don't think i've seen anyone try this hard in awhile

you can't tell me this wasn't written by a 13 year old who just discovered Sup Forums and politics in general

Almost 10 year oldfag here.

sure, but at least based their strawman off of an archetype of a person and not a series of forced memes about one

>Tumblristas - Episode 56 (QUEER SUPREMACY)

>almost ten year old fag here


>strawman off of an archetype of a person and not a series of forced memes about one
Uh huh. Like "capitalist" as a pejorative (HA!) isn't the biggest forced meme since the 20th Century

So brave, so courageous.


>haha but they used a meme too

you completely missed my point or you're just being a bitch about it. either way you're clearly retarded.

>can you believe they would have anti-harassment rules to make the festival more enjoyable? if my shitty friends and i can't use a music festival as a space for us to subject people to petty harassment what's the fucking point?

>you completely missed my point
I didn't, you retard.

These cucks weren't born into a rich where family. Sad!

you clearly did.

used two sentences to personify a type of person that everyone knows exists and is extremely common on this website.

you, on the other hand, just spouted out a bunch of tumblr girl steretypes with very little real structure, and then dove off the deep end into insanely autistic middle school tier humor about baking bread with vaginal yeast.

you seem mad.

Hardly even a strawman. The majority of the alt-righters are actually like that (in fact, it's pretty much a direct quote from Paul Joseph Watson, Prince of the Alt-Right).

[autistic screeching]

you're completely right hahaha

i was really only granting that it was a strawman for the sake of calling them out on how pathetic their attempt at forming a strawman was

>Paul Joseph Watson, Prince of the Alt-Right
You're a fucking moron if you think he speaks for the entirety of the alt-right. Then again, I don't expect an obviously asspained left-winger triggered by this very thread's existence to respond cogently besides some signaling with buzzwords and vain, ironic humor.

But since we're so stuck on the alt-right (and since no one knows what they're about)

In general, the "alt-right" contains many disparate elements with different belief systems but the common denominators are:
1. Anti-globalism. Funny since progressives were the champions of the anti-globalization movement in the '90s and early/mid '00s. Now, the tables have turned.
2. Anti-status quo. Even with Trump as President, the John Birch-type right-wingers rest on the fringes.
3. Anti-egalitarianism. If anything divides the left and right sharper, it's the question of equality, and the alt-right sees egalitarianism as a cancer that must be rooted all at all costs.
4. Anti-political correctness.

Only a minority of the alt-right consists of bonafide Fascists or National Socialists, and they are often savagely attacked and ridiculed (as "14/88" types) by other alt-righters. Conversely, Fascists hate the alt-right:

There are white ethno-nationalists within the alt right, but it's largely a predictable reaction against feminist/trendequeer "identity politics" and anti-white groupthink that have been promoted by progressives for the better half of the 20th century.

It's hardly a mystery why the alt-right gained traction have since everyone else is aggressively promoting their own narrow ethno-nationalist or gender group interests. Societal elites are busily promoting their own political and economic interests behind a pseudo-humanitarian globalist and multiculturalist veneer, mainly at the expense of the American working and middle classes.

oh look an epic Sup Forums meme

very funny. it gets funnier the more you repeat it

by the way, did you know repetition (echolalia) is a sign of autism? don't worry about it brainlet, I'm sure it's nothing

>thinly veiled politics thread

to actually address OP's point though;

punk is very liberal and somewhat social justice oriented right now because that IS what's against the status quo right now. people don't realize this because of how hard alt-right kiddies try to push the meme that they're challenging the status quo, but in reality the "regressive left" are still the ones challenging the status quo and have never stopped inhabiting that role (at the very least on a cultural level, even when we've had democratic presidents).

>Then again, I don't expect an obviously asspained left-winger triggered by this very thread's existence to respond cogently besides some signaling with buzzwords and vain, ironic humor.
Looks like the only asspained one here is you, friendo.
>1. Anti-globalism. Funny since progressives were the champions of the anti-globalization movement in the '90s and early/mid '00s. Now, the tables have turned.
You're a special kind of retard, aren't you? "Progressives" don't speak for the left, they're centrist liberals who believe in the capitalist status quo. Communism and anarchism are obviously deeply against global capitalism, which is what alt-righters usually mean when they say "globalism" (that is, when they're not referring to some ebin (((Jewish))) conspiracy with Muslims or some shit).
>2. Anti-status quo. Even with Trump as President, the John Birch-type right-wingers rest on the fringes.
Ah, yes, Sup Forums and The_Donald are absolutely anti-Trump.
>3. Anti-egalitarianism. If anything divides the left and right sharper, it's the question of equality, and the alt-right sees egalitarianism as a cancer that must be rooted all at all costs.
You don't need to tell me that.
>4. Anti-political correctness.
>anti-white groupthink
top kek

Funny how you get so "asspained" (in your own words) at the thought that anybody could speak for the entirety of the alt-right, then proceed to do just that. Not that I expect any coherence, ideological or otherwise, from the alt-right, though.

You called Paul Joseph Watson the Prince of the Alt-Right, when he isn't. If anyone deserves that title, it's Richard Spencer, the very man who coined the term.

John Birch-type right-wingers rest on the fringes. This claim is hardly controversial. The vast majority of the Republican party still consists of Reagan-era Neocons, and the closest they had was Pat Buchanan.

In any case, anarkiddies and commies owe their continued existence to sympathetic progressives who see them as misguided comrades. This is also hardly controversial.

More accurately, the fact that anarkiddies and commies aren't public enemy #1 are because of progressives and the sympathetic media.

>public enemy #1
top kek

>implying I like capitalism

Problematic shirt.

nice stereotypes ayy lmao

you guys made your bed with this shit btw
everyone on the left deserves to die desu

>you guys made your bed with this shit
>haha contrary to how most of the argument went i'm just gonna refer back to the most flawed point you made insist you're wrong anyway, because you didn't let me redpill you and that's how this was supposed to go. i mean if i wasn't completely right about all this why else would my opinions make the so sheeple mad?

no one cares faggot

you mad?


i only ask because "no one cares faggot" tends to be the last leg alt-right ideology has to stand on when scrutinized by literally anyone with a basic understanding of what it is

it being reddit-level pseudo-intellectual "politics" heavily rooted in bratty suburban white nerds being so asshurt that people don't like being mocked for trivial reasons that they started a political movement for "free speech" so that they could keep pushing pseudoscientific and outdated ideas about race and gender and generally saying asinine shit that's really just a nuisance to any halfway reasonable political discourse.

Postmodernism ruined the west. Your posts ITT are evidence.

>Postmodernism ruined the west.
kek, please elaborate.