When are you going to admit this is one of the best albums ever made?
When are you going to admit this is one of the best albums ever made?
when i listen
I admit this is one of the best albums ever made.
Never? I mean subjectively it might be true for you, but to many other people it will always just be ok. Really the opinion that this is one of the best albums ever just makes me think you haven't heard much music.
wel put bro
What is this?
Gaylords from Australia - Psychedelic Music for People Who Watch Dane Cook Stand Up and Go To Church
Tame Impala are decent songwriters but the production on all of their albums sucks ass
Oh, sounds like shit. Why does the cover look like it's from a retarded 14 year old hipster's instagram account?
Because that's the kind of people who listen to it
wow neo-Sup Forums is so cool and 19 and in freshman year loving their shit stacks like a goddamn hipster fggt and listening to barbie-glam-sortasad pop bullshit while he does it
i am growing to hate you all
Can anyone post albums similar to this?
the feeling is mutual, what a cringeworthy post
I like Lonerism. Watchya gonna do about it?
Get laid man.
How's high school?
Apocalypse Dreams is a solid 7/10
Yeah I think that's it
jjj fuck boi shit
because only retarded 14 year old hipsters listen to tame impala
see I bet you're so proud of pillowing a dead drunk hipster girl who wont even remember what happened the next day
Lame imbala xDDDD
But Currents is better.
Le Australian 'hipster' self-aware post-irony lol haha xd
Well put, but stop being a namefag
Tame Impala is just Kevin Parker, there is no "they"
saw them live, they fucking sucked. Studio albums are great tho
Temples - Sun Structures
MGMT - Congratulations
Dungen - Allas Sak
Moodoid - La Monde Moo
Pond - Beard, Wives, Denim
Unknown Mortal Orchestra - S/T
MGMT is so much better than the rest of them
Because Tame Impala is the Instagram of music