What say?

What say?

Other urls found in this thread:


Tell Michelle to show the world her cawk

Declare Martial Law.

Toss out the EC.
Revamp voting procedures.

kill yourself

Overdose on crystal meth on tv after legalizing crystal meth.

Postpone Trump taking office. Behead his fat head from his shoulders on TV. Skull fuck it. Start acting like a dictator because the right has compared him to literally hitler

nice dubs

salty over the results?


>Start acting like a dictator because the right has compared him to literally hitler
Like all the liberals calling Trump literally Hitler in between sobbing.

Hopefully you do nothing for once

bu..bu..but. the emails about illegal shit were illegally hacked by rushuns!!11 omg how can you be so sexist misogynist!!11



i would like to see you be an actual fucking president

poison Trump and Hillary.

well, he presided over congress for a few years

Hang from a tree like the little nigger you are


I wish you butthurt leftist faggots would hurry up and start the civil war/revolution you're always bragging about. Really.

Pull out a gun shoot your wife then yourself

Like who, W?

>play some golf
>eat a pile of hot dongs
>blame russia for hacking OP's level of faggotry
>praise cliton

go away!

full pardons for Clinton, Assange, and, what's the one in jail... Chelsea Manning?

Sit back, watch the screams of indignation.

Shoot trump.

Just because the fallout on all sides would be hilarious.

How could we elect Trump of all people over Hillary? We could of had the first women president ever and the rest of you fucked it all up for this racist misogynistic Muslim hating anti Mexican bigot. She was more qualified and had more experience in politics and instead you chose the guy with terrible hair and an ego the size of Texas. So glad I live in California. stupid fucks.

Dubs are last 2 numbers hun.


Use executive action to have all white women take big black cock.

checked. Nice

Doesn't Congress declare martial law?

Legalize it!

Decriminalized cannabis

He doesn't have the authority to do any of that.

assassinate trump/pence obviously

Declassify every government document relating to 9/11

>complain about electing idiots with no experience and large egos
>elect the fucking terminator for governor

I would like to see him say "nigger" with a well pronounced 'R' or at least a "bix nood"..just some niggerish stuff (he is black)

came here to say this. Since thats already covered he should then apologize for being a shitty president, doing nothing except for trying to be a celebrity and dividing the country more than it has been since the mid 1800s

Actually he does.
They both can.
The only time it happened Lincon declared it and Congress backed him.

pardon snowden for all past crimes (yes I know the president can't do that.)

you do realize that the electoral college keeps the states from having unequal voting right based on population right? how would you replace that?


I can't even tell if this is bait anymore

nice trips niggerfaggot

One man one vote.

It's not fair that 5 CA votes equal One WY now.
It's also not fair that Red States fuck up governing and receive more money then Blue States.

Eat a hamburger.


call Murrica a bunch of crackers and honkies and STAND THE FUCK UP FOR BLACK PEOPLE ONCE YOU FUCKEN UNCLE TOM



was composed of thirteen large and small States jealous of their own rights and powers and suspicious of any central national government
contained only 4,000,000 people spread up and down a thousand miles of Atlantic seaboard barely connected by transportation or communication (so that national campaigns were impractical even if they had been thought desirable)
believed, under the influence of such British political thinkers as Henry St. John Bolingbroke, that political parties were mischievous if not downright evil, and
felt that gentlemen should not campaign for public office (The saying was "The office should seek the man, the man should not seek the office.").

Fuck you nigger

Lift the trade embargo.

kek white peckerwood cuck

muh dicc

Abolish the sex offender registry and assassinate Trump.

This will happen.

In fact I am willing to bet his last hours will be the greatest of keks

>TFW no Snowden in that list

is all up in your white wimmin

thanks for raisin my seed fam

>Anyone ever using the "qualified" argument when talking about things that don't pertain to legal presidential age, citizenship, or residency
How long ago did you leave reddit?

shut up jamal.


he should make an angry black man speech calling out all the angry white men who voted for Trump


Suck Trump's cock and shoot Hi(L)(L)ary in her pussy

Someone needs to shoop this

kick trump in his microscopic bb's, pinch a hot shit in his perpetually stuck cocksuckers cramp, snatch his toupee off ahd wipe ass with it

that's his real hair actually

Actually the President CAN grant pardons.

Do a flip!

Pull off his mask to reveal his true self: Ron Howard
