During shoots, Craig would go out on little shopping trips. On one of these trips he found some gloves...

>During shoots, Craig would go out on little shopping trips. On one of these trips he found some gloves, brought them to director Sam Mendes, and said he would like to wear them in a scene.

"And Sam Mendes at this point was beyond caring and was like, 'Whatever yes, Daniel, anything you want,'" Lyne said.

>But the big problem came during the editing process. Craig had worn the gloves during a scene in a casino, but later in the scene, an enemy tries to shoot Bond's gun, but can't because it's only activated with his fingerprints. In the editing room, someone spoke up according to Lyne, and said that this didn't make sense. If he's wearing gloves, how did the gun recognize his fingerprints?

"Sam Mendes is sitting there going, 'Oh shit,'" Lyne said. "And then producers start working out what it's going to cost to reshoot the entire scene because he let Craig wear these special gloves he bought ... this figure just balloons to millions and millions for this single scene. And they figure out they can't afford it."

So, they had to digitally remove the gloves from Craig's hands. That's why they look so weird if you watch the scene.



Other urls found in this thread:


>And Sam Mendes at this point was beyond caring and was like, 'Whatever yes, Daniel, anything you want,'"
Is Craig really that much of an asshole to work with?

>Craig drops out of Bond role
>suddenly people report shit about him in his """"""best"""""" Bond movie

>Sam Mendes
>beyond caring
>they bring him back for Spectre anyway

Fucking dropped

Why don't they just edit them into fingerless gloves?

Is this bait? This feels like bait.

Royale > Skyfall > Spectre > Quantum

These are facts.

Sounds hilarious. I bet Craig is a prankster on set.

Royale > Spectre > Skyfall > Quantum
There I fixed it for you

>buy some really nice gloves
>these are the coolest gloves ever
>I love them so much I want to show them off to the world
>Hey Sam, is it ok if I wear these gloves? Do you think it'll cause any continuity errors? I really like them.


rumor has it that's he's rather dumb IRL

>On the set of her latest movie, this foreign born B+/A- list mostly movie actress got drunk with some cast and crew and told some stories. Some great stories. Apparently she was perfectly willing to discuss every guy she slept with, including the married ones. It started when one woman at the impromptu party shyly asked about one of the affairs and the actress just blurted out an honest answer. From then on it was just rapid fire questions about this person and that. From the notes two of them cobbled together, this is a summary.

>This foreign born A list mostly movie actor (in his long running franchise) A-/B+ otherwise had the smallest peen she has experienced and insisted on only having sex where he could watch himself in the mirror.

Daniel Craig

>thats why they look so weird if you watch the scene
if you have the autismo

>fingerless gloves

only an american would suggest that

>Our actor is married and A+ list in this particular role and probably A-/B+ in all others because he has been all miss outside of the role. Our actor thought his co-star would be open to an arrangement during filming. He has always had a crush on her. She rebuffed him though. Everyone loves her and he is just one of many to try and win her affections. He called her some nasty names and then ordered producers to find him someone who would sleep with him and to replace his co-star. They wouldn’t so our actor faked an injury. Twice. Finally the producers and our actor reached a compromise. The co-star would stay but a new role would be added. Our actor had final say over casting and the actress knows exactly why she is there and her acting talent is secondary.

Daniel Craig/Monica Belluci

This sounds cool. If I were Craig, I'd throttle this shit up every movie to see how far I can push this.

>4th Bond movie
>$2.000.000,- CGI budget to remove the dildos from every background actor's mouth
>Q's skin has to be digitally edited to remove the swastika from his forehead
>Craig himself has pants added to every scene to cover up his floppy dick.

The level of autism it would take to notice that and complain about it would be pretty normal by Sup Forums standards.

>had multiple surgeries for spectre
>shoulder reconstruction
>both knees and all kind of other shit
Give him a break

Damn the script supervisor and the wardrobe standbys not doing their fucking job maygne.

>Our actor thought his co-star would be open to an arrangement during filming. He has always had a crush on her. She rebuffed him though. Everyone loves her and he is just one of many to try and win her affections. He called her some nasty names and then ordered producers to find him someone who would sleep with him and to replace his co-star. They wouldn’t so our actor faked an injury. Twice


Seems legit

>A+ list married person A- list B- mostly film actor in B+ longest franchise

who the fuck writes these things I can't read them at all

A list has in how famous they are.

i don't know why people are obsessed with that country on this website

just fuck already

>nerd culture doesn't ruin everything

Only a Sith deals in absolutes

I can't see any cgi hands malarky in that scene...

do they look weird?
the video quality was really kinda crap even on 1080p, but it looked fairly normal to me

>Why didn't he take the gloves off?
>He just wouldn't.


Is this true? That's so funny

A-/B+ actor likes to reach into his asshole with his middle finger dig out whatever he can get and then smear a mustache on himself, so as to be prepared. To one directors shock he exited his trailer during a shoot after having just done it, parading around the set carefree. When asked about it, he claimed that when marlon brando was thinking about playing the godfather he would draw a mustache on a mirror while looking at himself, as in classical acting a mustache is a disguise that would enable him to not be glorifying the mafia.

It is a mustache of smeared shit.

The person might not surprise you...


The best part of the old bond gadgets was when Bond had them and you had no idea when exactly he'd use them. Like you'd actually have forgotten about them and then he whips it out and uses it to escape. Even Die Another Day achieved this with the ring that shatters glass.

I still don't understand why people thought Bond getting a shitty gadget (gun with fingerprint scanner) which only had a single possible context where it would be useful and then for it to predictably fall INTO that context where he drops it like an idiot and someone else tries to use it was some sort of grand deconstruction of the idea of Bond gadgets.

It would've been interesting had Moneypenny or even Bond had the opportunity to kill the villain halfway through the film but then for the scanner to fuck up or whatever allowing him to escape meaning Bond had to rely on his own wits and not on gimmicks.

But no.

This. And I didn't even really like Royale.

But Spectre felt like the first film since the 90s that actually was comfortable being a Bond film. Skyfall just wanted to be The Dark Knight.

Weren't people making fun of him while making Casino Royale because he couldn't drive a stick?

Also I'd heard he was afraid of heights.

Nigger how the fuck do you drive a stick

Fuck. Niggers, am I right? Go the fuck back to africa, with your stick driving. You will get nowhere with your stick. Drive a motherfucking car. You probably just getting the biggest stick you can find, putting it between your legs and pretending to ride it like a broom, you fairytale believing nigger. Snow white is mine im short and penis is small

The worst part is that you actually thought this was a funny thing to post.

>Casino "everyone has a full house! Epic!" Royale
>better than Skyfall


Suck my dark dick faglord

this post was much funnier 2bh

Fingerprint gun was in Skyfall, OP's pic is from Spectre.

Nice try though, 7/10

Read the article in Esquire

Sony are incompetent.



Why did they even bother? I'm pretty sure every Bond movie has a shitton of continuity mistakes, this would be just one more on the lump. A single "how is Bond using his fingerprint activation with gloves"? thread, and that's it.



Or they could've just filmed a quick cut away in which Bond falls over or gets pushed onto the ground and shows the trigger-finger fingerprint part of the glove getting torn open or some shit

I mean maybe they were some real bitchin gloves

From the interview telling how sick he is of doing James Bond I don't think Craig comes off as a dumb guy.

Did he fug Eva Green?

Why didn't he just take the gloves off?


Is this went Craig was fired from bond