Explain Why

Explain Why...

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she wrote a note shot herself and fell off the stool knocking it over.

Suicide, because suicide is always the answer.

bump i wanna see if i was right.

Agreed, The only weird thing I see is that for that to work they would have turned around on the stool and shot them self first.

murder, if she was sitting on the chair with the right hand pointed to the head, the blood spatter would be away from the wall.

What's it matter, ban guns!
Think of the suicidal children.
Hillary 20never

and she turned away from the window before hand

I think thats just how it's drawn.

she's still alive she just tripped and spilled her cherry slurpee n the wall now she's just laying there having a smoke and holding her gun.

She was left handed. Done.

Why would she not finish her cig before killing herself? Seems like murder

murder shes left handed thats why she has a cigarette in her left hand, she wouldnt have shot herself with the right

Yep, pen on left. Cig in left hand. Good spot.

a murder, because I killed that faggot

Written note, may be suicide note.
Smoking when shot, relaxing.
Must have been facing away from desk when shooting if it was a suicide.
Awkward position but not impossible

This is just my untrained thoughts but I'm guessing suicide

That's why she was obviously facing away, look at how she landed

come join us in here,

chat and shiet


She could have turned around on the stool.

kind of odd that she still has a solid grip on the gun and cigarette

Not if she was facing away from the window

Murder. She would have to have been pressed fairly close to the wall for such a small blood splatter; the chair is far away from the wall and it's fairly clear she's been writing until now (i.e. if it was a suicide, she would have purposfully gone to wall just to shoot herself).

Who gives a fuck if it is a murder or a suicide, how the fuck is she still holding her cigarette?

why is the lamp unplugged?


Murder, the chair is directly under the note and the body is aligned very poorly in regards.
The blood splatter is fine, no signs of a struggle, the thong on the floor tells us nothing, the note could be a forged, her glasses are on the table neatly which she could have just taken off before shooting herself, the lamp is unplugged, if the rooms light was off when the body was found it is potentially useful other wise useless.
I call redrum!

the gun would fall out of the hand because of the weight. the bench would not be lying under the table like that. the twisted body position is wrong. the blood spatter suggests a horizontal shot, but in a suicide you would be more likely to see a more vertical shot, again based on small arms trying to hold a heavy gun with one hand.

Did nobody notice that that blood spot on the wall isn't from a shot. Do any of you know what a blood splatter pattern is.

Murder, as she wasn't expecting to die, as she would have finished her cig, and looking at the other pages, they're blank, making me think she wasn't finished writing. Which might be just me reading into it, but still. Also her lamp is unplugged, which as you can see from the outside, it's night time. Someone would have unplugged it to help people from seeing that there was a body, because she wouldn't be writing in the dark (and before anyone says something stupid, it's only light so we can see.)

possibly murder. bloodstain on right wall would mean she'd have to have been sitting in the stool facing into the room. the ash tray is behind her along with the can of soda and cigarettes. why would you turn completely around to shoot yourself after finishing the note, cigarette still burning? pointlessly deliberate.

Note is shifted slightly anti clockwise something right hand people do when they write and it would make sense for the cigarette to be in her left hand if she was writing with her right hand

gun in right hand
blood spatter matches blood moving to the right
gunshot from left side
can't shoot self with a cigarette

oooh, signs of a struggle?

What always gets me is why there's so much semen under the flower pot on the right.

I think she caught someone raping her plant and he made it look like a suicide to hide it

Ultimately, the gun did it. If the gun wasn't there and easily available, she would still be alive today. Maybe she was a genius like Einstein and could have solved global warming, but now we we'll never know because of guns.


She turned around and got shot in the face. She was still smoking when the shot was fired and there is no trace of a case.

The lamp ain't plugged in as well so was she reading and writing letters in the middle of the dark?

The blood spatter on the wall is where the bullet exited. Had she shot herself with the gun in her right hand, and to the right side of her head it would have been on the other side, which was not the way she was facing. She was facing towards the window, as the cigarette is in her left hand, which is where the ashtray would be lined up with her left hand.
She could have turned around, as she didn't want to see herself in the refection of the window after having written the note.
Either one is possible, and why something like this couldn't be decided without looking deeper into forensic evidence, and into psychological profiling.

everything is on the left side, pen, ashtray and coke, she definetely was left handed, nobody would do it with their unagile hand.

Why does she write with the light off

less likely to be suicide since females don't tend to commit suicide by firearm. Most prefer other methods like drug overdoses due to vanity concerns.

murder, as she didn't finish smoking before shooting herself

It's a lot easier to smoke/drink with your left hand and write with your right if you're right handed.
I'm right handed and I smoke with my left to keep my right hand free

You guys know that he could have just stopped writing, turned, lifter his head and pulled the trigger whilst staring at the ceiling, the bottle in the bin clearly demonstrates that this person was an unstable alcoholic. The physical appearance of the victim and drugs on the desk clearly shows gender instability and thus leading us to conclude a mental illness.
My client is innocent.

The writing on her suicide note does not match the writing from the handwritten label on her red book cover, therefore murder in the 36th degree.

she's a lefty, look at the pen on the paper, the gun is in her right hand

The gun is in the wrong hand supposing she was seating. The cigs is half smoked.

We don't know what she was writing, where the fuck is his second shoes.

We can't tell it suicide, cannot tell if murder too. I don't know, maybe murder.

Murder. The gun pushed her off the stool and broke her neck then shot her In her head to make it seem like suicide and smeared the blood on the wall. Then realized there's usually a note so it wrote "lol it was me" then hopped back in her hand and posted this thread.

It's extremely easy to put a pen down like that if you're right handed, in fact I would argue easier than I'd you were left handed

He still has a cigarette lit in his hand. Seeing how big of a smoker he is he would've smoked it completely first before biting the bullet.

Where is the other flip flop?

lmao wtf

Because pens don't roll and smokers always use their dominant hand reagardless of wether or noth they're busy..

The note says something about a fuckin Muslim at the front door.

-The victim is left handed. You can tell this by the cigarette and position of the pen on the note. The drink and ashtray also back this up somewhat by being to the left hand side.
-Someone committing suicide would most likely finish or put out their cigarette.

If she was smoking she would be sitting facing the ashtray, so the gun in the right hand and blood on the wall dont make sense. Murder.

what if she shot herself in the head twice like Lieutenant Brice from Below?

Maybe the cig killed her

Position of pen on paper suggest left handed writer. Gun is in right hand. Odd but not a deal breaker. Stool position, major body position, and blood spatter suggest firing from left side of panel. Consistent with presumed-nondominant-hand firing if facing the viewer, but the tabletop is opposite, and honestly very few people would sit like that, especially if writing something? Lastly blood spatter suggests bullet was fired at up angle, and majority of blood was from something other than bullet fire (perhaps traumatic impact)

I don't know. nothing definitive here, but suggestive of murder.


Murder. Someone stole one of her shoes.

The biggest mystery is whether that is a male or female?

Neither its a fucking drawing

Why is everyone assuming this is a she? Pretty flat chested for a woman if you ask me.

Murder: Here's how it went down. Shes sitting there, writing, turns to face a sound, gets shot in the right side of her head as she turns (angle of blood spatter shows she was moving away from writing ledge as she was shot). She didnt survive to make it to the floor. then, to cover tracks, killer wipes prints and places gun in her right hand and unlit cigarette in left. During placement of gun, he kocks the lamp plug out of the wall. I can tell the gun was placed because at the moment of death, muscles tense, usually resulting in a "death-grip" on a gun in the hand. her hand is more loose than would be expected, but the killer took the time to close her fingers as best he could, forgetting to put the index finger in the trigger guard. Based on the placement of the shoe, it seems she tried standing right before being shot, and the other shoe is missing, possibly taken as a momento, common among serial killers. Source: 8 years Army Criminal Investigation Division and 4 years Military Police Investigator.

Murder. Why would the chair be knocked out to far? The arterial spray would be covering much more area if she shot herself from the chair. A cigarette and a position that does not reflect the shot that was taken. Would need more evidence to find out if her skull was fractured on the wall causing a blood smear or she shot herself from close range. Not to mention there is no bullet hole on the wall and no arterial spraying. The blood from the head may be from a sharp knife or pointed tool to carve the skull out. and make it look as a suicide. Also, the chances of holding onto a lot cigarette after having 150 pounds of flesh smash onto a floor is highly unlikely. The misplaced shoes and food alongside the cigs soda and glasses near the letter support this claim of being busy before the murder. Also, the body after a shot would collapse onto itself and the position so far away from the chair only suggest someone moved it. A nexamine of the blood pooling may determine of the body was moved after death. Also gripping a gun right after shooting and still holding onto it while slamming against a floor is highly unlikely as well. The knees are too uniform for the amount of force accelerating downwards, and would not likely land in that position.

Where's the other sandle at tho

The killer left his sandal

I think this is a murder because i say it so. And i aslo say that the person who killed him is the one who took the pic.

>flip flop
Are you from the FL. Keys user? Asking because I came from there and it's the only time I've heard a sandal called that..


she was a german white woman near some refugees

But only women smoke Marlboro reds

Bullet in table means either she shot herself side on and then fell off the chair or the murderer put it on the to comer up.
Depends where the gun dispenses the bullet; I'm no amerifat redneck so don't know where the casings is ejected. Left or right, I don't know.

N..no I didn't assume her gender

She was a tranny and was murdered because most trannies are murdered by Trump supporters who are probably closet gays

i through it was a men kek

The other flip flop killed her

It's a FLIP FLOP you Faggy Waggy

Murder. The vase is full of golf clubs. And there is a telescope thrown in the trash. The implication is clear.

Maybe if he said chancleta...

But Miami fag here and I have always said/heard flip flop

Literally nothin here prooves that the person was a leftie. Smokers often use their less dominant hand whilst busy, the pen could have rolled into this possition after being put down in an emotionally unstable state and the items on the desk could have just been the location they ended up in because the vic wasn't smart enough to organise their desk...
Saying this person is a leftie is baseless and offensive.

typically to the right of the weapon. lefty guns are unusual and typically specially ordered.

It's murder. If she was on the stool in front of the mirror, the blood could not have possibly contacted the inner bevel of the window. She had to have been in front of the cabinet for that directionality.

Natural death.

cant you see that what he is holding in his hand is a star wars space ship?


looks like murder because the gun's in her right hand and the blood spatter is on the right wall. you'd have to shoot yourself from the left to get that kind of spatter on the wall. so someone shot her from the left side and put the gun in her right hand like a fucking idiot

checked but, smokers don't use their dominant hand, they need to use it for the lighter. I'm a smoker, I know what I'm talking about

Murder? Right hand has gun, yet blood to the right?


>blood splatter on the wall says it all

>if you want more, then look at which hand the gun is being held in as well as the pool of blood on the floor

It's not a female..

>makes killary joke...
better start running user

>because the vic

You slipped up MURDERER!!


SayWhaWHO? Must be a FL/South thing but I never heard THAT word in me life..

Murder. If it were suicide she wouldn't have cared enough to remove her glasses.


murder, the gun is in his right hand. The blood on the wall is also in his right hand. This means that to get a blood stain on the wall the gun would have to be in his left hand.

She was ambidextrous, case open.

Having seen a number of snuff gifs on Sup Forums, I can say that the #1 way to kill yourself with a handgun is to put it in your mouth.

Putting it to the side of the head too often results in a glancing wound that won't actually kill you.

Thus, it's murder, because she would have used two hands to hold it in her mouth before pulling the trigger.

The cigarette shows this didn't happen.

She was shot in the head while smoking a cigarette on the stool and the gun was planted.