'77 Live or pic related?
Also, what releases are worth listening to?
'77 Live or pic related?
Also, what releases are worth listening to?
77 Live
Basically any release that has a new song that hasn't been repeated before
That is such an amazing name for an album
this'n right hurr
this """"""band""""""" is the epitome of style over substance
their music is trash
what happened Sup Forums, you used to love this band
poseurcore stopped being ironically cool
hmmm Sup Forums hates les rallizes denudes now eh?
time to listen to their entire discography
le edgy contrarian XDD
A lot of people started finding fun noise rock inaccessible for whatever reason and became insecure about it, don't mind them.
This couldn't be farther from the truth
Mizutani would constantly switch up the lineup for LRD. On top of that, different releases have different recording techniques and/or instrumentation behind it. It's worth checking out everything they have.
I sorta agree with this but after three albums of overlapping songs I feel like I've had my fill. Maybe I'll dive back in one day.
post your folder
what essential am I missing?
Cable Hogue Soundtrack, it has their best song ever imo "White Awakening"
And after discovering that song I felt like I had gotten all I could from them.
studio et live
>live 2007
is this real?
No, it's just a release of a '72 recording that came out in 2007.
Try Mars Studio 82.
That should actually just read live 1972 I think. I downloaded a bunch of the bootleg stuff off rutracker a long time ago and I've been trying to fix the tagging ever since.
the version of Enter the Mirror on here absolutely destroys me
mega link?
All in the archive happen to be dead.
Does any of this have the Rivista Archives stuff like the clean stuff, the heavier/rawer takes on 77 Live, etc?
doesn't 77 live have the exact same recordings but some different songs than Death in the Family?