
The janitorial staff endure constant bullying and harassment 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for as little as £0.00 an hour in order to keep us safe from ourselves.
As we get nearer and nearer still to Easter it's time to reflect on our past conduct and, if you have the means to do so, consider donating to the Penny for a Janny foundation. For as little as 1p you could help feed a malnourished and valuable member of staff for an entire week.

Keeping the other thread open in another tab

Just in case

just had a proper wank

the bf

Made sure the last thread was on page 4 first, we'll see whether autismo can follow his own arbitrary rules


dont know if he'll be happy about the mocking tone of this thread

All you do is delete other people’s posts. But what have you done? What's your claim to fame? You think moot has ever (You)’d one of your posts? He doesn't even know you exist, and you did free work for him. Take that samurai sword off the mantle and slit your wrists. I know you've thought about it. On holidays, your birthday. How about New Year's, when you're sitting there, hand down your pants, playing with your knob, and everyone else out there having fun. Go ahead Janny. Do it. Make the pain go away.

>no edition
shit thread

>page 4


Plans for tomorrow:
>walk down t'shop
>buy some rolls
>make some bacon rolls for lunch
>25µg of 1P straight up the mouth hole
>watch the rugby
>do a wank

Might also play some habbo hotel at some point.

Doing a poo

ITV now

Something wrong with your browser's "back" button?

He changes it constantly but page 4 seems to be adequate for him most of the time

>penny for a janny foundation
honestly i'd donate to this. the janjans do important work and deserve at least a little compensation for their efforts.



guys what if the janny was a grill?


i haven't had one of those in years

hope this thread gets obliterated by the jannys hammer of justice

wish i had banterous parents

didn't know habbo hotel still exited lol

Absolutely howling

friday friday gotta get down on friday

im in traffic with these poles yellin free my bro d rose


It does but it's a ghost town and complete shite. Only people on it are lifers in their 20s and 10 year olds.

blues fans are getting on my fucking nerves I'm the pub, won one game and think they're the shit

also a bloke just tried to rob my pint whilst typing this


gotta have my bowl
gotta have cereal

If janny sets up a crowdfunding campaign for his salary then I will gladly donate, I used this site 370+ days per year and I'd gladly pay for a few pints for the kind staff who moderate it desu.

Why do pakis love cats so much?


t. furniture stacking autist
big fan of your gimmick though

p.s that's a cob

fuck off rorke

literally me in uni

>mfw I see a cute brit boy

got bad flu or something and feel like I have extreme face cancer

Why don't takeaways deliver cigs any more?

love a musky fanny 2bh

I'm off out lads

Forgot pic

me at school
me at uni
me at work

bum musk > fanny mush honestly

Took dick pills now I've got a hard willy

>funnyjunk filename

post qt boy bums or spooky ayy lmaos

and nowhere to put it

Got it off google images lad i don't use f*nnyjunk


he's fucking scrawny


squee squee im a runt

lots of weird irish people in London

Had a good session with the therapist today

last two words are redundant

where'd you get em

It's Friday, let's share some funny or interesting images you think /brit/ might like!

>Had a good session with the therapist today
did you cry?

Just Amazon, nothing too special

good night x

>Brooklyn Beckham: Model 'Totally Smitten' With Chloe Moretz

>no brit bf
why even live?

why the fuck is mental illnesses so prevalent on Sup Forums

do i have some sort of undiagnosed mental illness as well if i've been here for 7 years


No I never cry


most likely



Blackwake seems like a fun game. Does sound like you'd need mates to play with though. randomers could be very unreliable for the type of game it is.

sure thing la


if you're paid on the 25th of the month, every month, are you paid for that months work or the previous months?

i.e. are you paid basically a week in advance, or are you paid 3 weeks "late"?


what did you talk about

you're paid for the 4 weeks you worked since the last payday you absolute tit

99.9% of salaried jobs pay a month in arrears. Meaning you work and then at the end of the period, you're paid for that work.

They don't pay you for work you will/might complete over the coming weeks

previous month

Just ate some salted microwave popcorn

Shit was cash, feels like an anachronism from the 90s though hehe

previous 30 day period


social anxiety
I talked through several social interactions I had recently and I feel very reassured about the now

Wouldn't mind playing Sniper Elite 4 but I'm not paying £40 for it

my mind is blown lads

i'm gonna get an extra pay check


I was always paid "in arrears," which means you get paid for time you've done, after you've done it. I've only had shitty jobs though and other jobs might do it differently.

Lads... should I do it?

reckon I could become a really really famous and successful stand up comedian by just playing clips of different comedians over the sound system and just lip-sync them on stage easily tricking everyone into thinking its ME making those hilarious observational jokes and not chris rock or george carlin or billy connolly or sarah silverman etc

*drops out of law school*

>and other jobs might do it differently.

They don't


That's entirely up to you user

get the sweet and salty kind next. really good.

>CNN and other news organizations were blocked Friday from a White House press briefing.

oy vey

fuck off

you CLEARLY don't have social anxiety since you didn't feel anxious talking to your therapist

they you are, now you're cured

wish i could do some mandy but my tolerance and serotonin are fucked

The only reason you should vote Tory is if you have a net worth of £1m+

you know you want to shag her, go on lad no one wil judge you

dolan trunks is bullying trans kids now