How do Australian guys always get with such young girls?
How do Australian guys always get with such young girls?
Last try.
Legitimately curious, but whatever.
bump indeed
how young is she?
Left is 15, right is 13 according to their Instagrams. It just seems weird they're hanging out with college-aged guys. Like, how does that sort of "friendship" happen?
by not being autistic shut outs on Sup Forums, not being fat, and probably have a semi-decent sense of humor
seriously, just run the mile every day at least and eat a little less. It wont get you that ripped look but no need to have 4 tits hanging off your back
just flow with it, dont sperg, dont trigger on utter nonsense
crack some jokes if you got them, be friendly
>implying i'm fat or autistic
holy shit what
OP wants to date a loli and is in his mid 30's, user.
I don't know maybe hang out with younger friends from high school and introduce to younger friends