She only dates black men

She only dates black men.

you jelly, white boi?



>Cool story bro
>Not black


1. Who
2. Did it use to be a HE?
3. Keep that trash, looks like an attention seeking drama "queen"

zzZzz its 2005...

this woman's ass tho

I can still fucking fap, can't I?

Rather kms than be a nigger

i dont think white boys jealous of black men anymore, i think that shit was a 90's fad. why don't you chill, OP?

All these white fags trying to pretend not to be jelly...

It's spelled "though", you filthy untermensch.

Tha thing probably has a bigger dick than the guys it dates
Fucking no I ain't jealous

not in the slightest.

Don't care. But you got a source on where to get those socks

she has the face of a 50 y/o and hambeast thighs

Chris Rock once said something along the lines of:
>"There ain't a white man in this room that would change places with me. None of you. None of you would change places with me, and I'm rich."

Stop being gay, OP.

I'm black so I guess I'm down with it.


Nope.cuz u know what they say....
Once you go black,
You are a single mother with aids and no future...... nigger

She only dates black men.
Well obviously, after the first nigger nobody else was going to touch it.

She looks like a Russian man, her veins are popping out very clearly, her thighs are fucking grossly large, she has small tits, and she's probably an autistic sjw shitcunt.
I ain't a cuck like you OP. I don't care.

Nope, she would have to be a real piece of shit to do that. Nothing of value lost.

Discussed, but not jealous.

Not really.
I have the jungle fever.
And most black women seem more than willing to oblige.

Just give her and her black bf the mike brown treatment.

post pics

so much ass you can actually see it from the front.
>look between the legs

>pics or it didn't happen
Seems it didn't happen.
I had a few of this one on another hdd, but that one got fucked.
I can show you pics of fucked hdd as proof that happened, but not the black chicks.

Also as a side note. Mexican women really like chubby white dudes.

Untermensch* you Untermensch.

Why would i be? Not like you've dated her. White boi

Not into retard cunts.
Niggers can have her.

Painted eyebrows, testosterone jaw, cankles...
Niggers can have her, no problem.

Grammar detected, therefore not nigger.

i just wanted to see some black amateur booty

Once you zoom in on her face she gets a little...manly... No thanks cuck faggot

OP your bait sucks man, try harder you wannabe nigger.

I can scrounge around my drives and see what pops up, but don't get your hopes up.
Also I don't take nudes. It's always sfw style.
Wish I had my box of old ide hdds. I have like 30 of them, but they're not currently in the same state as me. They're sure to have something.

Sorry all I found were nudes of this one white chick.

not at all ..Plenty of pussy to go round.. if she wants to hook up with a pavement ape and shit out a kids she cant afford of luck to ya

It seems that some women like...It also seems that niggers like prison.

no worries
next time use the cloud mang

>umad whyt boi huh u mad tell us all how you feel if umad whyt goi

post em

I don't trust the cloud.


But im black.

Oh, I found something.
More mexican than black really, but hey

I'll just dump a few nudes I found.

It doesn't matter how hot they are, once they become white trash nigger lovers, they lose every last spec of attractiveness

Everybody has their preferences. Me being jealous of her isn't going to make her like white dudes. I'm a white dude and I don't like black chicks. If I was extremely handsome, I wouldn't want black chicks to be jealous of me because I'm not attracted to them. She is really sexy, though. I love those thighs.

damn, she's cute.


I know.
Part Black/part Mexican chicks sometimes have the best facial structure. Not always, but sometimes.