Chart thread boys, R8 H8 B8 Whatever the fuck, you know the drill by now
There are Other two but the have been dead for a LONG While

i love dead threads

try giles corey's hinterkaifeck ep if you haven't already

I havent heard that i'll give it a listen later
I'll rec you "mouse on the keys - an anxious object"

Tell about that album to the right of Salmon Run.
Also, what does Ovlov do, I remember them from World Peace

i don't have anything to rec you guys, but good job i guess.

Do we really need 3 of these a day?


Planning for Burial - Leaving
Starry Cat is beautiful, very nice taste.
Salvia Palth - Melanchole
Letlive - Fake History
Goslings - Grandeur of Hair

Def gonna check out some stuff from these ones

Oh boi, oh boi! I smell something... smells like... dead thread.
Posting because I have no life.
Ok chart overall, some stuff I really like and other stuff that I find just "ok".
>i love dead threads
I know you... are we really always the same guys posting here? Well, that and lazyfags I guess...
Oh, c'mon.
I can't remember you. You have my favorite album when I was 10 years old on your chart btw.

its just one of dusters unreleased tapes or whatever called Testphase, Tape One. found a dl link to it in a duster thread one time

and ovlov makes shoegazey punky indie rock i guess

me from 3 years ago

Please rec me some good Classical Albums, especially Piano centered ones.

Floating Points - Elaenia
Floating Points - Shadows
Martha Argerich - Debut

autistic daughters

speedy ortiz

white noise

the normal
swell maps
stick men w/ ray guns
drunks with guns

jackie o motherfucker
david thomas broughton
vibracathedral orchestra

deep turtle
us maple
713avo amor
rat at rat r

harry partch

dickie landry

>You have my favorite album when I was 10 years old on your chart btw

ooo can I guess? Is it either Endtroducing, Reign in Blood, Korn, or When the Kite String Pops?

Also listen to Warp Records - Artificial Intelligence if you haven't yet.

pleb taste coming through. i can't really give recs because i got into music some months ago and i haven't looked into much obscure stuff yet

Give me some recs
You have good taste
I've seen worse

tried to make one of those cool color-gradient charts with my trash pop punk taste. been a decade of loving music and browsing Sup Forums and I still keep turning to the type of stuff I've liked since I was 12. Last thread I got rec'd Butch Walker and Ryo Fukui. Both totally excellent and I thank the anons who suggested them. I'm looking specifically for more pop and power pop recs but anything is welcome.

nice chart OP. Lot of albums I've been meaning to check out so I saved it for later. Recs:
>The Music Tapes - For Clouds & Tornadoes
>Verse En Coma - Rialto
>The No-Neck Blues Band - Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones But Names Will Never Hurt Me

>The Books - The Lemon of Pink
>Pygmylush - Mount Hope

>Melt-Banana - Charlie
>BATS - Red in Tooth & Claw
>The Locust - Plague Soundscapes

if you haven't heard Dissertation, Honey by The Plot to Blow Up the Eiffel Tower, I think it might blow your mind.
>Half Japanese - Sing No Evil

Tom Petty - Full Moon Fever
Bruce Springsteen - Nebraska
Arctic Monkeys - Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not

learn to recc please

get a better waifu

Rhys Chatham - An Angel Moves Too Fast to See
Dobri Isak - Mi plačemo iza tamnih naočara
Alex Calder - Strange Dreams
Seam - The Problem With Me
Silver Jews - American Water
Red House Painters - Down Colorful Hill
The Soft Boys - Underwater Moonlight
The Cleaners From Venus - Midnight Cleaners
diSEMBOWELMENT - Transcendence Into The Peripheral
Paysage d'Hiver - Paysage d'Hiver
Dead - Musical Abortions
Sadistik Exekution - The Magus
Ryo Fukui sucks lol

A. G. Cook - Radio Tank Mix
Molly Drake - Molly Drake
Blaque - Blaque
David Axelrod - Songs of Experience

Quebec by Ween

comment my fucking taste and recs plz

Panopticon- Roads to the North, Krallice s/t

you first lazyfag
How do you manage to listen to only one genre but have such an entry level chart?
I rec you to stop only listening to p4k approved metal
Embryo - Steig Aus


no homo we smokin pensises!!!

>ooo can I guess? Is it either Endtroducing, Reign in Blood, Korn, or When the Kite String Pops?
No, it's actually Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat., though Reign in Blood was my favorite when I was 13.

Leaving for class soon. Sorry for lazyposting.

Weather Report - Black Market
The Pretty Things - S.F. Sorrow

lazyposting till I die


check out Wire's earlier stuff

An Endless Sporadic - Magic Machine

double nickels on the dime
dissection-storm of the light's bane
>reccing letlive
my nigga
the dave brubeck quartet-time out
if you're new definitely check out nick drake-pink moon
state champs-the finer things


You seem like a real faggot

all great taste

who at your middle school showed you Sup Forums?

why are you trying to pass off a Sup Forumscore chart as your own?

Set Fire to Flames
Viet Cong/Preoccupations/Women
Ghosts of the Great Highway

Shit at reccing but whatever

who at your middle school showed you Sup Forums?
dug is love
faye wong - fuzao
advantage lucy - have a good journey
emancipator - soon it will be cold enough

can yu rec me lowercase
the soundcarriers - entropicalia
broadcast and the focus group... - s/t


you've got jazz so i'll shill Thembi by Pharaoh Sanders like I do.
this is a guess but check out Mass of Fermenting Dregs - World Is Yours

Coil - The Ape of Naples
Claude Debussey - Suite Bergmanesque
Duster - Stratosphere
Current 93 - I am the Last of the Field that Fell (A Channel)
Iceage - Plowing into the Field of Love
Carissa's Wierd - Songs about Leaving
Pinback - Blue Screen Life

These were my most listened to records last week. Rec please. Don't care if I've heard it before.

I kind of skipped over the fermentation dudes a while ago but it sounds better than I remember

>who at your middle school showed you Sup Forums?
That'd be you tbqh.


Jerry Mulligan - Night Lights
Joibm - Night Lights

Those 2 recs sound really fucking good


grit your teeth

break your toes


duster - stratosphere
sparklehorse - it's a wonderful life

sparklehors is bomb

Terje Rypdal, Miroslav Vitous, Jack deJohnette - s/t
Get up with it is an oft overlooked fusion miles record, listen to it if you haven't
hello friend
listen to david darling - cycles
Osamu Kitajima - Masterless Samurai
Grouper - Ruins
Galaxie 500 - On Fire
Cigarettes after Sex - I

david darling is bomb



hey Sup Forums how was your day ?
i need recs :I

Tegan and Sara !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thanks for the rec user

try the angelic process if haven't already


thank you
i will look for that

Flying Saucer Attack- s/t
btw sily is on your chart twice

Hit me baby one more time

+Fuck buttons


please explain the appeal of death grips. is it some artsy shit or something? i put it on and had to take some painkillers within an hour because it gave me headache

also, miles davis - bitches brew


these threads always die when I post in them :(

Make a new one then, and I'll post


angelic process is interesting

Tired of the same albums, need some recs
I'll try my best to give some back