So you are aware that soda is literally just processed cancer water that they sell to you right?

So you are aware that soda is literally just processed cancer water that they sell to you right?

I used to drink 1-2lt a day. Felt awful for years

never touch the stuff anymore.

Its a profitable population control

>Implying I care
Everything you eat and do is bad for you. We'll all be dead eventually so it doesn't matter.

thats what fat people in america these days dont realize.
Just cut out this cancer causing sugar and they would lose the fat

so we should all just start doing lots and lots of fentanyl right?

Are you aware that nobody gives a fuck? If they wanna drink it, fine. What's it to you

Sure it's not my problem

Buh da sugah makes eet test gudder.


Land whale detected

Have another soda