I now identify as GOD kin...

I now identify as GOD kin... Therefor my pronouns are "His divine being(Instead of HE) Our Lord's(instead of HIS) and His own Godliness(Instead of himself)


Why did you rape a virgin?


Must try harder.

Wouldn't you?

Fuck you I'm God, I'll send your bitch ass to hell.

I identify as the Canaanite god Baal and I demand you stop appropriating my culture

Do you eat the fetuses or just throw them back if they're too small?

Fuck you, go to hell.. Actually YOU WILL. Bitch Nigger.

I use them for what everyone uses them for... Simulating pregnancy.



Dark meat or white meat?

So does murder. Genocide sends an entire nation to goo faster. What's your point?

White meat. Only white.

See, this is what I say

>nation to goo faster.
I like goo.

No such thing as hell, even most of the Bible describes Sheol as the afterlife

Now, as Baal-kin, I demand you return my holy mountain, my council of gods (the sons of el), my bull imagery, my battle with the monstrous serpent, and my casting down the morning star.

El would also like his wife back. You may keep any attributes you did not steal from us, if you have any

Fuck you

I get the dubs...

You got what, one set?

Dubs are an accomplishment only for th saddest of mortals. Enjoy being a frankenstein god cobbled together from the corpses of true gods who preceded you


You're simply a piece of me, a pathetic toenail. I stand on my own legs further than you can. How many people worship Baal again??? Oh right... GOD rules this world. Even Allah is just another name and branch of my book. I OWN THIS ROCK.

Alllah is etymologically related to El, the supreme God of the Canaanites that YHWH stole attributes from.

The truth is that you are your are own toenail, I am your head and heart. Without the attributes taken from The great Baal and other Canaanite gods, what is left?

>I stand on my own legs further


Stupid god.

You are dumb, and should identify as such

Thou shalt not be a bitch.

You're just a bitch

you're just a bitch going to bitch hell. Bitch.