That room wasn't even green.
That room wasn't even green
This was a massive let down. It was only ok, totally forgettable. The witch was good though.
Yeah, way to overhyped and run out of steam for the last act. The blonde skingirl was cute at least
Murder Party>>Green Room>>>>>>>>>Blue Ruin
Well, that's some very generic unspecific criticism you got there.
Uninteresting characters, shock value moments of violence that didn't contribute to story or character development, bland ending, motivational speech followed by a master plan whereas the previous plan was just wander outside and hope for the best, villains are 3 dimensional (literally nazis)
But the acting and music were very good, overall the film wasn't bad just over hyped
So what's your desert island band, Sup Forums?
If I'm perfectly honest..
Death In June
Great film btw, everything it needed to be.
for a generic unspecific FLICK
I liked it, but I haven't seen anyone hype it up and had never heard of it until a couple days ago. I don't know why you're comparing it to The Witch, they're nothing alike.
>never heard of it until a couple days ago
It's been hyped up big time on Sup Forums there have loads of threads about it on Sup Forums even a fe days ago there was a 'best of the year so far' thread and plenty of people had Green room on their list.
I'm comparing it to the Witch because the Witch was similarly hyped on Sup Forums with loads of threads and positive reviews from people here, it was mentioned with Green Room as 'best of the year so far'
>mfw Sup Forums tricked me into watching another 5/10 movie
You're lucky Imogen Poots was a qt
the acting confused me, its like half of the characters werent even trying to act ,
also the reasoning of what to do from both parties was randy as fuck
Well I watched it after watching Batman vs Superman, so anything would seem like a masterpiece compared to that.
I'm being a bit harsh on it because I was expecting too much I think. Green Room is much, much better than BvS, BvS was properly shit.
It wasn't any kind of masterpiece but I love indie horror/thrillers so I enjoyed it. 7/10.
That ruin wasn't even blue
I watched this last night and I enjoyed it a lot. It was pretty good for what it was trying to accomplish. The only thing I didn't really like was some character choices, especially on the bad guy's side.
>blond girl was cute
>not Maeby
I rewatched it today. Everything adds up nicely. The dude in the beginning when interviewed saying he won't live to be 70, the other dude getting painted while sleeping foreshadowing his sharpie face camo later on, mohawk dude vacuuming his flat because he expects his brother and the girl to visit, many nice little touches..
she was annoying as hell
it was understandable of course
but man, I couldn't wait for her to die
which I actually kind of feel bad for
Looks green to me.
Green rooms are never green, that's their original purpose. The quicklime lights were green tinged, so actor's eyes would often become color exhausted. To counterract the effects, they would paint the break room red or brown so that their eyes could re-adjust.
Dogfaced bitch
I though the mma, wrestling, "I totally know what to do" guy was way more annoying.