Has anyone seen Son´s Of Anarchy?

has anyone seen SonĀ“s Of Anarchy?

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after a couple of seasons the show relies on people being stupid and lying to each other. basically most of the seasons past 2 are set up like this except for one season.

I'd only recommend if you're really bored and have nothing else to watch.

t. guy who watched all the seasons and still didn't like it.

Yeah it's good. Basically The Sopranos, but with a biker gang instead of boring old Italians.

Like a lot of shit on FX, it's cancerous. It's a show for low IQ plebs and Baby boomers . If you like Burn Notice, 24, The Shield, Justified and Vegas you will love it.

It was okay. There are good characters and there are bad characters. The ending is at least satisfying.

You probably have cancer with all that shit coming from your fingertips, boy.

its worth a watch

This guy is pretty much spot on I watched all the seasons but after a few you just want to rip gemma's head off

It's bad, people act fucking retarded, dialogue is cringy and it gets worse and worse troughout the seasons.

He's not that wrong.

I've watched 6 seasons, btw.

Quit after S3 if you don't want to be frustrated

The main character is the worst part of the show. After the Ireland season it gets even worse and Jax yelling at the priest "YOU SON OF A BITCH" in a high pitched woman voice is genuinely hilarious

>the ending is at least satisfying
Nigger what? Motorcycle Jesus suicide is satisfying for you?


he got killed by Vic Mackey.

More of the original characters die than in GoT.

>The Shield

And here's your reply

It's a show that goes up and down- Season one and two are great, three and four really slip- especially with the European connection plotline.

Season 5 is the apex. Try and quit after that. Season Six and Seven of SoA are probably the worst dips in quality I have ever seen- and I don't just mean plot and script. Costumes, locations, camerawork, acting, script, all of it goes down hill. You can see in the faces of the actors that even they have no idea what the fuck is going on and they're just talking to get a paycheque.

I think only Trueblood tops SoA in terms of big-budget shows utterly dropping the ball in overall quality.

Who gets killed and how again? I haven't watched the last season and i don't really care.


Halfsack: Stabbed by Irish guy.
Hale: Shot up by Mexicans (I think)
Stahl: Executed by the Sons of Vengeance
Piney: Shotgunned by Clay
Opie: Bludgeoned by niggers
Clay: Shot by Jax
Tara: Stabbed by Gemma
Bobby: Shot by a nigger
Juice: Shanked by Marilyn Manson
Unser: Shot by Jax
Gemma: Shot by Jax
Jax: Suicide by Vic Mackey

>Jax tries to get muh club out of guns
>something nearly happens to muh family
>club nearly gets out of guns
>club is hurt meaning it needs to stay in muh guns

Repeat for 7 seasons, although it is worth it for based tig and happy

Sopranos>The Wire>Deadwood>>>>>>>>>>>>POWER GAP>The Shield>SoA
>Bikers not being displayed as incestuous , meth addicting pieces of shit that they are.
>Actually having a Niger and spic in the group? Bikers are some the most racist trash
>Them not slapping the shit out of Peg when she speaks
>Pretty boy star who always shows his ass, takes off shirt and comes up with all the solutions.
It's shit. I had to avoid visiting my dad because he would chain watch it.

The Shield is better than NIGGERS ARE PEOPLE :( aka The Wire :)

Tig, Chibs, the ex-wife, and the chronic masturbater are pretty much the only people introduced in the first season that make it to the end aive.

fucking kek everytime

Not really. The Shield was literally (LITERALLY) just a west coast version of The Wire but with a manlet as the MC instead of an alcoholic


>The Shield was literally (LITERALLY) just a west coast version of The Wire
Congrats on outing yourself as someone who never watched The Shield :)

It's worth watching for the interactions between Tig and the tranny Venus alone.

That being said the rest of what everyone said here is right. The main overarching plot gets really stupid after season 2 honestly. First 2 seasons are actually good though.

pretty good compliment then

They explain that the bylaws say "no nigs allowed". Doesn't say anything else about the rest of the nonwhites.

Not an argument.

>muh armenian munny train
>shane an his wife dindu nuffin, they a gud couple, it was all trayvon's fault

Also there's almost literally no character development for Vic until the final scene of the final ep when he's sitting in the ICE office

Get fucked by your mom's boyfriend, cuck

>that opinion
I know it's b8, but

>letting your personal politics get in the way of determining the quality of shows
Top pleb

Not really. The Wire is sterile and dull. The characters are interchangeable in their interactions. Everyone is a mouthpiece for David Simon's liberal politicking at some point in the series. It's really shameful and disgusting. And congrats on liking the show made by a LITERAL cuck huffingtonpost.com/2013/07/16/david-simon-george-zimmerman-verdict-ashamed_n_3604292.html

No, dude, it's like, the CITY is a main character. It's such a deep study of politics! Look at how everyone bickers and nothing gets done! Look at how the system corrupts the most idealistic people! This is profound shit! Pass me the blunt *hissssssss*

>Get fucked by your mom's boyfriend, cuck
Is there something you need to get off your chest, buddy?

>yfw ad skinner shows up as a nazi meth dealer

>letting your personal politics get in the way of determining the quality of shows
Top wew

Yeah, your mom's fat body.

Funny how you're pretending to act like an intelligent critic of TV but you can't even acknowledge or provide a counterargument to my (valid) point about how Mackey's character development is almost as stunted (if not more stunted) as McNulty's in The Wire

but keep on defending your angry-self-insert-manlet show

Vic has character development as well. He is put to the test constantly and develops as a leader with each new season.

Vic has no fucking character development from the moment he shoots Terry to the moment that he goes into his little personal civil war with Shane over the Armenian money train heist profit. That was the whole point of the entire series leading up to the final scene: he was, for better or worse, about as bad as the scum he was locking up, no matter what his justifications were for what he did.

>Funny how you're pretending to act like an intelligent critic of TV
When did I do that? I'm not arguing about whether The Shield is a good show or not. All I did was comment on the suspiciously specific insult you threw at user.

No, he does have character development. As events change around him he is forced to adapt and change with it. I'm sorry it all went over your swiss cheese brain because you missed something special to be sure.

>That was the whole point of the entire series leading up to the final scene
Then what the fuck is the problem, retard? Good god you're fucking stupid.

>No, he does have character development.
Give me three (3) examples.

>As events change around him he is forced to adapt and change with it.
That's not "character development". From his divorce, to his bosses/superiors catching onto his dirt, to even members of the Strike Team turning/catching onto him, his entire motivation for all his actions from the pilot to the series finale is rooted in selfishness and personal gain.

>I'm sorry it all went over your swiss cheese brain because you missed something special to be sure.
Not an argument.

Sounds like you're the one who didn't watch The Shield. How sad!

Maybe because the other cuckold I'm replying to is trying to insinuate that Vic goes through some absolutely dramatic character/personality transformation from the first ep to the end in order to justify his manlet rage.

When in reality the character who shot his own police partner in the pilot is the same character who's running around a hospital parking lot looking for a cop and his wife + daughter while brandishing a desert eagle just so he can cover his own ass regarding dirtycop actions he did

>tl;dr: The Shield may have character development, but not for Chiklis' character.

The problem with this argument is that you have a deeply flawed view of character development. You think a character suddenly has to get sober or decide he's really a woman to have character development. You miss subtle nuances in Vic's behavior as the walls begin to close in, because you are a rank pedant.

>solipsism: the post

Not an argument.

>the other cuckold I'm replying to
You kids really have run that meme into the ground. Now it's just another meaningless Sup Forums buzzword like faggot. Good job.

You argue Vic didn't experience character development because he's a dirty cop throughout the whole series.

I argue that this doesn't mean there is no character development. His role doesn't change but his views on other characters change. his relationship with Aceveda changes Vic. Fathering Danny's bastard child changes Vic.

It's only cucks who get triggert by that word :^)

Okay, you're right.

Kikes on Bikes. Really goes to shit after the crazy FBI lady story arc ends

>triggert [sic]
Hey look another buzzword. You'll be sure to fit in no time kiddo.
Btw I wasn't saying no one should say cuck, shit-for-brains. But using it wrong makes you look like a moron and dilutes the word.

>m-muh buzzwords
Hello, reddit! Nobody's forcing you to be here, you know.

Vic's entire arc is that of a downward spiral as far as the consequences of him murdering Terry in the pilot.

It takes a bit of time for the consequences to start crushing him, but it is there. Partly because Ryan had to walk a tight rope making fans like Vic while at the same time, avoiding the temptation to retcon Terry into a monster who had it coming, effectively vindicating the decision.

As for Sons of Anarchy, season one is extremely weak as it is devoid of any and all tension until the last 3-4 episodes. The show falls into a pattern of the MC being untouchable and able to do whatever they want while Hale and Stahl impotently ring their hands, looking like fools before Stahl enacts his master plan, which backfires and gets the wrong person killed (Donna dying instead of Opie, due to Stahl framing Opie for turning against the group).

Season three also has problems due to the fact that it takes them about 5 episodes to get the core group overseas to look for Jax's kid.

Don't you have any original thoughts? You're basically a cartoon character at this point.

Basically after the Ireland season it drops. I watched all the way up to Season 5 and then dropped it. Shit just got way to crazy


Vic's character arc is that he kills a man and then basically ignores the far reaching consequences of it on his partner, until it's far far far too late as far as the guilt, Vic's refusal to even allow him to mention said guilt, and plus treating him as a punching bag for how Vic's life is falling apart (his marriage collapsing plus the "autism as God's punishment visited upon his kids" angle), and Shane finding comfort in the arms of a woman who while filled with her own personal flaws, is smart enough to see Vic for what he is, as opposed to the charming SOB image he projects to those around him.

The bulk of the character development falls on Walt Goggins' hands as far as the drama coming from Vic's reaction (or lack of reaction) to all the shit Shane goes through. Shane does a lot of bad shit too, but it's given a deeper level of justification to it that Vic killing Terry, even if Shane's actions are more beyond the pale given how unlike with Terry, who we only knew for one season, we knew Lem for five seasons.

Well, Vic doesn't exactly bury the guilt. Especially in season 1, you could see him struggling with it almost on the level of Shane. First is when he's lifting weights to the point of tears. And then when they catch one of the cop killer negros in the season 1 finale, and they basically take out their guilt and frustration on him. "Oh you cop killing piece of shit".

Nothing I said had anything to do with psychoanalysis. Try harder, pseud.


CLASSIC reddi/tv/irgin

It's like a mix between The Sopranos and Vikings, but not as good as The Sopranos.

>Opie: Bludgeoned by niggers
Viking god stuck into a confined space and killed by a pack of niggers
It was horrific

Realistically, Sons of Anarchy is one of the very worst shows ever:

- stupid show about stupid people doing stupid things
- Katy Sagal and her nonstop worried pike faces
- 100 SHITS and JESUS CHRISTS per episode because they can't say FUCK
- bikers talking like bankers or lawyers
- dude gangz lmao
- trying to be The Sopranos on the wheels
- some of the bloody worst music I've ever heard comes from Sons of Anarchy
- cringeworthy muscal montages
- meme guest stars
- meme subplots
- literally the most moronic and incompetent law enforcement you'll ever see on TV

That's just the tip of the iceberg.

>tfw Opie was too pure for the SOA universe
>so the universe corrupted him in response

>because they can't say FUCK
I feel like this isn't true but I can't prove it
I swear I've heard a few fucks and even a few cunts

Just a reminder that was Tig's fault and he lived to the end with his tranny waifu

it was hands down the saddest death on the show. he took it all on himself so that piece of shit Jax could live to make another deal with brown.

Um, that's what happens to Jax. It's literally the central plot of the entire show.

Samefag here, I forgot to add something:

Remember that episode of S1 True Detective with bikers? Yeah, th 20 minutes with those fucking EVIL gangbangers was better than 7 seasons of S.O.A.


>uses another word he doesn't understand
>yet another reference to his favorite website
Surely you can't be serious.

I really wanted to see Donal Logue's character start an all out war with them. My dick was rock hard when they showed the bed full of guns.

>praising True Detective


yeah, fucking Vikings kept them from doing what they wanted with his character so they had to eliminate him early. at least he got to kill Otto.

lol triggert

Climb upstairs, go to kitchen, grab the biggest fucking knife, murder your family and then yourself.

Opie was more pure than Jax at the beginning of the series.

Edgy, definitely a True Detective fan :)


There was so much anal sex in this show

The real issue I had with this show was that none of the characters' actions had any consequences. There was one scene where they beat the shit out of some guys in a gas station, then Jax gets a call and has to go across town, and there are no repercussions for violently assaulting some fool in public. Similar scenarios play out over and over again. I could never buy into the show.

main character is worst character and drags down the show

>Make a show about a biker gang
>conflicts are handled verbally or through stare-downs

I mean it would be a lot more realistic but also boring as fuck to watch.


I'm not saying that. I'm saying have some sort of repercussions to people's actions. Even when Opie finds out Clay had his wife killed, they are all eating dinner together at the end of the episode. I could not suspend my disbelief.

I think Sutter was making most of the story up as he went. I can't imagine that he actually planned it all from the start, not even a rough outlining of the biggest events of the whole story was done by the time the first season wrapped up. When Jax finds his fathers diary and we all find out who killed his dad and why i thought we'd get another season and it would be over or we'd see a new cast of characters/direction for the show but Sutter just kept going, doing his best to introduce as many side plots and new characters to draw attention away from the season 1 finale.

I would advise that you watch it the show is pure Sutterkino.

>mfw he killed Gemma without asking her / checking if she really killed Tara and why

mf the ending in general

Well Jax had the police report and Gemma all but confessed. What more evidence do you need?

It's a literal meme show.

It was quite comfy to watch in the beginning but after season 3 (or 5, I don't even remember what happened in each season) they started to flood it with forced """"plot-twists"""" in a failed attempt to keep the viewers entertained. It didn't work well and a lot of retarded things happened because of it.

A non-retarded script

The Gemma Teller Story
Guest starring some hairy dudes

That heavy-Jesus imagery from the Finale, haha, the least subtle crap ever. Fuck me, this show was an abomination.

The heavy-handed imagery is partially why I *cannot* stand the amount of times "jesus christ" is uttered.

Pretentious imagery aside, the ending is pretty neat I thought. Not the best, but far from the worst.

>the ending is pretty neat I thought
Jax Christ, the crows, the bread, the wine (blood, really subtle), the awful CGI, Jax driving 20mph... c'mon now!

Yeah, I completely agree those are the worst parts. The ending just makes me sad.

It's ok. Like most tv starts out well and then stretches itself out too long and just gets too dumb trying to top itself.

The first few seasons are p good tho. I like to have them on in the background at work because you don't have to pay too much attention but every now and then you get to look up and see a gun fight

Do you think Jax is with Dexter Morgan on lumberjack island?