Justify why YOU don't tip waitresses

Justify why YOU don't tip waitresses.

I'm a cheap piece of shit

I tip if the service was good tell me before hand if the service is going too be shit and I will get up and leave.

Fuck you and your shitty job.

Because I'm not from a backward shithole who don't even pay their workers properly

Because it's pointless in the UK. Even if I think the server genuinely deserves it my tip will go in a pot and be split between all staff, which I object to. I ask in every place I eat out at--whether I want to tip or not--and it's always the same.


I is eurofag

Cheap pieces of shit.

Cheap, smelly pieces of shit with bad teeth.

Why tell them before?
They can find out at the end.

Seriously, why the fuck can't they just pay wait staff a normal wage? I don't care if the price of a plate goes up. I'd rather pay $45 for a plate, than $30 and your $15 tip.

if you dont like your shitty wage
go work somewhere else

because i dont live in a shithole country where restaurant staff has to wear revealing clothing just to make whats minimum wage in serious economies.

So you think I should bolster the wages of staff I haven't interacted with at all?
>b-but what about the chef
I might agree with you on that, but fuck giving all servers a bit of extra money when only one served me, you know there's always at least one not pulling their weight.

i live in a country that views tipping as an insult

it's so much easier

Went to Asia, no tipping and service is consistently amazing.

Born and raised in the U.S. tips are absurdly high, and service is regularly shitty and filled with contempt.

>50% tip

Which is customary precisely fucking nowhere.

Tip sharing isn't done in all places, and I think it's fucking retarded.

I worked as a waiter for 2 years before becoming a bartender. Anyone who tells you that servers are starving poorfags who need tips is a horrible server. We make BANK. And on the off-chance that we make less than minimum wage, employers are required by law to pay us the difference. No server is getting paid $2/hr anywhere in the USA. It's legally not allowed unless they're too stupid to ask for their paycheck. I have no problem with people that don't tip because my work ethic isn't dependent on my patron.

Salty much faggot? Go shoot up a school or something

not yr a shithole socialist cuk country who does pay for good service and withhold for bad. and on top of that you cant even defend yourself without uncle sam standing behind you ya fukhead.

Because I'm not a white knight.

I don't live in the US and we expect the cost of the food to cover the payment of the whole restaurant, not just the owners ass.

Why is that cheap. We pay for propper service up front, and if we don't get it we don't come back in a good amount of time. It is the same action in reality, except for the courtecy bullshit.

I'm eating at the wrong places then. Seriously, I haven't eaten at a place that doesn't do it for at least a decade.

beacuse the tip is actualky $5 or $15 depending on the service you lazy entitled nigger

I don't eat out

Server starts with a 15% tip, but anything they do wrong causes them to lose tips, though the inverse is true and if they do outstanding I'll tip more. I've literally left pennies and I've left nothing, but I've also tipped very well when I get a server who truly cares about their job. Tips are for doing good service, not because you (as the server) chose to take a sub minimum wage job. It's the employers job to pay their employees, not me.

i tip depend on my server actually provide good service.

i mean hell, if the service is bad i wont tip plain as that.

Guess there are no unions for waiters.

I do.

But this system was made in the 20s when restaurants legit could not afford to hire help because of the depression.

Its a long outdated tradition (by almost a hundred years!) that gives restaurant owners an excuse to pay less than minimum wage.

Its bullshit.

tip staff are only considered poor because their minimum wage for tip staff is what, half of nromal minimum wage, so the APPEARENCE of being poor is easy to come out with, what most people don't pay attention to is by law, if tip do not bring up the wage to federal minimum wage the employer is required to cover the difference, and secon, yea, tipped staff make fucking BANK.

>But this system was made in the 20s when restaurants legit could not afford to hire help because of the depression.

Citation needed.

because tipped workers are greedy entitled cunts who have the easiest job in the world

I tip 50%, but I don't believe in tipping. I think the business owner should pay a fair wage. So really, I guess I'm just guilted into it, and feel cheap of I don't tip half.


tipping isn't a fucking obligatory thing to do, and if it really sucks so badly for the waiters then they should get better jobs instead of bitching about a lowtier nigger job

this is why europe is a retarted shit they pay people for bad work so why work good

Tipping is considered offensive in my country because the salary is usually good enough.

have you ever tried waiting tables?

Its not mandatory in my country (service workers get somewhat okay wages due to a minimum wage in place), but I tip anyway if I'm getting decent-good service.

also in your shithole country bad service is considered good enough

Not that user but yes I did the job for a while.

If you've got good hours and enough downtime not to be scrambling working 110% of your shift, it's simple.

I'm from Iceland

In my culture too, it's rude and condescending to tip.
The waiters who offer bad service are fired.

You bitter bitter child.

tipping is outdated

so is america's banking system. but it won't change because america's banks can steal so much money from their customers.

just like restaurants. they are basically stealing from their employees, customers, and the government.

Im a delivery driver and this is %100 true.
I even make above minimum wage and honestly. I'm fucking pissed if I make less then $50 in tips per night.
I literally give no shit about the customers and all I want is your money.
Oh and if you stiff me I make a mental note of your address to ensure that your food is always late.
Also middle eastern people are cheap fucking assholes.

He has a point though. What's the incentive to provide good service? Waitstaff only has to do well enough not to get fired, which is hardly incentive to provide exemplary service.

yes i have, easily the easiest job i ever had in my life

I live in a place where tipping is frowned upon due to cultural standards. To them, its basically saying "you are beneath me"

I tip equally regardless of whether the job is done well or poorly.

Fuck you, just because you did "good" doesn't mean you deserve my hard-earned money. I'm not here to pat you on the back.

I only tip if she services the shaft.

Because intentionally being late will totally get you a tip.

>sallary in country good enough
>shithole country

pick one

I do tip, wtf is your problem

Welp. Got that information from what i figured was a trusted source long ago turns out it was wrong according to others.

Lots about other reasons, some terrible like restaurants not wanting to pay black people but.. Too much to read before this thread prunes and i can make an informed decision.

Thank you, sir.

>What's the incentive to provide good service?

The goods (shekels) you get in turn.

What is exemplary in taking object X and moving it 15m?


not that user but i used to do pizza delivery and ive never had a non tipper turn into a tipper literally ever

You're obviously the fucking child here.


Im from the US. I tip 25% because I make way more money than the servers. If I'm at a buffet or the service is shit I tip 10%. There is no inbetween.
-Fuck you

I tip big and often because I want everybody to know I'm a baller. Then when I come in I get special treatment and everybody kisses my ass. Then the people I am with are impressed and my circle of influence expands.

>hmm im bored what should i do

I don't do that

That's the worst part... you gotta tip good or the servers remember and fuck you around next time.
Which is kinda stupid and how a business loses customers...

But yeah, fuck the tipping system. It doesn't really help the business or the customer, and its terrible for encouraging the staff.

Well, my country is not fucking retarded so waiters and waitresses are paid normally.

I give these low income bitches just the tip, until they beg me for more

The "profession" will be automated anyway.
The sooner the better, judging how it's deteriorating.

Sounds boring....


This thread brought to you by the International Restaurant Association, "underpaying employees since 1960".

I tip because I earn enough money to be a little generous, I'm also not a selfish little moneygrubber who treats tipping like it's going to bankrupt me. Sometimes its nice to be nice and not make a massive deal about such a small amount of money.

Assholes and losers don't tip.

lol I can recognize OP's bitter teenager posts
get a real job OP and stop whining

I dont live in somalia

I tip big to waitresses at shitholes like Waffle House and then stiff the wait staff at Ruths Chris cause I like fucking with the status quo. I wish more people would do it.

I do. I'm rich I've got no reason not to.

Event bartender here, gratuity pay is disproportionate (event lasts 3 hours + my cut is $150 = I made $50/hr + my base pay of $4.50/hr). On top of that I keep whatever cash tips I am given ($252 for the last event I bartended for). I am being paid better than most people with a degree

Because this shitty, entitled attitude is ridiculous. Frankly, there is nothing that pisses me off more than some roastie assuming they deserve a 25% tip simply for existing. You give shitty service, you get a shitty (or no) tip.

>B-b-but muh wages

Too fucking bad. You knowingly accepted a job in which your wages are based on the generosity of others. You need money? I have plenty of roasties and degenerates working for me at the warehouse I work at.

What is a roastie you massive faggot?

yeah and its literally the fucking easiest job in the world, I actually quit a slightly better paying job at target to go back to it because it was easy as fuck and as long as you arent a total ass you make fucking 25+ dollars an hour after you factor in tips.

Because the law says that if a server doesnt make at least minimum with their wage and tips, then the employer has to pay them the difference.

If a server gets 0 tips, they make minimum.

But they make a lot of money through tips

>be me
>be waiterfag
>first job ever
>its literally just writing down food and taking plates to tables
>It's basically a fucking jrpg mini-game it's so fucking easy
>handle three or four tables at a time
>each group only stays around 40 or 50 mins
>get average tips cause I'm not an asshole but I'm also kinda lazy so I don't go out of my way
>get paid 9 dollars an hour
>get about 20-40 bucks in tips an hour
>mfw im making 30 to 50 bucks an hour doing shit all

so as a waited yes please tip more
but as a practice its fucking stupid anyone who tips is literally just fucking ignorant or has money to throw away


Give waiters and waitresses minimum wage, and completely eliminate the tipping system. Anyone wanna take bets on how long it is before they join the $15/Hour protests?

The only thing more entitled than that is someone who thinks they deserve your money just because they did their job well.

It's a hard job to get and to work around, though.

Not an amerifat and we pay all our workers a decent minimum wage
>When they do get a tip, they've actually earned it.

Mr. Pink: Jesus Christ I mean, these ladies aren't starving to death. They make minimum wage. You know, I used to work minimum wage and when I did I wasn't lucky enough to have a job that society deemed tipworthy.
Mr. Blue: You don't care if they're counting on your tips to live?
Mr. Pink: [rubbing his middle finger and thumb together] You know what this is? The world's smallest violin playing just for the waitresses.
Mr. White: You don't have any idea what you're talking about. These people bust their ass. This is a hard job.
Mr. Pink: So is working at McDonald's, but you don't see anyone tip them, do ya? Why not? They're serving you food. But no, society says don't tip these guys over here, but tip these guys over here. That's bullshit!
Mr. White: Waitressing is the number one occupation for female non-college graduates in this country. It's the one job basically any woman can get, and make a living on. The reason is because of their tips.
Mr. Pink: Fuck all that.
Mr. Brown: Jesus Christ.
Mr. Pink: I mean I'm very sorry the government taxes their tips, that's fucked up. That ain't my fault. It would appear to me that waitresses are one of the many groups the government fucks in the ass on a regular basis. If you show me a piece of paper that says the government shouldn't do that, I'll sign it. Put it to a vote, I'll vote for it. But what I won't do is play ball. And this non-college bullshit you're givin' me, I got two words for that: learn to fuckin' type, 'cause if you're expecting me to help out with the rent you're in for a big fuckin' surprise.

That pic triggered me so much. And i'm not even american. I really dislike such things going on in the same world i live in

mr. pink telling it like it is

thanks user thats actually the first thing I thought of

Why the fuck should I subsidize a restaurant owner

I drop my spare change on the floor.
Whoever needs it.

If they work hard and do their job well, they're apparently entitled to your money!

Wait, or is that just waiters? I'm confused...


It's what we do, baby

I tip any server who can prove they pay taxes on the tip. After all, I'm supposed to because it's part of their pay, and 100% of my pay is taxed.


Blame your boss and poor choice of employment, you royal dumbass

Yeah, that is something which gets me. Unless 100% of their tips are paid on credit cards, they can skip out on paying a significant amount of taxes which the rest of us can't.

I do tip, and I'll tip well to a good server. But I always tip on my credit card.