I'm schizo. AMA

I'm schizo. AMA

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google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS710US710&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=how many holes does it take to fill the albert hall

hey me too
What meds they got you on?

600 mg clozapine, you?

>I'm schizo.
so are you

20mg Olanzapine/Zyprexa
Ativan as needed

Paranoid schizo with auditory delusions.
What about you?


I don't know much about it, but the physical sensations are the ones that really send me over.

It's not like that.


Eh it's not so bad really.. tbh don't hear shit anymore since i stopped abusing drugs.

That's good.

wish i could take some of that excess dopamine off your hands

What did the voices used to say when you did hear them?

Are you happy you're alive?

I still hear them. It's mostly whispers.

Auditory Delusions guy here..
I don't hear voices, never have. I get intrusive thoughts which i used to interpret as hearing voices but i've gotten it worked out.

Are you?

Why are schizos so arrogant? I know one who thinks Lady Gaga is writing songs about him specifically.

I'm happy I'm alive right now. I don't hear voices, but I see images of crushing my cats skulls and stomping the fuck out of my dog. It's shit. Sometimes I'm not happy I'm alive and wish I'd never been born, but if I'm here, I'm going to find ways to make the best of it. I'm doing dope shit and don't feel defined by my shitbrain.

Luv u.

A lot of people relate to songs in that way schizo or not.
Sorry you can't experience music like the rest of us.

Total psychosis.

Most schizophrenics have delusions of granduer and think that they are bigger than they are. Thats why many schizophrenics think that they are the second coming of Christ. Most, if not all delusions have a root in the real world. For example if a schizophrenic thinks that his dad is a mafia boss, it could be because he is afraid of him, and sees him as powerful, just as he would a mafia boss

Well hopefully you never act on such thoughts.

why does he think that?

>Most schizophrenics
Why are you generalizing a mental disorder. You sound pretty ignant, fam

Did you excessively smoke pot? Ive heard of some studies saying it may have a correlation

I would never act on thoughts like that. That's why I really dislike having them, because they're so far away from how I feel about things.

I dont fuckin care this is an anonymous website

If you smoked at a younger age and were already predisposed to schizo through genetics it can spark it early.

He thinks certain lyrics refer to specific events in his life even though they're just generic pop lyrics that could be about anything.

What does anonymity have to do with your ignorant opinions?

I would like to offer you the position of bouncer at my branch of Starbucks in London. I need you to shave your head and buff up a bit first though.
I will equip you with a variety of weaponry and protective gear, so no need to worry there. My patrons are generally plotting various murderous schemes so you need to keep a close eye on them. They are always aware of your impending presence and are planning your demise. Be alert.

Do you happen to have an existing predisposition to extreme violence, or a current diagnosis of PTSD? This would be a huge positive.

Can i talk to the other guy?

Because they're fucking mental

When did it set in for you crazyfags? Late teens? Early teens?


Project V2K message to all of the artichoke, the CIA MKULTRA project independently of error and be done with the agreement realized. The first was on the minds of the US Coast Guard, the two rogue agent, AT & T put into a hypnotic state and is left with the Navy for experimental purposes. In human experience (about 4000 of them), SIGINT activities Energy Politics (Manchurian Candidate), nuclear, clean occasionally Satellite intellectual theft, torture and religious persecution organize my list, Stasi logical, exceptional water and energy to some extent energy initiatives, the human genome Project Secret NASA, physics and quantum mechanics experiments, HAARP and commitment Spread spectrum Wen quiet voice, and so the NSA attract the right of innocent middle managers, and department. Here's my case to "link a few agents in the Miracle" Donkey, Federal Bureau of Investigation COINTELPRPO Meet the Buyer, have some fun.

How many holes does it take to fill the Albert Hall?

Threads dead

This is a geniuine problem in mathematical topology

Why'd your parents name you Schizo?


No it isn't.
It's a Beatles lyric.


>inb4 google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS710US710&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=how many holes does it take to fill the albert hall

What kind of auditory delusions do you have? Like you think you hear something in the room that's not there or you have voices or something?

I think I might be getting schizophrenia with olfactory delusions (I smell things that arent real and I throw fits about it when people don't smell what i do)

The real question is how many Albert Hall's does it take to fill your moms hole. I'm guessing alot.


i see things out of the corner of my eye constantly and when im alone in the dark i hear noises, do i have schizophrenia? im 18 and my dad has paranoid schizo

Shouldn't you be on /x/?

>I'm schizo
That's the least of your worries. The fuck is wrong with your face?

Go tell a doctor and get a professional diagnosis.
Probably though.

Probably. It definitely runs in families.



Next question:
I saw a werewolf with perfect hair. What was he drinking?

Hi, got skype?

Yesterdays leftover felch semen dripping out your mother.

Are you safe and stable and medicated? Is your illness in charge of you?

I used to take LSD regularly when I was 17 and I eventually got to a point where when I would be coming down and be about to go to sleep but would start hearing faint screams that I legitimately thought were the neighbors getting slaughtered.

It is something that should definitely be taken in moderation

Also, no known ancestors of mine were schizo

fuck off.


How did Trump winning the election effect you?