So Sup Forums what do you think about the new overwatch news?

So Sup Forums what do you think about the new overwatch news?

Maybe you could tell us what news that is instead of being a fucking faggot

Tracer confirmed lesbian pretty much

some comic series was released and it says that the girl in OP post is a lesbian.

Blizzard should have completely left sexualities out of the lore, since a horde of autists make it a controversial topic.

who the fuck cares?
i mean, seriously, it changes NOTHING.


you remember the big deal about Tracer's "sexy ass pose"?

you'd think Blizzard would have mentioned then that she was a lesbian. then people wouldn't have made such a big deal out of it.

i feel like they pushed her sexual orientation into our faces, i mean seriously, a video gmes character sexual orientation should be left out of teh lore unless it actually impacts the STORY they are trying to tell...and overwatch doesn't really have a story at this point in time so there was no reason to include it.

isn't there a story book for Overwatch?

They're not shoving it in your face. They announced when the game was launched that multiple characters would be gay.
When one is finally shown, it's just in a side-comic that does nothing to affect the game in any way. Only people sperging out about it make it an issue.

Just blizzards way of stirring drama for their shitty fandom. Nothing else.

like anyone gives a shit about overwatch story

The only thing they shoved in anyone's face was how many fucking kids Torbjorn has produced. Seriously, I did not need to know that that dwarf has had more sex than anyone on this site ever will.

but autists screaming "SHE'S OURS NOW" are the ones who are shoving it our faces not blizz

I hope hanzo is gay ;3

There are spergs on both sides of the issue. Don't try to pretend there aren't.
But that's not Blizzard doing it.

I'm literally shaking right now, how could Blizzard do this to us? Fuck them and fuck Gaycer.

this. The story has nothing to do with whoever she fucks. Its bullshit lefty propaganda, that in fact, brings a lot of money nowdays.
This controversial bullshit is making what it was planning to do, put overwatch on the front page again. Make everyone talk about it.

as long as they keep this shit on overwatch and not on warcraft/starcraft, idgaf

the attractive white female is a lesbian, like it always is. Blizz wanted to make a statement or push boundaries they should have made one fo the robots, Torbjörn or Winston gay instead.

That overwatch is fucking dumb as shit

It's coming for you, too.
And then it's going to end up in flashbacks that Tychus really did enjoy the prison gang bangs and that Artanis and Zeratul fucked when they thought they were going to be killed by the Zerg but they don't talk about that because they both accidentally called the other Tassadar in the middle of it.

No-one cares you all sound like the biggest fuck wits complaining about a fucking animated character being a lesbian.

they stopped giving a shit about WoW and SC as soon as they saw the huge shitty fandom of overpriced

It is a fucking shit game who cares


Are we talking about shitty WoW subscriptions?

same old agenda pushing, nothing unexpected since they wanted a "diverse cast of heroes so everyone is represented!!!!111" Can't say i give enough fucks to stop playing it though

oh shit i forgot that my faction leader is a faggot

at this point i just want they to finish wow story and resurrect the RTS genre with warcraft 4

I'm in a weird blend of "i don't give a fuck" and "at least they revealed it relatively well"

video games have done piss poor jobs of having homosexuals characters; it always ends up being they overshoot everything and the gay tendencies become their sole trait. however, the game has already been out a while and established, so as long as tracer still has the same vo lines, mechanics, and lore behavior then I'd actually say blizzard did something right without even having to steal it, for once.

I still can't shake that fucking feeling that they wanted to attract more of an audience and they're using this as a cheap attraction. At some level, I do kind of find it demeaning that the sexuality of a fucking hero shooter character has become a selling point of a game worthy of grand news reveal.



Do people actually give a fuck?

It's just a quota that blizzard fills now. Ever since they got cucked by activision they have to meet x amount of gay activities every year.

Back when starcraft 2 was released it was every nerf they did. Especially the ghost snipe nerf

Back when Diablo 3 got released it was everything about Diablo 3

Back when World of warcraft pandas got released... well you see where this is going

Not me, but the brain dead overwatch fandom is eating this shit up.


Well maybe.... pandas did suck

Can confirm

I quit playing blizzard trash games after Diablo 3

Diablo 3 was disappointing, can't believe they saved Necromancer class for that long..


and they need to pick up the pace with Overwatch too, I don't care for this cheesy unnecessary diversity horse shit.


>I still can't shake that fucking feeling that they wanted to attract more of an audience and they're using this as a cheap attraction.

Ding ding ding fucking ding

Overwatch gaymers wanted a gay character in the game and once again, Blizzard delivers to the crybabies. It gets better, because there's going to be more gay characters in the game.

I prefer UT

Just let go, accept that blizzard is a shit company now and things will get much better.

I learned too late. I had to buy Diablo 3 to find out. I should have known after starcraft 2

You should have known after cataclysm. And if that didn't show you that they were just pissing on you then pandas should have


Yeah it is, but I feel Overwatch still isn't going away anytime soon, and that's why they take their precious fking time, but it also has endless potential so they know that it'll be good eventually. *I also liked Starcraft 2, I probably would've taken it more seriously if my PC wasn't shit

I liked Mist of Pandaria, it was a change from all those god awfully bland outlandish maps with dark skies.

but Cataclysm was definitely the worst. Late Burning Crusade / Wotlk was peak.

ironically, the only problem with mists of pandaria was the pandaren.

everything else was pretty damn good.

I liked Starcraft 2 originally before they nerfed everything to hell.

Essentially balance was so shit in that game that it even drove the pros insane.

It became a game of countering (macro) instead of micro and macro and that just is not fun at all.

I agree with this guy even though I only played it for a week

ahh yes, balance.

That's what I missed the most from Starcraft 1.

that and the amazing arcade mode, way better than what it is now.

>british and irish in love with each other

fuck this progressive bullshit

I don't understand the hype associated with overwatch. Sure it can be fun.

But there are so many good fun games out there. Not counting the shitty forced rehashes of games that used to be good but have now been raped into oblivion... (ahem Halo 5)

Hell there are better games that are almost identical to overwatch that are ftp without p2w systems

Cheers love, the cavalry is queer!

Where the fuck is the stupid time thingy that's supposed to be between her titties? Doesn't she like, need to wear that shit to stay in the present.

Sc1 is still there. But it's just not the same. I got to fucking diamond 1v1 in sc2 wol but I fucking quit after the snipe nerf. Shit hit me hard...

I got over it though and I realized how overhyped all this new blizzard stuff was just because they made some awesome games in the 90's

cunt here.
she does not have to wear it, it just needs to be around.


i wanted it to be torbjorn and reaper faggots together


is it... The red shirt guy??

Unreal Tournament

Lets face it Overwatch has been a """"diverse"""" game from the get go, its really should not be surprising in any way that they would add a token gay bit, also too be fair I really don't see a single panel in a comic not even linked on the main launcher as being "shoving it in our faces".

Both he and Genji are faggots, like any weeb trash that play them.

i don't care

i don't play overwatch. i wouldn't care if i did.

Lets face it. This would not have even happened had it not been the political norm to fill out a quota of black, gay, women, Hispanic, Islamic, squirrelkin, attack helicopter kin, and bisexual people into the pie of diversity.

Which is very much forced

First gay incest couple in a game?, wait are they even real brothers or just "brothers"?

Less and less people are playing so they are creating buzz to be relevant, and it's working.

well i still can fap to that ass so i dont give flying

Oh yes I agree to some extent that the pandering is getting/is completely absurd at this point, even the non-extremist gay/bi/ect crowd are getting fed up with the constant token additions to things for the sake of it, just saying it really shouldn't be surprising or unexpected in any way at this point, and this is FARRR from the worst example.

I'm just here for the porn

Genji isnt gay. Hanzo tried to murder him because genji was fucking too many women, and the clan didnt want a bastard child. They are real brothers.

He could be bisexual!

I don't think it is the worst example either. But I am fed up with every example of it.

While I could force myself to mentally look past it. I can't anymore. This shit ruins games for me now.

Gay characters wouldnt if they were not forced. Example the balled of gay Tony in GTA 4 was fucking awesome. But it also wasn't fucking forced like all this other shit.

So I refuse to play or buy games from people that produce this trash.

And except for overwatch (which would have sold well just because it's a blizzard ip) most AAA game companies have been seeing less profit

lol, its a video game, the characters are not real, their sexuality is not real, it doesnt matter - you are never going to have sex with her while having your ass plugged by Master Chief. But hey were talking about overwatch again so that'll boost sales before Christmas.

>well played Blizzard, well played

He could be. But why does any of this matter. I feel like all making a singular character or even going as far as making a handful of non hetero or non cis characters only points it out as not normal. Sort of makes it self defeating.

... is that real? where did you get that?

Where do you find Overwatch lore anyways??

It's heavily implied. He was described as a "playboy who likes hanging out with women and partying". His father died and the elders of the clan told hanzo that he should convince genji to cut the shit out or die. Genji basically couldn't quit the puss puss and probably lost his dick with a sword slash for it.

Genji definitely smashed one of the other heroes

for their diversity scheme, they can get deep into it and make it so that Genji got Mercy to cheat on Roadhog.