Yet another christmas alone. without ever having hugged a girl. the 27th one

yet another christmas alone. without ever having hugged a girl. the 27th one.

why fucking live until christmas. i can't even pay girls to hug me, i tried. it's fucking over.

Other urls found in this thread:

Are you hideous or creepy looking?

Why is everybody bent on having a fucking chick. Just hire a damn hooker and satisfy your carnal pleasure.

it's ok bro

I am 24 and alone too
just had my first kiss this year, nothing special

probably will not get a bf anytime soon
hugging is not something my fam even did lol

just kill yourself

First you get the money.
Then you get the power.
Then you get the women

yes. yes.
it'd be nice to at least feel a little bit worthwhile for a moment in my life

backpage has escorts

Are you suffering from a chromosomal abnormality that disfigures you?

Fix your shit.
I'm old fat ugly and bald but still pick up girls online all the time.


do that and youll be fine

>implying OP isn't a quadriplegic NEET who isn't morbidly obese with skin dripping of KFC grease

>mfw I might be right

Try being the same thing at 40

ill hug you, i'm a guy though, it wont be gay, i promise

ok that is a possibility but for the most part people are just lazy

Legend has it that if you hold on to your virginity long enough you gain magical powers, my chances are ruined but OP you have the opportunity to gain unrivaled magical powers. Forget women and wait for your powers

post more of her


You are looking for something deeper? That's a whole other issue. Get a fat chick, they are usually the easiest and likely to love you for who you are rather than your wallet

Not OP but this makes me feel good

and fat chick will let you raw dog

>had a kiss
that hurts me
i'm going to.
i could have all the money in the world and it wouldn't matter
no but i'm pretty fucking ugly anyways.
can't do it, tried really fucking hard.
i've worked for years, i've made money.

You have any friends? The kind of friends that like going out?

alright user post a pic how unfuckable are you

you want a hug? i can give you a hug too

Post a picture, OP. Please.

Are you also ugly?

i'm sorry
you probably wouldn't.
rather be an hero than a wizard
she's all over mless
no they hate me just as much
no i do not have a single friend.
fine idfc say whatever you want it doesn't hurt anymore

they smell like fish and pee,kill your kids for fun and screw you over. Who fucking needs em? get an onahole.

You have never had sex you have also never had to deal with:

* an abortion or paying for one

* giving HER an orgasm which can apparently only be given by black guys as she cucks you

*buying blood diamonds to have access to a slit that smells like a fish market.

*Her cooking you vegan food that tastes like shit.

*being forced to like feminism, under penalty of breaking up with you.

the list goes on. why bother?


you look like a fat young bam margera. work out and cut your hair youll be fine

Just work on your confidence and if you're overweight, start to do some cardio and lift on the side to get some muscles. If you're not overweight, just try to get built. Also, if you have a sister or something like that, talk to her about it as stupid as that sounds. I let a close female relative come to the barber shop with me and tell the barber how to cut my hair/facial hair once and it changed how women treated me a lot.


Bitch you got the fine ass pussy

wear a free hugs tshirt, guaranteed you'll eventually get a hug

You look fine. I'm sure someone would kiss you. Grow a pair.

>tfw you can't even get fat chicks

Nothing wrong with your face. Lose some weight and you'd be conventionally attractive, confidence will follow. Find/create a realistic workout plan and stick to it.

You have to be happy with yourself before you can be happy with someone else.

I know, easier said than done. But you only get one chance at life, why not do your best. To be honest if you got skinny and got a decent haircut i think you would do just fine.

Again easier said than done. It's still possible. You can either be a faggot and kys, or make a difference in your life. Your call.

Yes you are a little on the big side but you are fine. I feel you have very low self-esteem. That's what bringing you down more than your looks. You need to change that about yourself before you can proceed. Self doubt is never attractive and drives people away

getting a woman or a man to do something with is easy using the internet and kink sites.

finding love isn't.

do you really wan't to nut bareback inside this THING?

sure she lets you do it without a condom, but everyone has hpv according to her and every 3 months she puts a baby in a trash can.

c'mon man you're better than that.

Riley? is that you?

I agree with user on the confidence, bitches get wet for confidence. It's not even the weight that's the issue. Sure it adds points but being able to even talk to one is where you need to start my guy.

Stop complaining, go to the gym and work on your fitness, further your education whether it's school or just reading or learning a craft, eat healthy, be a good man to your fellow men. Women will flock to you.

Fuck you, dude.
I was really expecting some nasty unfuckable piece of smelly shit neck beard and this is what I get?

I can literally think of two girls whom I know personally know that would fuck you based on looks alone right now.

>7/10 if you lost weight
>Sitting steady at 5 right now

Op either ur not trying or ur not trying cuz there's more sluts in the world than ever before and if ur ugly there's someone just as ugly willing to fuck

Ya pussy. Hit the fucking gym eat decently for a solid year. Get a grown man haircut and stop being beta fag whiny bitch it's not hard

Yeah, just lose weight, cut your hair (if you're seriously 27 why do you have s child's haircut), and stop being autismo

Also stop posting pictures of yourself with tears in your eyes on Sup Forums
That's so beta

Honestly, google Zyzz and start going on /fit/. Maybe you'll find some inspiration

Don't be a sad cunt
Be a sick cunt like me

zyzz fucked endless women and reached heights OP will never touch and he died much earlier than OP has already lived.

You're that way because you're a fucking loser and have created this thread for the 500th time. Get off of Sup Forums and the internet then you might accomplish what you claim you want


Like Castiglione's "l'uomo universale," attaining the Zyzz is not necessarily possible, but it's something to strive for.
We all got a little Zyzz in us brah

Dude its over rated. Here feel better im spend xmas alonen. With hope i wont have to talk to anyone this yr

I'll give you excellent odds that you'll feel like shit afterwards, though.

I must be a defective human because I'm 23 and kiss-less virgin but it doesn't bother me at all. I love life and couldn't give a fuck about it. OP you need a hobby or void filler or something.

Is this a meme (like the Sam Hyde shit)? I've seen this pic posted on plenty past threads before. all the same "hurhur fat ugly loser virgin" shit.

dude i will literally talk to girls online for you, catfish style

demonic trips checked, but this is all girl-dependent. If you find a gf who isn't literal shit, these things simply will not happen.

Trust me OP, you are not missing anything. The amount of grief you get is almost not even worth the booty. I was married for 12 years. Bitch left me, took the kid and blew nearly 500k over 3 years. I am an Army vet and have working as a security contractor since 2008. Now I am pushing 40 and broke. Trust me man, focus on career and never give anyone access to your bank account.

hang in there for just a few more years OP. Virtual reality will soon be indistinguishable from real reality. You can fuck all the girls in the world one after another if you want. Until then, just get drunk a lot.

go for it
it's all i have

You have chad potential, if you work your ass off in the gym and get a fuckton of sunlight.
And probably improve your diet.
There's nothing fundamentally wrong with the structure of your face, it's just that there's too much fat on it.

nigger, that had better not actually be you. If that is, you're not actually ugly at all. (Jesus Christ.) Self-confidence is all you need.

if this is you, or if this resembles you, then you are FINE. so many people are worse off and still fuck gals.

do you play music? get really good at it.
are you a businessman? get really good at it.
do you write?
do you excercise?
get really good at it.

a wise person once told me, think about getting girls and you'll not get 'em, but work on improving yourself FOR YOURSELF and focus on what you love, and girls will come.

it's true, bro. keep the faith.

>i can't even pay girls to hug me, i tried.

who the fuck wants to hug a guy trying to pay people to hug him.

jesus christ. do you even leave your home?

this thread is definitely a meme/bait.
i have seen this guys pics for maybe a whole year already.

always the same shit.

if its real then comon dude. complaining for a whole year straight? u could have been exercising or actually fucking doing something to change your situation. but whatever. keep being a dumbass.

Want me to help you?

You're not an asshole for wanting to kill yourself. But you're lying to yourself if you want to do it because you're a kissless virgin

Why are you alone?

Fucking ay, and here I thought I was a total loser. no job, no car, no life, no career goals, and Living off family members, yet I've kissed and hugged plenty of cunts.

Just go to a strip club you fuck nut.


I totally agree with you, OP

This is some pretty deep shit right here.

One who started posting completely conscious of the bait, who ultimately took a bite out of it in the end.

brah... i have banged 25+ girls (none hookers...) ... trust me on this one... it isnt that fantastic.... just hire a hooker..


just in case of the .0001% chance that this guy is serious. and only cuz i was already in the thread.

i usually ignore these threads since he starts off with his same dumb picture. sometimes he'll post one where hes crying.

Bro, those are beginner numbers. You got to bump that shit up!

Listen bud, ya blew it, okay?
There's no turning back from here.
You took the b8 m8.
Unfortunately, that was your f8

Feeling lonely sucks. I understand you OP. I ace any words of wisdom, just keep living, even if it's bad right now. You'll find something worth living for.

I met my first girl at 29, married her at 30. Now 33 still married.

The trick was getting past that $50k mark, everything went downhill from there

i will never stop trying to justify my appetite for b8


I'll be 31 in February. I've never hugged a girl or kissed or anything. I can't get a job because I'm afraid of going outside and I vomit when I talk to people. It could be worse.

not in that sense of the word. I meant everything rolled smoothly after.

Wifey is a serious 9/10 (not crazy enough to provide pictures, sorry), we fight all the time, but I've also increased my salary by $30k. She says she loves me and that's why she hasn't left, but I wonder how much of that is the lifestyle. I'm a short dude, 5'4, she is 5'5, pretty much outside the norm.

In Iraq and Afghanistan I was making 120-150k per year. Trust me, you meet the wrong girl that shit can be gone in the blink of an eye. Now I am working in section 8 housing as a security guard. Bitch filed a false police report and cost me my clearance. Now I can't get a contract to save my life. I am about womened out. Haven't seen my son in over a year. Bitch cost me a 15 year career.

oh trust me I fear something like that, like I said in we do fight all the time.

sorry about your loss bro.

I know... only stopped being a pussy 3 years ago.. and 1 of those had a cunt gf who was a 6/10 at best... now i only go 8+

I think I am the old man of this thread. I am almost 40. I had my man whore days. At some point I quit giving a fuck. I live in a college town, the amount of available pussy here is insane. Its just not worth it to me anymore. OP cries about not touching a woman. I wish I had that issue. If I could go back in time I would have just stayed single.

BTW, my son is probably only a couple years then most of you. Guys, it gets better. Quit trying so hard. Get out of the house and meet people. It will come in time. Trying to force a relationship is about the worst thing you can do. Quit caring so much and the women will come naturally.

where do ya live?

Breh you are not ugly, just lose a few pounds and you'll have bitches getting wet over you.

I find it hard to believe that you don't have that much ambition. I lost weight because I worked a shit ton of hours (made fuck tons of money since I had no qt around) lost weight, grew facial hair and had bitches getting wet.

You can do it too.

(get a job in public safety if you want bitches fawning over you, seriously)

This and /thread/


now it's /thread

This comes from the heart, Sup Forumsros; I'm gonna tell you guys how to get girls:

Don't worry about getting a girl.

Start off with direction in your life. What are your interests? Where and how do your interests overlap with things that can actually result in monetary self-sustainment?

Study. Find subjects that interest you, along with things like accounting, finance, monetary management type shit, and study them for their own sake. Then, as your comprehension increases, look to adapt your lifestyle to these things.

Keep girls you find interesting on your radar, but don't get too close. For one, it's creepy; for two, it's just not how you get people to tolerate you. Talk to them occasionally, but only when you have shit to actually say. Don't try to strike up conversation about nothing.

Moreover, be okay with not every one of them talking back. Sometimes they don't have time; sometimes, they just don't give a shit; sometimes, you appeared at a weird time in their life and you got lost in the shuffle. Be okay with that.

Look after your health, both physical and mental. Physical is most important; it bleeds over to mental, first of all, and it opens up possibilities for you to do tons of things. You need to be physically fit. I don't care if you're about weightlifting or calisthenics or gymnastics or w/e, but I'd recommend some marriage of weight training and movement training. Keep yourself capable of learning and developing new physical skills.

Take time to build relationships. You need to vet a chick these days, for numerous reasons (not just because of that feminist crap, also because a good chick is worth the wait of making sure she's worth being around and doesn't treat her men like shite).

On that note, study psychology, to some extent. Learn what movements are indicative of stress, what behaviors are indicative of dislike, indicative of affection, indicative of lies, etc. If you want, point a few of these out to people with whom you're talking (1)

honestly seen much worse, work on your personality. Get girls to laugh and its a sure way to get closer, the funnier you are the better your chances. When women get older they want people who they can have fun with anywhere they go. Looks and sparks will fade in a relationship but personality is what sticks with you.

samefagging this hard

Pointing out behavioral shit like that shows you're paying attention and shows her how you're interpreting her movements and words. Don't assume her behavior belies some mindset, just state that touching hair is indicative of a stressful subject being brought up. Keep open the "why," because the why is the one thing you can't fill in.

Keep a decent work-life balance. When it gets out of whack, you experience stress and you behave as if you're a cornered animal; you lash out. People can see this in your eyes, trust me. I've been there and I've seen numerous people there, and it always looks like a cornered animal, but the emotion's on the backburner.

Anyways, I've covered, what, mental health, goals, physical health, interpersonal interaction, work-life balance, right?

Women come to you when you have all the traits of a person who has their shit together. That's why they like assertive people; they know what they want and they take efforts to get it.

Most importantly, you need to be your own major priority.

When I say that, I don't mean that you need to think, "Fuck everybody else, I'm the only person I care about." I mean that you're the only one you can count on to take care of yourself, and if anybody in this world truly cares about you, they want you to become the greatest you you can be. You should want this of those for whom you care, as well. Thus, you are your first priority, and others can be second or third or whatever, but your well-being must come mainly from your actions, and you should encourage those around you to take similar pursuits for themselves.

mah nigga

cute chick, though. Would slam her face into a brick wall gently as I roughly fucked her in an alleyway.