Need to make something like this

Need to make something like this.
How the fuck do I cut a teacup in half without it blowing to pieces?
Tried a dremel on one, didn't work out well

bandsaw, faggot

>Tried a dremel on one, didn't work out well
why? learn to dremel.


>Take a file and cut 2 adjacent grooves in the rim
>take tooth floss and rub it back and forth between grooves like a nigger breaking out of prison
>enjoy half cup

Did you use the cutting wheel on the dremmel?

Waterjet. Or Dremel tool with thin cutoff wheel.

Was going to recommend this
Use bandsaw

The dremel should work. Try a less coarse wheel and go slower next time. Alternatively find a thicker cup.

buy a fucking transparent glass cup
want to drink heated glue particles or something?