What's the best, fastest, or easiest way you get laid in your town without paying an escort or prostitute?

What's the best, fastest, or easiest way you get laid in your town without paying an escort or prostitute?



Waitresses at bars over 30... for obvious reasons.

Go to local bar, buy a girl a drink.

by hiring an escort and not paying her, or going to your moms house

You ask out waitresses? That doesn't work for me. How handsome are you on a 10 scale?

4/10 guy here. I usually talk up fat chicks on pof. Or try to find drunk chicks at the bar.

Any latino guys here who get laid by white women?

I'm latino and have fucked exactly 51 women. 50 of them white. 1 Mexican. I usually find fatties on pof or milfs at hot springs when it's dark after hours.

Getting and 8-ball and hitting the dive bars.

Also: Rape.

I neeeever buy girls drinks in hopes to get laid. 100% of the time they accept the drink and stop talking to me. I literally go for chicks who are already drunk.