Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums
how exactly do you quit opiate?
what can i take to reduce the the withdwal?
I've been using gabapentin to reduce the withdrawal but it also kinda provide a bit of high and i can't get over the sensation which make me miss the opiate high again.
>pic related, trammies is the only kind of opiate i can get from pharm in my shitty third world country


OP foreal foreal FOR FUCKING REAL get yourself some Ibogaine. You can order it from iboga world. That shit saved my life.

Haven't looked back since.

I've lost way too many friends to opiates. Get yourself some fucking ibogaine and leave hell in your rear view mirror.

Nigger that's a opioid

just lay in bed for like 3 days. then the next week feel like shit. then never take opiates again.

i used to inject heroin and know all about it. you have to mentally hit bottom and realize its a lose-lose situation for you. theres no good outcome.

Tramadol is not an opiate. It does act in similar ways in similar parts of the brain but is not an opiate!

I've heard ibogaine is worse than heroine wtf

The good thing is tramadol is weak shit. I was prescribed dilaudid after surgery and I was so glad when I finished it because it was some strong stuff. Smoking weed will help you if you're suffering from withdrawals, gives a nice high, and doesn't make you feel like shit afterwards. If you aren't suffering from shakes, cold sweats, and constant vomiting then your body wasn't too physically addicted and you'll be okay. Try exercising or going to a sauna to sweat that shit out and drink a lot of water/Gatorade. Opiates can really take over your life man, try and stay away from them if you're the type to develop an addiction.

Opioid (semi-synthetic) is not equal to opiate.

Yes we have an opiate problem, I'm not belittling it