Im currently in my 6th month of my army training but I dont see my country planning of taking part in a war or smth...

Im currently in my 6th month of my army training but I dont see my country planning of taking part in a war or smth. What are some job alternatives I could choose to fight a war or a job with adrenaline overal.
So in this thread we discuss jobs with guns, alternative jobs (legal and illegal),army,guns.

Dude you could easly join those private contractors AND make 6 figures

you can always sell cucumbers.

They are active in middle east and do high profile bodyguard shit... You can go to the Ukraine...Africa... lotta places to be a merc

op just chilling in basement wanting to be hardcore i bet irl

im sure some top sniper comment will ensue in a minute kek

I want some mercenary jobs

You cant sign a Légion étrangère contract, they are constantly participating in wars.

Are they really??? Do you know any conflicts off the top of your head?

Cosovo, Iraq, Somali, Bosnia. And many semi-secret operations in African France ex-colonies.

Private contractors protecting ships from pirates

I wonder how much they get paid. Are they an actualy government force or mercenaries?


They are official French government force. 1200-1350 euros depending on rank.

what is the point of those back pouches?

They don't seem very practical. What can they hold, and how would you access them?


Local police for your country

Private military contracting, but you probably won't be able to get a job as you've never seen war and don't have the accolades

What country are you in?

For the squad when they need ammo

Go be a heartless samurai mercenary in japan. Then slowly fall in love with a beautiful "girl next door". Then fight an epic battle for the faction that the girl belongs to girl and die in the process confirming that you have come to the good side.

So basically kys plz

What are these contractors ? Where can I find
some info online?
Im at grannys home not basement tho. As for the sniper part no i am not. My speciallization is on 81mm Mortar
That is not the same as my gear but I would suppose its for ammo as usually around your belly you have to have your ammo for quick access.
I've heard that the trainning there is one of the hardest (which is kiiiinda discouraging) but the worst part is that you sign a 6 years contract from what i've been told.
That would be something. Free trips are also a plus.
Im training in Cyprus but basically Im in the greek army. Police wouldnt interest me as to be honest no job at all like that. Wouldnt have any adventure at all.

pretty much.

and btw I really wanna see how will I react in the chaos of war. Will I bitch out and cry or man up? A semi decent wage would be perfect for me to try. If you can find me something I can regularly post and update stuff

It is 5 year contract, and that's quite common period for army contractors. And they offer several benefits afterwards like french citizenship after 3 years. and a pension.

Just my opinion but my experiences with contracting haven't been great. No real consistency with work. It's better now since my old OC set up his own company but most people I know that have done contracting aren't fans- most of the time it's living from job to job

The Legion is first in wherever France needs a war to be fought or a conflict to be handled, if you join you will undoubtable see combat in Africa, the middle east, whatever godforsaken place France deems worthy of legionaires lives.

What would you suggest in a 21 y/o guy that im naturally fit and athletic who starves for action and learns pretty much easily.

You won't have very many options, I would just go through the ranks in the army. You won't have very many options available, especially as indirectfire infantry.

I don't think the Greeks go to war so it's gonna be difficult to get a job after your contract is over with.

Most private contracting is done in the EU or US so you would have to travel, and it's hard if you don't have any experience

Good luck

Sorry to hijack, in the same boat as you OP to an extent; although not in the armed forces.

Does anyone know if prior criminal history will bar me from getting into the defence force or police force?

>edgy adrenaline

Get into Blackwater if you're not a total retard, ISIS if you are.

Depends on your countries restrictions.

US law enforcement requires you don't have any felonies and sexual misconducts

Lol. With 6 months experience.

They don't need just any fucking boot like OP. Most of those guys are from elite units. SAS, seals, the legion, devgru and so forth.

Id say op could get a night watchman's job guarding a factory or something.

Yeah you could become a armed guard somewhere, that shits always in demand.

I'm an Australian.

Would relate to some experimental drug use and criminal damage, other than that clean.

The life in greek army is B O R I N G. We have shit gear, shit training its basically a more serious high school. With like 8 years of experience I would get around 1,5k euros/month
for practically just getting my arse up and go to the camp for like 6-8 hours to just tell people what to do. This is not something I could handle mentally. I would die out of boredom until I empty a mag on someone.
I've heard the legion recruits without looking background.
So your point is more training is required right?
You know that from experience or what
Also what are some places that would take me in for training without a payment

OP here

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

1. Man, if going to camp for like 6-8 hours to just tell people what to do is not something you could handle mentally - I would strongly suggest that you avoid any combat activity - you will not survive.

2. You say you would die out of boredom until I empty a mag on someone - that someone would probably be some unarmed CIV - drop it man..

Not sure how Australian police preform background checks and what the requirements would be.

I was required to pass a lie detector test and they asked weird questions, and drug questions too

I haven't done any drugs since sophomore year of highschool and I still had to mention it because I was under oath

I'd look up the main police website of your city. It's much easier to become a sheriff than a city police officer. Or if you have a very small city, they let just about anyone on.

That doesn't seem so bad, you have structure in your life. Plus you get paid to run around.

I'm not sure how private industry security works in Greece, but that's what most retired military and police go to after they get out

Well you can always go and kill the cops

>6th month of my army training

Clearly you're not Infantry. Which is good, seeing as how you're a coward piece of shit. Try Kinkos or a fucking carwash, you turd.

I am actually and next to the buffer zone at cyprus

OP, I'm in the same boat as you. I need that action in my life, i bleed for it. My life right now seems meaningless and all I do is fantasize about going into battle and reading war books. When you join the adf, can you get a guarantee that you will be put in infantry?

Then you need to quit. You have zero business being even remotely associated with the armed forces. You are actively looking for a way to get out of doing your duty. You are a true piece of feces. As a Veteran, you disgust me.