What was his probIem?

What was his probIem?

Entitlement issues

he never watched anime so the virgin frustration pilled up until he blew instead of just drifting out of his body every time he jacks off

No friends
No girlfriend
No job


resentful virginity


He played videogames once

Brain damage

he was half asian

He was too brilliant for this repulsive world

He knew too much about the true nature of women and he realized we should strip them of the privileges we allow them, remember women aren't people/men and therefore they have no rights, we actively allow them to pretend they have them and that needs to stop. They've taken advantage of what we give them and they're nibbling at the hand that feeds them.
He was right.

pictures of a korean am/wf sent him over the edge

Molymeme made a video about it. I don't normally like Molymeme, but he doesn't seem too bad in his video about it.

Didn't he write in his manifest that he could hear his sister getting railed every night in the room next door?

Also both his parents supposedly ostracized him after he turned 18.

idk but it has permanently fucked my race's reputation on 4chin forever. even keanu reeves cannot undue the damage.

your race never had any reputations to begin with, mutt boy

He was obsessed with trying to get tall, picturesque blonde bombshells when there were plenty of asian women who would've given him the time of day

true that. sort of a good thing, spider man

hapas need to be gassed though

haven't had a person fart near me in quite a while

>t. Huan Yubert, Canadian nationalist

no gf

Some people are just cunts, he happened to be raised in the perfect environment to cultivate his cuntish nature.

He was a sick person produced by a sick society. I am not MGTOW nor I don't particularly hate women, but I personally do not blame Elliot for turning out the way he did, considering how much he was bullied and had no one to stand up for him.

if you read his manifesto he wasn't even bullied that hard, mostly just ignored. all he did was play WoW and go crazy in his head

I have read his manifesto, and most of his problems were related to the fact he was obsessed with "wanting to be cool", which seemed really superficial, but in a Molymeme vid I also heard he was physically bullied pretty hard few times. I really don't know how he got from that point to the point where he says at the end of the manifesto that all women should be made into slaves because their nature is to be degenerate whores.

Hapa identity crisis. Nothing new.

He didn't go back to his homeland Malaysia.

No, he's Bong. Mother migrated to UK and became citizen.

the future of the west you're looking at it pussy ass cracker

And that's why he's half crazy. If he were to stay here, he wouldn't be treated badly. And guns are hard to get.

he didn't direct his bitterness and resentment towards developing a useful skill.

Could someone photoshop his cup so its triple the size good grief ahahahahahaha

He had no problem. The world has.

He was well within his rights to do what he did