Good Morning Sup Forums users!

Good Morning Sup Forums users!

I am a tumblr user, genderfluid and otherkin (also proud vegan)
Your site generates a lot of hatred. Stop the hateful speech, the sexism and racism, islamophobia or else we will protest to remove Sup Forums.

This is a real threat, take it seriously!
You have been warned!

Ps don't bother to try and hack me because I just purchased mcafee 2017 edition with maximum protection!


It's too early for cringe

Please go back to >>>/LGBT/



Please don't associate that filth with /lgbt/

obvious bait is obvious


Question for you, why are you trying to limit freedom of speech? Only because someone has a different opinion than you doesn't mean you can just suppress us.

I happen to think incest should be OK even if she is underaged.

tits or gtfo