Ask a 33 year old kissless virgin anything.
Ask a 33 year old kissless virgin anything
Other urls found in this thread:
What was your first kiss like?
uh I'm good
Have you had vaginal sex
How many chicks have you banged?
C'mon. I know you want it.
Something something your mom
are you NEET?
have you ever considered suicide as an option
Working in a supermarket. So not exactly.
Where was that fat and mealy-mouthed old man I used to call daddy when the merry-go-round broke down?
What color and pattern are your robe and wizard hat?
Did you go for a wand, staff, or hand gestures in order to cast?
How many in a baker's dozen?
Are those fucking pivot stick figures? Oh my god thats some nostalgia
How long until you start taking cock?
Have you held hands with a girl?
Getting cigs?
Staff or bust.
Why don't you eat healthy, seek emotional help, and read books to further your personal growth? oooops i mean, lol how many cloaks do you have fag?
Why does daddy hit mummy?
I would give cock if you are interested.
>ask a loser anything
More like look at this pathetic ugly nigger.
>just beeeeee urself dude!
Hooker >>>
answer this one tough guy
>Why don't you eat healthy, seek emotional help, and read books to further your personal growth?
Just be gay at this point, at least you'll get some sex
>Why don't you eat healthy, seek emotional help, and read books to further your personal growth?
What fucking books should I read? Also, my diet is beyond criticism.
>oooops i mean, lol how many cloaks do you have fag?
My whole fucking wardrobe is full since I exclusively wear cloaks. No pants and shit.
How fat r u?
What chronic disease do u have?
Do u have a shitty beard?
You didn't address one, go on. I want to hear you say that you can't help it and that you're gonna be this way and that there's nothing you can do about it.
Why not pay a whore?
that's the angle you're going for right? Does it serve you well?
Ever tasted your own shit?
Ever grabbed your best friend by the nuts and accidently blown your load but it's not gay or anything?
>How fat r u?
180 cm. 75 kg.
>What chronic disease do u have?
>Do u have a shitty beard?
Clean shaven as fuck. Couldn't even grow anything resembling a beard.
>You didn't address one, go on.
I get emotional help from Sup Forums and the liquor store. Went to a psychologist once - what a waste of time.
>best friend
What do you think I am? Some social butterfly.
weight and occupation?
Ever consider being a coke dealer and having a hot cokehead fuck you for drugs?
Wow, sounds like you try real hard. If you don't have the ambition to fix your life and work hard to achieve what you want then at least have the diginity to stop complaining
So u r tall, thinn, clean shaven and bleed out your ass all the time? Dude u were born t be gay
You are an animal, you aren't deserving of anything inherently, what you want you have to work for, sex is not a right - it's a perk
How big is your dick?
word to that, looks like i'm gonna have to impegnate a lot of white women with my white babies to make up for these people
75 kg. Shelf stocker in a supermarket.
>getting murdered by junkies and gang bangers
>If you don't have the ambition to fix your life
I don't even have an idea how to fix my life. It's fucking overwhelming me.
That's worth a kek.
15 cm.
Would you rather fuck a butterface or a fat girl? Or maybe you would just prefer staying a virgin fagget?
Join a carnival, be a ride jock. Most hires are instant.
You'll work 100+ hours a week.
For 5$ or so /hr likely
You'll starve sometimes.
You'll freeze, sweat, soak, and burn working in any and all weather. The show must go on.
You'll gain an enemy or two most likely, every new carnie does.
You'll lift steel and fiberglass until you can't lift your body into your bunk.
You'll work a 35 hour shift at the end of every work week, without sleep, without breaks; where you start the day at 9 am, running a carnival ride and thousands of unruly kids and adults through a potential spinning death puzzle that you put together, until about midnight (with a half hour break every 2-3 hours when things are going straight) after which you close the show. You'll go directly to work after running a show all day, to tear down and package an entire small village of massive steel toys, food stands, and attractions into a small convoy of box trucks and semi trailers; pushing your muscles and stamina to their limits.
Your body will break.
...And then it will heal.
You'll start growing muscle you thought you'd never have. You'll gain octaves of testicular fortitude in a voice that over time barks; forgetting how to beg.
You'll whine less, and you'll stop worrying about pointless shit like how others think of you.
Stick with it, and 1 season of slinging steel and building the show will transform you into the budding incarnation of a FUCKING MAN you've always wanted to be. You'll work twice as hard as 95% of the people you will meet throughout your entire life, for what basically amounts to pocket scraps and cigarette butts.
But it's not about the money. The money just makes it worth the blood, sweat, jizz, and tears. It's really about walking into 711 after a full night of breaking down carnival rides, when you're covered from head to toe in dirt, rust, and open gear grease, looking homeless, swole as fuck, tougher than a fisherman, and buying a beer with a crisp 100$ bill.
Why haven't you an heroed yet?
Would consider that girl in the pic average looking with a great body. All I want.
Dude, people like you get given so much, so much energy, so much advice and you always waste it all . But for some reason, I'm gonna give you one last tip and even though you won't follow it, you're just gonna get drunk and self pity and go on this site i'll tell you anway, got to a fucking councellor thats literally all you have to do - go to every single one you need to until you find a good one. Peace. I can assure you i've been in more stress then you have, I have been in more trauma then you have and I have a much better life. This is why.
What the hell did I just read
Lol fagit
>I have been in more trauma then you have
How come?
Or he'll get raped and shanked by a gypsy for half a tube of toothpaste.
>being this ignorant about dealing drugs
Look at what happened to me!
I am. I am.
I've kissed two people without meaning it just so I wouldn't be you.
Now I probably have herpes.
haha yeah lots of women are dying to marry carnies
>this idiot
penis had to grow legs to get pussy by himself?
>Now I probably have herpes.
I have herpes anyway.
Best of luck with the wimmins. Just remember a lot of them are bitches. That's just how it works i guess. Dunno if the bitchiness dies down with age. I'm sure there's someone for you out there. Are you dating or going to parties, nightclubs etc?
>Are you dating or going to parties, nightclubs etc?
I used to go to nightclubs and parties, now I mainly go to bars. Never dated anyone.
>What fucking books should I read?
How to Make Friends and Influence People.
People only care about themselves. If you want people to like you, you have to pretend they are the most interesting and fascinating thing in the world. It's an empty shallow existence that requires you to become a complete phony, but it will get you some pussy.
you stupid fucking faggot stop making this cancerous thread every fucking day no one with a fucking brain gives a shit about women and the more you sensationalize something as pathetic and disgusting as sex and whores the more you're letting those stupid filthy whores win
Thanks, will look into it.
Might get lucky in a bar. The trick is to never give up. Otherwise you'll never get laid or find someone you love. Unless you like selling yourself to lepers who are into fisting on craigslist
Leepers who are into fisting doesn't sound too bad.
Similar situation for me, I have never had a GF but have slept with a few girls.
I want a relationship but the only advice I get pretend to be someone else. Or they explain how they trick women into sleeping with them.
>Is there anyone else out there not just looking for the next bitch to fuck?
Seriously, pussy is pussy. I don't want to play games trying to beat the high scores of others.
>but have slept with a few girls.
OP here. How have you managed?
fucking thread/