Fluffy Thread
No hellgremlins please.
Fluffy Thread
No hellgremlins please.
Don't you just wanna kick it in its fat stupid belly?
Never would have guessed that this game had a realistic anatomical model.
Good to see you again, user.
Wy ota hoomins nu pway with fwuffies?
Does anyone have the comic about a cautionary tale in fluff-tv with the line "The poopies were so bad that his poopy-place exploded"?
While we're making requests, does anyone have Citizen's story?
Only when I hear it start yelling, "Nu huwt fwuffy! Wun weggies, wun!"
Walking in the local park one as per my usual routine because im ashamed of my fat ass and i need to start weightloss somewhere.
Been goin for an hour on longest trail there. Made about 2 1/2 miles. Trail is full 5. End and back is 10 miles which is my goal every night. i hear some kid crying. inner good samaritan activates. run to the source of the voice
see nothing
Kid crys again
Go that direction still nothing. Hear again keep following crash thru underbrush. break out in time to stop myself falling 300ft to shallow creek and death.
>dummeh hoomin faww!
>gon git sowy hoofsies den yu faww!
Feel slight nudging at calves. Turn look down see tan colored fluffy trying to kick me over the edge!
>hey what the hell?
>dummeh hoomins make funneh noisies wen faww den dey cwunch!
>bestes hoomins cwy moe wn dey faww.
That explains the rash of falling deaths in the park over the past year.
>so, been giving people forever sleepies?
>YUS am smawt fwuffy.
>dumme hoomins fink fwuffy am bebbeh hoomin an twy sabe fwuffy, wai yu nu faww!!!
Fluffy bucking my leg more intently. feels like gentle massage.
reach down pick it up.
>yay upsies!
>be nyu daddeh!?
>no you tried to kill me.
>das otay was gon twy an kiww yu an take nice howsie innyway.
>yus. Bu now yu gon git sowwy poopsies.
In a flash fluffy raises its tail and bites my hand to turn its ass toward me. I sidestep pull out lighter faster than it moves. light it as fluffy sprays shit at flame.
(Sidenote. Fluffy shit is very flammable and can serve as a source of fuel for energy production)
The shit hits flame and ignites like rocket fuel singes my arm rockets fluffy skyward over ravine fluffy screams as its flight archs gracefully out over the water
fluffy screams on its way down to the water and crunches as it hits the stream.
continue my walk exhilerated by the experience.
Called cops to explain i solved the mystery.
Then thank me for my service to the community that was that.
Everything went better than expected
So, Mintfag here. Gave myself an idea last thread that I'm working on. Probably won't be anywhere near done by the end of this thread, but I'll give a teaser.
>Driving home from fluffy store
>Big box in back seat
>Chirps of "Wuv nyu daddeh!" and "Fwyffy su happy!" coming from box
>Get home
>Take box inside
>Kneel down
>Tip box over
>Shit-tier feeders fall out
>Tons of them
>The whole stock
>A few make owchie sounds, but most take it okay
>Fluffies start to look around
>In a bare room, just them, me, box they came in and two more boxes, with a ramp leading up to each
>Stand back up
>"Welcome home! First we need to get you sorted."
>"If you have hurties, bad poopies or are smarty, then get in the box on the left."
>"The rest of you, get in the box on the right."
>Fluffies start to sort themselves out, few siblings hugging each other before going to opposite boxes
>Help a few fluffies with broken legs into box on left
>Once all fluffies sorted, pick up leftside box and walk out of room
>"Okay, fluffies, we're going to get you all pretty for your new home, okay?"
>Chorus of happy replies
>Get to destination
>"Here we go!"
>Pour fluffies into pot on stovetop
>Inch of water in the bottom
>Fluffies start complaining about wawa
>"Don't worry..."
>Put on respirator
>"Everything will be fine."
>Add hydrogen cyanide pellets
Whewe babbehs go?
*spoilers* I'm conducting a re-enactment of Auschwitz
That one was funny as fuck, but my fave will always be "The Poopies Dat No Stay in da Wittwebox"
Auchwitz? Nyu housie, nummies, huggies and wuv? Babbeh wan go Auchwitz!
And I'm actually putting some real fucking research into this thing, too. Order of horrible things, daily routine, diet, death rate, you name it.
Hope someone makes my "smarty is rehabilitated through actual love" idea come to light from the last thread. Would be an interesting concept. pic someone related
I want to give him huggies and love.
But babbehs no fow owwies, babbehs awe fow huggies and wuv!!
I love that story, and would definitely watch flufftv for shows like this!
ok, retard
We need more smarty justice
If there are any artists around, I'd like to request a picture with a sound effect "BUMP!" as an RC car bumps a fluffy in the special-lumps.
There's already one out there of a fluffy getting a hammer to the head with a bump sound effect.
I already have that one. :)
that thing is probably way stronger than a fluffy...
I spy a Fluffershy enfie toy.
Sooo,.... are those for fluffies, or people?
kill that shit
What's wrong with Fluffyshy?
$40.00? For an enfie pal? Why the hell not make your own?
Probably includes the price of spaying
fluffies I would assume...
I don't think they spay
Different products, but who fuckin' knows. I've seen enough comics about cave explorer to know that somebody out there would buy one for himself.
Kek good story
wtf is wrong with you people? this is the stupidest shit ever.
Seriously, kys
this happens every thread...
Found it!