Shitty things during sex I'll start

Shitty things during sex I'll start.

>About to go down on a girl and get a faint smell of piss.

>Hitting her from the back only to see she either doesn't shave her asshole or just sucked at it

>Working on getting that throbbing erection, only made more difficult by a shitty blowjob.

What's your biggest annoyance Sup Forumsrothers

I'm not gonna lie, I like a little bit of girl fuzz around the butthole.

that my dick dont work right

You think your dick doesn't smell at all ?

And you think a girl likes inhaling sweaty ass and pube stank as she blows you?

Lol kiddo welcome to reality life isn't a porn

>about to nut and she says "Don't cum inside"

Happened to me once, didn't end up cumming at all. Completely ruined my boner. Wasn't planning on it.


Who gives a fuck about some ass fur? Nice trips though.

You and your pathetic thread.

>implying you're having sex right now
>implying you'd ever have sex at all
>implying you're not going to grow old and become a wizard


>getting a whiff of shit during doggy style

>damaged goods that lie there like dead fish
>creepy enough to kill boner
>make up excuse about being impotent because she'd prolly try to kill herself if told the truth