>Being white but not supporting White Pride
Explain yourself
Being white but not supporting White Pride
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what's there to be prideful of? not much when you think about it
I have my own achievements to be proud of, don't need to hang on the coattails of others.
wetback pussy tastes better than white pussy.
le leni faec
I'm white, and I hate White Supremacy/White Pride.
I don't support it because I believe you shouldn't be proud of something you cannot control, all it does it breed ignorance and hate, if we were all the same color we would have already been years ahead of where we are today. Racist thoughts and pride are only detrimental to society as a whole.That being said, I do support BLM and destroying the private prison system that ends up destroying the lives of America's working poor. When were talking about crime and the African American and Latino groups they are disproportionately effected due Jim Crow and Reconstruction after the slaves were free. Because you see after the slave were freed, the South couldn't find any labor, so they just made ridiculous laws the effected the poor, and mainly the African American community, laws such as loitering, and soliciting. Those laws are still around today, and being a poor citizen of the United States, I support equal rights for all, regardless of color. At the end of the day, it's an issue of class, not race.
Racism is only a distraction from the Classist society meant to keep the poor, poor, and the rich, richer.
Classist? Fuck off marxist shithead. Failure boy.
>I do support BLM
Well then feel free to kill yourself .
and do it in a painful way.
in public.
i support individualism and individual achievement. To separate people by class, color, income or any other communitarian faggotry is socialism