Basically I fucked up at work. I'm probably going to be charged with breaking and entering, destruction of property...

Basically I fucked up at work. I'm probably going to be charged with breaking and entering, destruction of property, theft, and a few other things. This ruins my life as my whole goal in life was to become a State police officer.

So i'm debating if I should jump from a 4 story TV antenna mast on my house onto big rocks around a pond. Or if I should try another way. I'm dead fucking serious. Only if they try and charge me though, if they just decide to fire me and demand an apology, I won't. But if they try and press charges, i'm jumping.

I know its selfish to do that to my family. I just hope that I can go to heaven after begging forgiveness before the jump. Im going to try and go head first to either snap my neck or crush my skull. I hope it will be painless, but I guess its the no pussy way out because when I jump there is no turning back. Once I hit, i'm going to die, slow and painful or quick and painless.

I would say i'd take a video, but how would I upload it. So that wont happen.

I already talked to the suicide hotline, i'mm going to wait until I know if they are going to press charges.

Anyone think this wont work, and have a better idea? I don't have a big guns, drugs are out I have a weak stomach. And drowning is just to easy to react to primal survival instincts.

Jump faggot

There is no heaven.

There is no one to forgive you.

isn't there some kind of insurance for this?

No god so dont worry no hell, but just shoot yourself in the back of the head with your service weapon that shit'll kill you instantly. Peace love

>take a video but who would upload it

Livestream my nigger

Getting caught is the second biggest mistake you made, posting here is the biggest.

Just jump.

They don't insure ponds anymore... all the ducks you see

I would, but I haven't even made it to the academy, this fucks me before my career even begins.

At least do society a favour. Write a letter saying how u support Allah and hate the infidels. Then go blow some house up. Fill it with gas and then light a match. Make sure the state finds all the evidence.

This way the society will profit from your uselessness. The Allah monkeys will proclaim you their martyr. The media will cover you. You will be in your death, what you could never be in your life.