Would you be okay with your wife/gf wearing this out in public?

Would you be okay with your wife/gf wearing this out in public?


yea id be fine with it. I already make sure she wears skirts to make things easier when we are out and about. this dress would just make it more fun

Only if she is a master of martial arts and have cat like reflexes

do you know how much muslims walk here on our streets
she would be mass raped in a secound

That's the point bro. Any girl that wears this wants that.

Only if she suddenly got this attractive

Martial arts or heels pick one cant have both.


I love it when my GF looks hot in public. It makes me feel good seeing all the guys looking at her, yet she still goes home with me.

no tell her she is retarded.
Thats a nasicist who wants everyone jelous of her.
trust me i dated one.