i once fucked a 24 years old down syndrome girl that was really bad at coordinating her body moves and she was also unable to measure her strenght so it was basically 40 mins of a virgin down syndrome girl smashing my dick with her stone-hard ass while trying to look naughty by saying stuff like oh yes daddy oh fuck me donkey oh yeah oh give me that big funky cock but imagine all that with her voice.
she also asked me to hit her in the face with my dick several times. i did as she laughed. it didn't make her horny, she was just there having fun with my cock. i didn`t really enjoy it and now it seems like i developed some kind of curiosity about how would it be to have sex with every down syndrome girl i see on the street.

pic unrelated but might post related, still not sure if any of this is ok

Other urls found in this thread:



How the fuck do you even get turned on by a face like that?

How did you even get hard? I get flaccid when I smell the pussy I'm fucking, I couldn't stomach a retard

greentext + post pics.

>fucks a retard
>complains about her acting retarded


>give me that big funky cock

This thread again

how does this even happen?

also isnt this illegal? it seems like it almost qualifies as bestiality since she would have the iq of a chihuahua

find a better smelling pussy.

also checked.

we we're both kinda drunk and she was more social than most of her kind. she had my friendly attention all night until she started to talk about filthy stuff to me. i was shocked but as i listened to her it made me more and more horny. i was also thinking ok this might be a bad idea but hey, when will i ever have a chance like this again?

missed opportunity with the greentext, sad

post her actual pic please
I find this very arousing.

Find a clean girl faggot, last girl I fingered her pussy smelled delicious, I literally smelled my hand in front of her lmao

But how? How were you not alone? I figured most downies have to be accompanied by someone else so how did you even find her alone enough hours to have sex with her?

This wasn't worst sex of all time (it was actually really fucking good) but is somewhat relavent. I had a fwb for about 2 years that was a midget. She was honestly very attractive (for a midget). I met her through an ex gf. We'd smoke together regularly. After me and the girl broke up I continued smoking with her. She had a trampoline in her back yard. We'd get really stoned and jump on that mother fucker. It was really fucking funny to see that dwarf do back flips so I loved it. She had really big tits that I also enjoyed watching when we were on the trampoline. One day when we were alone just playing around, i tackled her. Right after that she grabbed my head and started kissing me. At first I was like "woah I'm kissing a midget, this is fucking weird". Then she started rubbing my dick... I then forced her down to my now hard cock and she started to slobber all over it. Literally the best head I had ever gotten.after a minute I picked her up and pulled her off the trampoline. I sat that hobbit down and got buck naked. She did the same. We fucked right there in her back yard in every position possible. She was fucking amazing. She knew exactly how to moved her disformed body and talked dirty like you wouldn't believe. After that I would go to her house everyday after school. Wed always go out and get some pot then fuck after we smoked a blunt. About 4 months after we first fucked she invited my ex over. My ex at the time was hooked on heroin. She let us try it. We fell in love with it. We began to regularly invited her over to buy shit off her. The hobbit talked this girl into fucking both of us one time when we were really doped up. I honestly preferred fucking the midgy alone. We did it a few more times until my ex OD'd at an Outback Stake house with her whole family there.

I am currently in the market to obtain mongoloid porn.

you must be.... so fucking ugly and/or socially retarded to go that low. I've known a lot of people and the only ones that bang uglies are not any better themselves, but never have I heard of a non-retard doing it with a downs. holy shit for humanity sake I hope this is made up.

top kek

That is my fantasy OP. I don't know what it is but I've always wanted to fuck a chick with downs. Figured it'd make me a sex offender or something though.

do you see a lot of downs grils on the street? I haven't seen any potato since high school tbh

Even if it is, why don't retards get to enjoy the same pleasures as the rest of us? Why should they be literally unable to have sex for their entire, possibly miserable lives? To deprive them of something so integral to the human experience seems wrong.

Once went on a date with a slow chick, was pretty sweet went to her place, fingered her pussy, asshole, haddd niiiiice boobs/tits. Oh yea I got a pic of her! Funny enough after dping every sort of foreplay, she didn't want to have sex, so I titty fucked her.

At the end she asked if I felt a connection I said "....nope" Kinda wish I did a 2nd date with her now lol.

If you say the same thing about children, most people will think you're fucked up.

>Fucking on opiates

Have fun not being able to cum.

Children grow up eventually and have normal sex, unlike fucking retards like you who are retarded forever

I never cum during sex anyways.

Downies are not THAT retarded

she was with some normal friends. i was with some friends too and we met that night and hanged out togheter all night so i guess i earned their trust so i said that i would take her to her home and then we fucked in my car

i have pedo fantasies (but i would never do it really), so i guess her child-like way of being was what made me so horny

why would you even want to fuck while on them

it was light-hearted, and then it got dark.

If they live a normal life, live alone, work, don't need someone to take care of them, I really don't think it would be unethical for them to fuck anyone they want.

>i have pedo fantasies (but i would never do it really), so i guess her child-like way of being was what made me so horny

... this might be the perfect solution.

Dam dude if that aint bate that's fucking awkward.

never really had an akward sex experience but ive fucked a lot of bitches at work sooo could share those stories..


Sounds a little like the downie's wrangler and OP's wrangler might be getting fired.

Heres another ;)

This. Cant even get a full sentence out properly let alone smash


> This is reality

A couple years ago I had sex with my sister. I was in the middle of the fap and she walked in on me. Immediately came over and started touching me. I never really wanted it but what kind of faggot says no. Fast forward a few minutes, she tries to ride me but my desk chair breaks with our combined weight and a shard of plastic embeds into my lower back. Quickly hid what we did and i went to the ER. Kinda glad i got out of it that easily.


Gotta check that shit muh nizz

Depends. Some downies have the IQ and morals of a 3 year old. Others are basically low-intelligence normies often exhibiting similar behaviours to autism.

I guess there's no real laws about it, but getting a downie who is willing to fuck and doesn't have a handler nearby is pretty fuckin rare.

I blogged about this exact same thing yesterday on www.fuckyourgod.org and I think you stole my post you fgt except I did a bunch of meth and fucked a dude with downs syndrome

how does that even happen?

Dude sex on heroin is the best. Sometimes I'll take an Addy or two with the heroin solely to fuck for a few hours.

>I get flaccid when I smell the pussy I'm fucking,


btw, nice dubs. 88, baby

post more hot retards
I can't believe I just typed that


Mixing heroin with amphetamine and having sex while on it seems like pretty fucking brutal combo for your heart. It's amazing that you can get hard like this though

wanted to get my sick ducked so I found a whore on craigslist. supercheap blow and go. as always in life, you get what you pay for. I figured how bad can she be?

When I called she asked me to bring her Burger King. Weird, but wtf.

I get there and she is so fucking hideious. Old. Fat. Incredibly ugly. I mean really really ugly. I have a high tolerance for ugly and she was fugly. No teeth. No hygeine. Not clean.

I gave her the Burger King and kept my $40 and left. She seemed really happy. I think it was pretty much just a BK scam.

So technically no sex, but man it was bad.

seek medical help

kek. trips checked the dubs.

>love it when that happens


Yeah its illegal. Theyre not legally able to confirm "consent."

willing to pay $40 for a bj w/o even asking for age
seek medical help

they can fuck other tards in much the same way animals fuck other animals.

there does not need to be one able minded person and one tard together


National Downs Syndrome Society says it's A-Okay


I fucking would man

Actually that was a problem at first. now I know if I take more than 20mgs of Addy I'll have a hard time getting hard. But heroin only helped me get hard.


Did not expect it to end that way


is that the actual definition of consent or the tumblr version of consent...

they can do the first one but not the second.

Fucked a girl from my HS in my truck. The smell was almost unbearable. She acted like she didn't even notice. I dropped her off at home. I had to wash my hands and dick in a muddy pothole because they smelled so bad. My uncle is a pediatrician and said a lot of young girls smell strong because of the hormones of adolescents. I have nightmares about that smell.


Her ass

like how slow? Like learning disabled, or just plain Tarded

Is that Kelly Osborne?

Actual definition. They legally cant commit crimes either.

Probably learning disabled, kinda autsitic probably, she had some job at a jcpenney in the back room, and lived on her own.

Also more!

I have an incest fetish, so my girlfriend role played as my sister, and it was great until she started crying because I "thought my sister was hotter than her". Stupid fucking cunt always made everything about her.

Once fucked my gf and she came so hard she shit herself- she couldn't look at me for days. Miss those days when she had some embarrassment, she'd do it now and wouldn't care.

thats kinda hot, did she make wierd monkey sounds when you fucked her?

Did she also have a bunch of stupid shit around her apartment, like beanie babies and such

its actually quite enjoyable on low dose and makes you last a bit longer

>monkey sounds
Fucking kek'd

A chick with spina bifida tried to Fuck me once. I was bored and she was sad so I took her some liquor and pornography. Well turns out she wants the d.. I'm an idiot of course she did. I was just trying to be nice. But part of my brain knew I think. Well I couldn't get hard because of the cat smell in her house so I faked an allergy attack so I could leave. She kept calling me to come back and get my porn. I told her to throw it away. I'm cringe worthy.

Tim is that you?

I fucking had this! "tell me your fantasy" then she used it against me. Fucking bitch, my fantasy then became 'smack bitch mouth'.

Dubs fails at Wincest.

She moanned at EVERYTHING even kissing, and yes lots of stuffed animals.

Would split this bitch in half with my cock

moar stories about you fucking her?

Yeah, it's the worst. Then later it's "Why don't you trust me"? Bitch I wonder

shes a fucking downie, they all have the same fucking face. The only diffrences are skin/hair/eye color you inept nigger

I honestly wonder if she got any gratification from it, or just did it because OP wanted to, or because it's what people are suppose to do.


>i once fucked a 24 years old down syndrome girl that was really bad at coordinating her body moves

What did you expect you asshat


post them pics faggot

I love her tits. got any of her butthole?


whole lotta shit in that post my based user. bravo.

when you say OD'd, did she died?

Doug Stanhope has a funny as fuck routine about fucking a midget. He said the weirdest thing was whenever he told his friends he fucked a midget they all paused and said "ummmm....... a GIRL midget?" He goes off in a hilarious way about "what makes you think fucking a midget would be what it takes to get me to cross the gender barrier to fuck a guy?" You had to be there. he's funny as shit.

>user, when you tell people you fucked a midget, do they ask you "you mean...... a..... GIRL midget?"



you still hook up with this girl OP?

How'd it start and how'd it end (if it did)


>spent all day moving furniture into then gf's new apartment
>was really tired
>gf made me eat her out
>made me keep going
>was so tired I was beyond even caring about what I was doing
>apparently I'm great at giving head despite that
>finally tells me "okay put it in"
>feels okay,pretty good. Missionary so it was sorta eh
>got insanely fussy about making sure I didn't go too slow or too fast
>was so tired I halfway didn't care
>switched to cowgirl two minutes in
>felt pretty fucking nice with her on top
>switched positions again two minutes in
>stood up and bent over on the bed
>my legs really hurt but I was like k I'll do it
>was so tired at this point and she wouldn't move her ass so I could stick it in without bending my legs down
>legs were jelly because I had moved ten boxes of her fucking clothes up three flights of stairs
>tried to find the hole and stick it in
>a minute of trying in she said "I'm tired let's try again later"
>went home, smoked kush looked up porn and jacked it
>felt 10x better than with her
>stopped putting any effort into the relationship
>waited another three weeks for her to dump me

Her handjobs were terrible two. Only blew me once and that was okay though I didn't cum.

And that's how I lost my virginity. I'm really fucking tired.

I stupidly at the time only wanted a one night stand, so at the end she asked if I felt a connection, I said no.
Look at her fb, shes been in a relationship since august, I tried to message her even before that, didn't respond. Glad I titty fucked her tho.
